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Ace Tools and Tool Bag

Started by mharling, July 27, 2015, 15:06:42

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Looking for photos of the tool bag (inside and out) for my '58 Ace.  It is my understanding, not necessarily correct, that they are black vinyl, but not sure as to the nature of the reverse or inside.  Also if anyone has a source for a reproduction - you might save me the efforts.
   Also trying to find a complete list of the tools originally supplied by the factory.

Robin A Woolmer

Go in the search tab & put in 'Ace Tool Tray' & you will see several pictures of tools for an Aceca I think Bristol engine car, but it should give some idea of tools supplied!


Here are some photos from Jonathan Parker of his (custom made)tool roll showing correct Garrington items,(except the battery isolator key!) and below that, the toolbag as supplied new with a one-owner 2.6 Ace!


Originally posted by Robin A Woolmer
Go in the search tab & put in 'Ace Tool Tray' & you will see several pictures of tools for an Aceca I think Bristol engine car, but it should give some idea of tools supplied!
Thanks for the suggestion.


Originally posted by nikbj68
Here are some photos from Jonathan Parker of his (custom made)tool roll showing correct Garrington items,(except the battery isolator key!) and below that, the toolbag as supplied new with a one-owner 2.6 Ace!
Photos are great - just what I need.  Thank you.

AC Ace Bristol

   Bertrand Leseur.
   Is proposing to have a batch of Authentic AC tool bags made for members of AC Club France and has emailed Tim Isles (Ace Registrar) and myself to sound out if any ACOC Club members in UK , USA or Europe would be interested in placing a order...[^]
   Have requested budget price from Bertrand, obviously the bigger the initial Batch order the cheaper per item..
   Please respond on this thread or better still please email Bertrand Leseur , his email and phone details are on page 52 of 2013 ACOC Membership List / Directory...[;)]
   In the meantime I will ask Bertrand to post a picture or two of sample along with budget price...


Keith, I'd be interested, depending on details, of course....
Peter B.


Keith, if you send to Germany I am in as well. It is for BEX 312. Thank you and merry Christmas Wilhelm


Keith I would be interested as well, BEX279.

BEX 288

   Me als well.

AC Ace Bristol

   I have requested more information pictures and budget price from Bertrand and confirmation that the items are correct in all  dimensions and material,  Not sure at present if they are 100% correct /authentic and or if they pictures  already posted on this  thread are the same or correct ..[?] awaiting confirmation...[;)]
   In the meantime I copy below the  latest email from Bertrand Leseur.
   .Bonsoir Keith ,
   Thank you Keith for your contribution , it is rather a Tool Bag than a Tool Roll .
   Fabien Sarrailh will send you some pictures of the prototype along with a Tool Kit that he will also offer .
   This will probably have to be directly ordered by the ACOC , invoiced and paid consequently by the Club .
   For other overseas orders (USA , Germany etc...) we shall see how we can handle that .
   This is the way the French AC Club  has agreed to proceed  .They already have ordered a set of 30 .
   I send this email to Tim for information .
   Amitiés .

   The next ACOC Council meeting is on Thursday 28th January 2016,  so we have time to view samples and establish quality and price, The email above confirms  orders for 30 pieces with AC Club France.
   If ACOC members show commitment I will discuss with Council and Bertrand how we finance our order/s . Usual practice has been to collect funds for individual orders and buy some for Regalia stock.
   Please note this is Bertrand Leseur and AC Club France initiative not one of mine, so payment almost certainly in Euro.
   Bertrand and I will keep you posted..[;)]


I need to post a correction to the photos shown above.
   The tool bag made of somewhat brownish material is actually from Charlie Wise's 1958 Ace Bristol.  Those photos were taken by Paul Staiger, which is why there is a mixup in the identification of late model 2.6 versus BEX.  Paul (2.6) took the pictures of Charlie's tool bag (BEX) while on a visit to Charlie's house last spring.  Hand in the picture is Paul's.
   These pictures have been passed on from owner to owner, hence a mixup in identification.


Posted on Keith`s behalf, with message from Fabien Sarrailh:
   The tool bag is in black synthetic leather, same material as the soft top and same dimensions and design as the original tool bag for AC ACE.
   We are doing some research regarding the original brown material. The black synthetic leather is stronger and this is why we have decided to use it for now, also better looking.
   The tools are new and equivalent than the original tools and I add an adjustable wrench and phillips screwdriver.
   Original tool bag were equipped with extra tools (cylinder head spanner, rear brake adjusting tool, brake bleeder, plug spanner, tommy bar, extra bonnet key) These are not included in our actual tool kit because they are very specific and reserved to the workshop.
   Here the list of the tools:
   - Thor copper / rawhide hammer size 1. Size 2 are the original but bigger and heavier.
   - Set of 4 whitworth spanners (same combinaison as original tools kit)
   - Plier
   - Adjustable wrench
   - Set of two wooden handle screwdrivers, slotted and phillips.
   We will keep you informed regarding our research on the original material.
   The price of the tool bag (without tools) is 125€.
   I will confirm the price of the tool kit, we need to know if members of the club are interested in the tools too.
   Thank you very much
   Do not hesitate to contact me.
   Kind regards
   Fabien SARRAILH
   ATS Le Mans
   AC & Cobra specialists

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for your email and pictures of your proposed AC Tool Bag,
   great initiative, looks really well made.
   Initial Interest shown from a few UK members and West Coast USA
   & Vancouver is very positive, However general conclusion is if investing 125 Euro in a tool bag it must be 100% correct in Dimensions, construction and material.
   Appreciate the black synthetic leather will last longer, but is it correct [?]... Club France have orders for 30 bags already,  Don't want to be negative but it costs the same to make it authentically correct than incorrect.
   Tim Isles will make contact on Monday with David Sanderson and a few others plus  his trimmer, Like wise I will speak to my trimmer on the off chance a more accurate / authentic material is available.
   Please don't be offended and take this Constructive criticism the wrong way, the time and effort put into this initiative by Bertrand, AC Club France and you is really appreciated. Many of the AC members especially the concourse guys, overemphasize Accuracy.
   If the initial batch is already in process of manufacture, maybe the next batch could be made in different material[?]
   Keith (on behalf of ACOC members In UK, Germany, USA and Canada)

AC Ace Bristol

   Phoned Tim Isles this afternoon, he has spoken to both Tony Bancroft and  and David Sanderson, neither know of a supplier of the correct material, neither have a sample bag.
   I made a visit today to  Mike Wheatley my Trimmer, (30 years experience with Aston Martin, Ferrari and various exotica) He hasn't seen the correct material for year's.  He can use synthetic leather and line with a hessian type material but looking at the pictures of the construction and material of  the French tool bag he suggests we sacrifice authenticity of material and go with the stronger more hard wearing option..[^]
   Good value and well constructed,  Marked down only on some of  stitching, But what would you expect when  a Craftsmen examines another's work..[?]
   If there is sufficient interest fro ACOC Members then I will propose ACOC order 10 / 15 or so  bags with AC Club France.  AC Club France will demand payment in advance , we would therefor request either a deposit or full payment with individual orders, will discuss at next ACOC Council meeting that ACOC finance our order then liaise with individual AC members .
   Please post interest on the Forum and I will ensure Bertrand  & AC Club France are kept up to date, please note , This is a Club France and Bertrand Leseur venture.. not ACOC  or Mine...[;)]