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A Weekend in Worcestershire

Started by administrator, February 21, 2014, 15:19:04

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3 - 4 May 2014
   Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb: Class for ACs, practice on Saturday and competitive runs on Sunday.  Entry forms from Roger Thomas, roger at mac1901 dot co dot uk
   Non-Competitive weekend:
   Saturday: Tulip Route and Dinner
   Sunday: Dedicated parking area at Shelsley Walsh for ACs with hospitality area, entrance for AC owners £12/person
   Full details from Peter Vale, petergvale at btinternet dot com


Hi Peter,
   You have my support. I have submitted an entry in my AC Superblower via the web site which has online regulations & event entry on the Midland Automobile Club, Shelsley Walsh Hillclimb web site
   Anyone interested in competing needs to be aware that the closing date for entries is 3rd April.
   It might be worth asking Andy Shepherd or Bruce Claassen to email all previous AC entries to ACOC Clubman Sprint at Goodwood so we can try and at least have ten AC car entries.
   Who else is planning on competing at the first purpose built motor sport venue in history? Shelsley Walsh even precedes Brooklands. Lets hope there is plenty of support from ACOC members to compete and spectate. If anyone needs assistance with finding accommodation please do not hesitate contacting me.
   Malcolm - AC Superblower ACSB7015 [:)]

AC Ace Bristol

   Further to yesterdays telecon and my subsequent discussion at the monthly ACOC council meeting, there is general interest and we recommend you send email to Mark Morgan the ACOC Competition Secretary ...
   and Tim Pearce the previous Competition Secretary
   In the meantime, put my name down in Ace Bristol BEX333..[;)]
   Hopefully you get more than minimun of 5 and better still exceed quota of 10 for a full class ...[;)]
   Cheers for Now

AC Ace Bristol

Just a Quick Note..........
   Closing date for those thinking of competing  in the special invite AC Class... Entries must be in by 3rd April...
   Could do with a couple more ACs to support Peter Vale, the ACOC  and the Midland Automobile Club......  Special invites dont come round very often..[;)].

AC Ace Bristol

   The following members are flying the ACOC Flag and competing at:-
   Shelsley Walsh National A Hill Climb on 3rd/4th of May:-

   CLASS Q:  AC Cars Invitation Class.
   79...           Andy Mitchell.......     AC Aceca Bristol..      1971cc
   80...           Keith Lessiter.......    AC Ace Bristol..        1971cc
   81...           Richard Wright......    AC Cobra 289..          4727cc
   82...           Malcolm Thorne....    AC Cobra Superblower..  5000cc
   83...           Bryan Moseley......     AC 3000ME..              2554cc
   84...           David Goose.........       AC Ace Brooklands..     4994cc
   85...           Simon Davies........      AC Cobra CRS..          5000cc
   A good cross section of ACs, pity we haven't a vintage or PVT, maybe next year [?]
   See you Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May, for a good Competitive & Social weekend.  Lets hope the weather is kind..[;)]


Shelsley Walsh - The oldest operational motorsport venue in the world.
   Weather forecast for the weekends entertainment looks very promising and improving for Sunday.
   Looking forward to your support and a full display of AC Cars and ACOC spectators at the '2014 Speed into Spring' opening meeting.
   You'll find all the competing AC cars altogether in the paddock.
   See you there
   Malcolm [8D]
   AC Superblower 7015


I am too late to enter, but will try to pop along to watch, and give the Ace a run up the road too.


Roger Thomas has arranged for display parking for upto 25 cars - so please mention to the gate keepers.
   They have arranged for a Saturday drive from the Hillclimb as requested by Peter. On Sunday all AC Cars displaying will drive the hill in convoy at your own pace during the lunch break.
   Great facilities and food available during the day.
   Weather is proving to be favourable for a great days entertainment.
   See you all there
   AC Superblower 7015

AC Ace Bristol

For more details refer to Page 23 of ACtion April edition where Peter Vale has detailed program for Both Saturday and Sunday.
   Look forward to seeing other ACOC members on Saturday and Sunday whether competing or spectating..[:)]
   Vote of thanks to Peter Vale for organising a Special ACOC event tied in with Midland Automobile Club at Shelsley Walsh..[;)]

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
   The following members are flying the ACOC Flag and competing at:-
   Shelsley Walsh National A Hill Climb on 3rd/4th of May:-

   CLASS Q:  AC Cars Invitation Class.
   79...           Andy Mitchell.......     AC Aceca Bristol..      1971cc
   80...           Keith Lessiter.......    AC Ace Bristol..        1971cc
   81...           Richard Wright......    AC Cobra 289..          4727cc
   82...           Malcolm Thorne....    AC Cobra Superblower..  5000cc
   83...           Bryan Moseley......     AC 3000ME..              2554cc
   84...           David Goose.........       AC Ace Brooklands..     4994cc
   85...           Simon Davies........      AC Cobra CRS..          5000cc
   A good cross section of ACs, pity we haven't a vintage or PVT, maybe next year [?]
   See you Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May, for a good Competitive & Social weekend.  Lets hope the weather is kind..[;)]

   Pheeeew.....WOTA WEEKEND.....  [:)]..[:)].. [:)]..[:)]..[:)]..[:)]..[:)]
   RESULTS of the 7 ACOC Competitors.
   CLASS Q:  AC Cars Invitation Class
   79...Andy Mitchell...AC Aceca Bristol...1971cc...52.48...49.05
   80...Keith Lessiter..AC Ace Bristol.....1971cc...52.38...48.22
   81...Richard Wright..AC Cobra 289.......4727cc...38.53...37.27
   82...Malcolm Thorne..AC Cobra Superblower.5000cc...36.79...36.67
   83...Bryan Moseley...AC 3000ME...2554cc...54.02...52.30
   84...David Goose.....AC Ace Brooklands..4994cc...45.65...43.81
   85...Simon Davies....AC Cobra CRS..5000cc...41.51...40.77.
   Addtional 7 ACs arrived on Sunday to spectate and cavalcade up the hill along with those 7 competing....
   Cavalcade turned into 14 ACs leaving the start line at 20 second intervals and giving it all the beans they could muster....[^]  Cavalcade really turned into a ACOC Demonstration run...... Great fun was had by all....[8D]
   Peter... Such a good event especially with super weather, great venue, great camaraderie, great atmosphere and bloody good cars.
   ( True Clubman meeting as per 1960s and 1970s ).
   Peter you excelled a vote of thanks from all who attended the weekend, unanimus vote for you to organise the same for 2015, 2016 .. .. ....[;)]
   Pictures to follow ..[;)]


Great weekend and many thanks to Peter for organising.  I wish I knew how to dial up weather like that!  What a friendly and hospitable atmosphere, and also good to talk to the "Dibnahs" who restored the water mill.
   The scenery is magnificent!

AC Ace Bristol

A few pictures from Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb...
   visit:   galleries  then Shelsley Walsh.


Many thanks to Peter and the MAC for making this terrific event available to ACOC members, a real privilege and an absolute treat for those of us driving the famous hill.
   Thanks also to Malcolm & Sarah for the expert guidance.
   Hopefully we can do the same next year!


   The success of the ACOC Shelsley Walsh hillclimb event has laid the foundations for an annual ACOC event. It may be worth you considering the views of all ACOC competitors and ACOC spectators whether a one or two day meeting would be more appropriate. We might achieve a full complement of ten or more competitors. I am sure we might be aloud more competitors if enough early support is forthcoming.
   Everyone expressed how much they enjoyed the event venue and so many spectators expressed their delight in seeing the AC Cars competing on the hill.
   Now that we have achieved such a successful event I would love to see Shelsley Walsh ACOC Hillclimb event in the ACOC event calendar for next year and with enough forward planning we may some draw some of our European ACOC members to this most historic venue?
   After all it is the oldest motorsport venue in the world.
   Thanks for getting the event off the ground.
   Best regards
   Malcolm [8D] AC Superbloer 7015


Apologies for not making it along,  I had to see to other commitments unfortunately  I would be agreeable to planning further head and getting dates in the diary and get the car out on these events.