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Replica Bristol Engine Cylinder Head Spanner

Started by Anthony Blythe, February 14, 2014, 19:52:26

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Anthony Blythe

Originally posted by lew
Hi Anthony
   Please put me down for one
   Lew Baker

   All, The first order for 10 spanners (batch 1) have now been returned from the specialist high pressure water jet cutting company and are undergoing final milling. The second batch order, again for a minimum of 10 spanners has been been finalised & this batch will go through the same processes. I am not actively pursuing a 3rd batch of 10 spanners but if sufficient interest is shown I will see what I can do.
   Thank you to all who placed orders including those from across the pond (x3), South Africa & Europe. Tony B

Anthony Blythe

Originally posted by Anthony Blythe
Originally posted by lew
Hi Anthony
   Please put me down for one
   Lew Baker

   All, The first order for 10 spanners (batch 1) have now been returned from the specialist high pressure water jet cutting company and are undergoing final milling. The second batch order, again for a minimum of 10 spanners has been been finalised & this batch will go through the same processes. I am not actively pursuing a 3rd batch of 10 spanners but if sufficient interest is shown I will see what I can do.
   Thank you to all who placed orders including those from across the pond (x3), South Africa & Europe. Tony B
   End of Production. Three batches of these spanners have now been completed and I'm 'calling it a day'. Thanks again to everyone that has made contact with me over the past months making enquires regarding these replica spanners; much appreciated. There are now 30 + 'collectable items' (maybe) across the globe; including 10 down-under. Tony B


I know this was a fairly old thread, but does anybody know how these spanners turned out and if there still any available?
Kind regards Nick


I got one of these from the original batch and use it as a display item in my Bristol 400 tool box.

Do you want it for " real" use or display?

I bought a 1/4" whitworth ratchet spanner for real mechanical work.

The originals not easy to find at reasonable price so just keep looking about and you may get lucky.

AC Ace Bristol

Repro Bristol Cylinder Head spanner
I bought one from the initial batch, i've used it and it was used on rebuild of Kevin Kivlochan's Ace Bristol engine to whilst competing at Le Mans Classic a few years ago. when emergency engine rebuild was carried out by Mike Harrison .
It has been used , abused a little and rattled around in a tool bag for thousands of miles. 
Is well made and  has performed well.  Was bought to be used  and shared same as BEX.
Keep looking for an original one  and order one if a third batch ever materialises.


Thanks for the replies and info, good to know that they turned out well. I'll keep my eyes open, to be honest it's just to fill the empty space in the Aceca tool tray so there's no huge rush to find one.
Many thanks again


Hi Nick

I bought a spare one off Tony, so you would be welcome to it. Are you aware that the finish is plain without the Bristol part number on it? I've not used the spanner so can't vouch for it, but others have confirmed that they are up to the task.
If you're interested I think I paid £30, so yours for that plus postage.
Phil Jones


Hi Phil. Thanks for reply. Yes please that would be brilliant!
Ill send you a pm with my contact details etc.
Thank you.
Kind regards


Hi Phil.
I'm still interested in the replica cylinder head spanner but not heard back from you, not sure if perhaps my previous messages have not arrived or perhaps gone straight to a spam folder or similar.
If you could drop me a message that would be great and we can sort out payment and delivery etc.
Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Hi Nick
I've not found a message from you. Did you use my email address from my profile?
Phil Jones


Hi Phil, I've just sent one directly to your email, so fingers crossed it should get to you this time.
Many thanks for your help.
Kind regards