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Started by aaron, April 28, 2014, 18:37:49

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Originally posted by Cobra Ned
And, a new owner will likely also have the funds to direct legal action towards the party who presented the erroneous and misleading data in their catalog. The registrars did their jobs, and anyone who willfully ignores the facts does so at their own risk, n'est-ce-pas?

   If a car has been crashed, rebuilt several times with non AC Components and is not listed as such in the Registry ,but has continuous history is the car classed as a replica ?


All a matter of opinion, just as we all place our own valuations on a collectible asset accordingly. Legalities and Registers aside, the market will always decide the case in point, based on the facts. Legal definitions can be important but will rarely override the obvious when it comes to doing the deal and agreeing a fair price for the car.
   Those of us not buying are nonetheless entertained.


   Your points are spot on. The definitions are not even 'legal' - they derive from leading practice in the Classic Car trade. In the UK the courts are extremely reluctant interfere with such leading practice - see, for example, Brewer vs Mann and Martin Emmison's Dual Identity article.


This car is recorded as selling at Euro 640,000, well south of its 1,300,000-1,700,000 estimate but well north of most replica prices.


Artcurial dress up their 'Best Ever Le Mans Classic' post-auction press release by an after-the-event subtraction of €1,700,000 from their lower and upper 6010 pre-sale estimates.
   Creativity unrestrained? Or further obfuscation?


Their website results says €760,960 as does sports Car Digest.


640,000 is hammer, 760,960 includes buyers commission & tax (TVA) I believe.
   Does anyone know who bought the car?


New Year Quiz
   The first authoritative namer of Artcurial's COX6010 mystery buyer will receive the Registrar's New Year Quiz prize, a bottle of celebratory non-replica Champagne.
   This prize would not normally be open to insiders. However, in view of the surprising Paris auction room rumour that the car was sold to a US collector, I have decided to allow Artcurial personnel to enter this quiz subject only to the conditions that the buyer (a) is not Artcurial's COX6010 selling client and (b) has no prior relationship with him.
   The closing date for enthusiastically awaited entries (by Forum please) is 31 March 2015.


Last Chance Saloon
   Only two weeks left to claim your toothsome prize!
   Entries below please.


The jungle drums are quiet on this one - I've not been informed, reliably or otherwise. No doubt it's tucked away in a nice warm bunker with all the others chunks of metal that never turn a wheel. Maybe it's that nice happy chap who seems to 'own' F1 (and came a poor 10th in the Andy Warhol look-alike contest)
   And I was so looking forward to my Lidl-Krug... ;)

Cobra Ned

Car is in the USA. Owner's name known to Cobra registrar.


The Winner!
   Ned wins the new year's quiz following a Texas track event sighting two weeks ago.
   The non-replica champagne (not from upstate New York) will be mailed from Chicago on 31 March.


Protest!! Unfair advantage on account of living on the 'wrong' side of the pond!
   Not that I'm bitter or jealous.... :)


Gotta love the conversion rate though


I thought the buyer had to be named via the forum? So still none the wiser as to purchaser.