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Ac Ace Brooklands for Sale

Started by hawk289, July 22, 2014, 18:04:26

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See, I have seen this car, very nice example.
   Interesting, interest rates so low people moving funds into cars. I hope this one goes to a good home as I have more requests than known cars. This is one of the only ones on the market.
   I have been restoring a fire damaged Ac Ace Brooklands. 2 years ago I had sold all my Ac's but now I have 3 Ac Brooklands (2 Aceca's and 1 Ace) I'm restoring all three and learning a lot about the car. The chassis is just unbelievable and a small number of key jobs makes the car so much better. Also I have found a company who will make a custom loom to resolve some of the wiring issues.
   I will get the latest register out, but please tell me about your cars.


Another car which has just sold is DE1050 with hard top, nice car. This was the car at the top of the test hill just outside Ac Heritage. I liked the interior, also the hard top fitted well, looked nice. It was rare due to the front end being the later model with the square front headlights. More and more research is showing that the later cars actually also got finished at Brooklands. While restoring my Ac Ace DE1040 I found the chassis and design was very good, now I know why the car handles so well. As normal if you have or just purchased brooklands let me know, very few come onto the Market (only seen three cars this year and two/three last year.

David S

Hello all, quick introduction I have bought DE1061 from Brooklands Motor Company. Picking car up on Saturday and looking forward to a good drive home. DE1061 was built in 1997 and was the pre-production car for the square headlights. Anyway hope to meet some of you in near future


Welcome to Ace Brooklands ownership [:D]

David S

Have seen 2 AC Ace brooklands up for sale on the classic car websites, 1 been for a sale at least 1 month.
   Both cars with 1994 build, early in the build phase and both with prices just under £30k.

David S

Was with Neil Fisher (Redline) this morning and he had DE1023 on site about to be picked up and taken to Monaco.
   With 4000 miles on the clock Neil describes the car as being just like it had just left the factory (if that is a good thing or not I leave for comment [:D]).
   With only 4,000 miles on the clock makes the 12,000 on my car seem high

Max Allan

David S
   Looks like there are 3 superchargers
   DE1061 - mine
   DE1064 - which I think is the car advertised (must be S500ACE)
   DE1065 - I think is S50ACE and used in the Autocar test in 1999
   Any news on DE1065