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Started by MkIV Lux, August 27, 2014, 20:07:25

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MkIV Lux

Just a short update on the event:
   - already 26 firm bookings received todate! Looks promising as a truly international gathering.
   Constant & organizing gang

MkIV Lux

Originally posted by MkIV Lux
[Update: 32 firm bookings today !!
   Hurry, if you do not want to miss this opportunity to visit the home of Luxileaks next year [;)][;)].


MkIV Lux

Latest record for the International 2015 in Luxembourg show 37 cars of some 15 different AC car models now firmly booked! Don't wait too long to decide on joining us, you might have to bring your tent[:)].

MkIV Lux

Latest update on this event:
   42 cars booked
   The hotel is running out of rooms! So hurry if you do not want to spend the nights in your AC on the parking lot [;)][;)]
   Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2015
   Constant & gang


Congratulations for such a good response , we really look forward to the Lux trip in 2015 ,
   Wishing you all a Happy New Year 2015
   Christine & Neil

AC Ace Bristol

   Constant & Dany, Jurgen & Ursula.
   Congratulations in securing 42 ACs for the 2015 ACOC International,
   Really looking forward to meeting everyone in Luxembourg..[;)]
   In the meantime.
   Wishing you a very
   "Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year"
   Keith & Julie..[:)]..[:)]


   We are thinking of adding a few more days touring in Alsace - is there any outline yet on which Channel crossing route will be used? Realise you are incredibly busy with arrangements but August is getting booked up fast....
   Mike Harlow

AC Ace Bristol

   Speaking from experience and on behalf of Constant and Dany.....
   Standard practice for ACOC Internationals is One makes ones own travel arrangements, The logistics of catering for 36 cars from various destinations in UK,  plus numerous departure dates and various return dates would be a  logistic nightmare........
   I know having organised the past 7 Le Mans Classic and  ACOC French International 2014. Became a nightmare for Julie and I...[;)]

   Discuss plans with other members and travel in small groups, or arrange meeting points en-route.
   Sorry not the answer you want to hear, The Impossible Constant can do , but he has yet to perfect the skill of miracles...[B)]


Hi Keith
   Thanks for that, not having heard anything and being unfamiliar with the form any info is welcome.
   We will probably go by tunnel in that case and start to plan our trip.
   Looking forward to some roof down travelling.
   Kind Regards

AC Ace Bristol

   During recent correspondence with Constant to secure a additional room for Mike & Carl Harrison and liaising with Constant reference Itinerary,  I will post a copy after the following paragraph.
   As we unfortunately haven't seen any ACtion Magazines for May or June, thought it best to post a draft itinerary,  Assured by Constant that all those registered for the International will receive Final instructions via email in due course, If any of you know a member attending the International but doesn't frequent the Forum can you please pass on this draft Itinerary...   ...   ...  Thank You.[;)]
   Hi Keith,
   Just had a meeting with the Hotel management. One twin/double room is still available, but we need a rather quick decision, say by the end of this week.
   BOOKED in name of Mike & Carol Harrison
   Itinerary/program is as follows:
   Wednesday 5th August:
   •   arrival Luxembourg (west side) around 1:00 pm
   •   quick bite
   •   cultural visit
   •   drive to hotel late afternoon
   •   opening dinner
   Thursday 6th August:
   •   breakfast
   •   driving Luxembourg country roads
   •   visits
   •   lunch
   •   visits
   •   dinner offsite
   Friday 7th August:
   •   breakfast
   •   driving Luxembourg country roads and Eifel (Germany)
   •   lunch
   •   visits
   •   dinner
   Saturday 8th August
   •   breakfast
   •   driving to Luxembourg-City
   •   visits
   •   lunch at own discretion and expense
   •   visit
   •   dinner & dance offsite (dress code: smart casual)
   Sunday 9th August
   •   breakfast
   •   (visit if desired)
   •   End of meeting < noon
   Looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday 5th August at 13.00hrs.
   Safe Journey......
   Constant & Dany,  Jurgen & Ursula
   A Copy of comprehensive Itinerary, to be published in July issue of  ACtion.....  ..  ..  [;)]

MkIV Lux

Hi to all those enrolled for the International 2015,
   As Keith mentioned, final info and instructions will go out shortly to you all: 46 cars and 90 people! Wow!
   That will lead to quite a few traffic jams in tiny Luxembourg.
   Constant & Gang


MkIV Lux

Hello from Luxembourg to all enrolled into this year's International:
   Individual emails with details have gone out tonight to 35 UK based participants. One more to be sent tomorrow morning, so don't worry.
   All continental participants will be sent emails on Wednesday, 1 July 2015.
   More questions: please feel free to ask.


Many thanks to Constant, Dany, Jurgen and Ursula for an amazing International.  Immaculate organisation, and great food, accommodation and company, never mind quiet roads, wonderful scenery and two laps of the Nurbergring Nordschleife.  Hope all got home safely!

AC Ace Bristol

   Constant & Dany.... Jurgan & Ursula
   Thank you for a great ACOC International  with the Bonus of two laps of the Nurburgring..[:)]..[:)]
   I take this opportunity to thank you and all the other club members who gave their time and effort in assisting Craig and I when BEX333 threw her toys out
   of the pram and had the odd strop, or was it two or maybe three..[?]..[?]
   The camaraderie  in The ACOC is second to none.  Really appreciated by  both Craig and I. ( not forgetting BEX)
   Was it the ACOC International or pre qualifying for the SAS, [?]
   Seriously,We passed thanks to carrying spares and the help from many especially Paul & Jacqui, Bob & Sue,  Malcolm & Sarah, Peter,Constant & Jurgan and team.
   Return trip....Was trouble free covered 1499 miles  Door to Door back home Monday night at approx. 20.30hours, poor old Craig then had a  4 hour trip to North Devon.(he too arrived home safely approx. 0.30 Tuesday.. )...[|)]
   A BIG Thank You to Constant & Dany, Jurgan & Ursula...
   Hope every one arrives home safely and looking forward to next ACOC  International...... Rumour has it .. .. It could be in The West Country.. Devon / Cornwall.. [;)]
   SHhhh not official as yet, One or Two could have been under the influence...hic ..  hic.[B)]
   Did anyone take any Pictures of BEX on the Nurburgring ..[?]
   Keith & Craig  


A couple of snaps from the lens of Mrs G
   The City walls from Neumünster Abbey
   Our marvellous hosts on the final night before the dancing started, the "not so good" image quality could be due to poor light or Vin Compris !
   A couple of Arty shots courtesy Peter DRH