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AGM - 30 April

Started by administrator, March 28, 2015, 08:21:11

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AC Owners' Club Annual General Meeting 2015
   Notice is hereby given that the next Annual General Meeting of the AC Owners' Club Ltd. is to be held at the King's Head, 13 Westmoreland Street, London W1 on Thursday 30th April 2015 commencing at 7.30pm.
   Order of business for the meeting will be:
   1.   Minutes of the AGM held on 29th May 2014 and matters arising there from.
   2.   To receive and approve the accounts for the Club for the year ending 31st December 2014. (See Note !)
   3.   To receive a report from the Chairman.
   4.   To elect the Directors of the Club
   5.   To elect the Council of the Club. (See Note 2)
   6.   To elect the Honorary Reporting Accountants.
   7.   To elect the Honorary Members.
   By order of the Honorary Secretary – John Davison
   Note 1. The accounts will be published on the ACOC website prior to the AGM.
   Note 2. Any members intending to stand newly for election to the Council must submit notice in writing, signed by themselves and their proposers, to be received by the Hon. Secretary no later than Monday 27th April 2015 in accordance with paragraph 46 of the Articles of Association.
   Note 3. Any member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting may appoint a proxy to vote on his or her behalf. Any member wishing to appoint a proxy should contact the Hon. Secretary by telephone or Email to obtain a copy of the relevant form, or submit their own form strictly in the format specified in paragraph 33 of the Articles of Association.