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Le Mans Classic '08

Started by AK1440, March 18, 2007, 04:01:39

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I have just heard that the Le Mans Classic '08 will be the 11-13th July. Is the ACOC going to organise a drive in and or accommodation for members this year?


Not sur about the date. According to this link, it should be the 4, 5 and 6 July:
   However, it is not the 3rd edition as indicated but the 4 th!(the 1st LMC was in 2002).
   More soon, the 1, 2 and 3 Jun 2007 will be 13th Sport & Collection edition at "Le circuit de Val de Vienne" (near le Vigeant)
   Some informations here
   I will try to go to this nice meeting to participate at "Le Mans serie" (it is not a race but only a demonstration). Registration shall be before the 1 April 2007 and the cost is about £50. Benefit of this meeting will be refunf to the cancer research center of Poitiers. Is some ACOC representatives will be present?

AC Ace Bristol

Hi All ACOC Members
   I Organised the English ACOC party / Group, the 8 Chateaux, Ferry tickets, Paddock passes and liased with Thierry and Jean Marc regards ACOC Gala Dinner for approx 108 members for the past three events.  The Date is definitely Friday 11th through to Sunday 13th July 2008.
   I have provisionally booked 36 ferry tickets Complete with Cabins, however the Ferry Companies do not take official bookings for another 5 to 6 months, However the booking is recordedin my name on behalf of ACOC.
   The French ACOC are aware of the event and Thierry has already received request from me for reservation of 7 Chateaux. Jean Marc is too book the same Restaurant as previous years for the Friday night Gala Dinner.
   If I proceed and organise The English side It will be a set package of Ferry ticket out on Thursday Night from Portsmouth, Return Monday afternoon .
   Inclusive of Paddock passes, Chateaux and Gala Dinner.  Price to be fixed..  Deposit will Be NON Refundable !!!   Not being funny but the number of ACOC members that backed out or wanted special arrangements proved to be a real pain.I like most of you have a full time job, Family, Home and AC to maintain and enjoy.....  I dont get paid for this task, infact it usually costs me time plus a few hundred pounds which I dont begrudge but is often taken for granted.
   Anybody wishing to deviate from package is more than welcome to join the ACOC Special parking area in the Bugatti Circuit,  but will have to make their own arrangements.
   Once the Chateaux are booked I will not keep trying to find more and more Chateaux as in the previous three Le Mans Classic, I simply have not the time or patience.  It will be Strictly first come first served with paid up deposit.
   Jean Marc Dubost my counter part in France might be competing, if so then it really puts too much on me to organise....  ....   please watch this space... Or read details in ACtion as and when I have definite News. .....Last but not least this offer will be for Paid up AC members with AC cars.    Previous years have seen other marques included in the Party but the event is just getting too big.
   Keith L Lessiter


   Count me in.  Jean has said she is up for it as well.


Thierry &  Jean
   I read above that Keith is organising the UK chapter and that you are organising the Le Mans accommodation arrangements. I will be staying in SW France over the period and will be travelling up to the event in my MK IV. Therefore, not requiring the full UK package only accommodation and places for the dinner. Can I contact you directly about the venue?
   Is anyone going to Angouleme this year?


   If I am in France over the period I would certainly like to attend the event as a spectator. I will not know however until mid May. I hopefully will be in the Perigueux area.

cobham cobra

Hi Keith,
   Please put me down for the trip, I'm sure Dee will want to come along as well.
   Cheers - John.

AC Ace Bristol

Hi Jim (AK1440)
   Dring 2002, 2004 & 2006 we (The ACOC)have catered for ACOC members of various Nationalities, some have driven from Portugal, Munich and Luxembourg others have flown in from  USA (Chicargo).
   We can arrange paddock passes, Gala Dinner and Accomodation but we need definite committment and deposit.  As this event is in JULY 2008, we have ample time, however, accomodation is very hard to secure with many Hotels , Chateaux already booked for July next year.
   Thierry has very good contacts , but as each successive LeMans Classic grows in stature accomodation gets more difficult to secure, it could be adventagious for individuals to make their own travel and accomodation well in advance and book Paddock passes, entry passes and Gala Dinner tickets through either Jean Marc Dubost or myself.
   As soon asa some firm arrangements have been made then details will appear in ACtion. In the maentime those organising Holiday touring France in July 2008 to coincide with LeMans Classic should book their own accomodation this year.
   Paddock passes have to be paid for before Christmas 2007, Deposits for Chateaux and Restaurant also have to be paid this year.  The ACOC cannot afford to pay out 8000 to 10000 Euro so deposits must be paid upon official announcement of the ACOC LeMans Package.  Again I must Stress that Limited space and non refundable deposit.
   Will keep everyone posted via the pages of ACtion with additional details on this web site.


Any news on this event yet?

AC Ace Bristol

The 2008 LeMans Classic is  Friday 11th July through  Sunday 13th July 08.
   Due to so many 15 cancellation by ACOC members last year I have only reserved the 2 largest Chateaux. Strictly on reciept of Deposit.
   The Gala Dinner on Friday night is in hand, must keep numbers fdown to say 110 /120 members,  Non refundable deposit will be required.
   Again non refundable deposit will be required for Paddock passes.
   Please be patient and await notice in ACtion magazine, please do not use forum to book/ reserve place, as I cannot guarantee regular time for access to our club web site.
   Overseas ACOC Members must deal with Jean Marc Dubost and Thierry Clavel whom hopefully have reserved 3 or 4 smaller Chateau.
   Some club members who attended 2002 / 2004 & 2006 have already offered  deposits.
   I will announce the package once we have finalised costings.
   Enjoy !!
   Keith L Lessiter

AKL 1333

Do you have the adress, email or phone number of the french guys
   thank you and
   Best Regards

AC Ace Bristol

Jean Marc Dubost is organising the French and Main Land Europe cintingent of the ACOC  via the French ACOC,  Best write to him at:
   34, Rue du Peirier au Large
   78870, BAILLY.  FRANCE
   e.mail     j dot m dot dubost @ orange dot fr
   The French party have booked limited number of Chateau accomodation, suggest ACOC members request tickets, accom and Gala Dinner but be prepared to have to make thier own arrangements for accomodation, as most Hotels / Chateau and B&B booked 1 year to 18 months in advance. (Accomodation as rare as hens teeth, or is it Rocking Horse S**t.)
   Gala Dinner on the Friday night 11th July 2008 limited to about 120 ACOC Members.
   Due to cost of tickets, the Dinner etc etc Non renfundable deposit will be required by both Jean Marc & I.
   Please do not book via Forum as both Jean Marc and I have still to finalise costings.  Details to appear in future issue of ACtion.
   Priority to ACOC members attending in ACs and those who have supported previous three events.
   Enjoy ! !

AC Ace Bristol

Jean Marc Dubost is organising the French and Main Land Europe contingent of the ACOC  via the French ACOC,  Best write to him at:
   34, Rue du Peirier au Large
   78870, BAILLY.  FRANCE
   e.mail     j dot m dot dubost @ orange dot fr
   The French party have booked limited number of Chateau accomodation, suggest ACOC members request tickets, accom and Gala Dinner but be prepared to have to make thier own arrangements for accomodation, as most Hotels / Chateau and B&B booked 1 year to 18 months in advance. (Accomodation as rare as hens teeth, or is it Rocking Horse S**t.)
   Gala Dinner on the Friday night 11th July 2008 limited to about 120 ACOC Members.
   Due to cost of tickets, the Dinner etc etc Non refundable deposit will be required by both Jean Marc & I.
   Please do not book via Forum as both Jean Marc and I have still to finalise costings.  Details to appear in future issue of ACtion.
   Priority to ACOC members attending in ACs and those who have supported previous three events.
   Enjoy ! !


Hello All,
   Got back from the Le Mans Classic yesterday afternoon (one of our party had to get back to London rather suddenly) - I've been once before, but the variety and depth of cars makes it one of the great events.
   In addition, I was taken aback by how friendly the AC lot are - really did make the weekend special - huge thanks to Keith for getting my AC (212 S/C) out on the track (I got you a beer, by way of thanks, but couldn't find you in the parking area [:I]) in addtion to Rodney who was very helpful with respect to the 212 - looks like its a keeper - didn't manage to catch the names of a few others I spoke to [?], but hello never-the-less.
   My passenger managed to get a few photo's - I'll get them shortly and post them up on here.

MkIV Lux

Top weather conditions and a crowd of over 80000 who watched excellent racing at Le Mans Classic 2008.
   Racing myself in Grid 2 (finished 37th overall )with my Lotus Eleven S1 that I had first met at Le Mans Classic 2004 when ACOC member Keith Jecks had brought her there, I did not have much time to meet with other AC folks this year. Just been to the "apéro" of the ACOC / AC Club France dinner at Arnage on Friday night, to say hello and apologize for not attending in an AC ;-).
   Many ACs were on the various grids and performed very well.
   ACOC member Peter Come was part of the team placed 2nd in the team results (he was on Grid 1 driving an Aston Martin LM.
   Here are the results (hope I have not forgotten anybody).
   Grid 2
   David Arlborough / Mark RIchardson  AC Ace Bristol  21st overall
   John Arnold              AC Ace       40th overall
   Grid 3
   Tim Pearce / Robin Pearce       AC Ace Bristol  17th overall
   Leon Franssen / Thomas Feierabend   AC Ace Bristol  18th overall
   Bertrand Leseur /Jean-Jacques Bailly AC Ace Bristol 19th overall
   Pierre Pinelli / Eric Martin / Jérôme Van Eekert AC Ace Bristol      42nd overall
   Grid 4
   Ludovic Caron              AC Cobra       3rd overall
   Malcolm Young / Jeff Moyes         AC Cobra       6th overall
   Michael Hinderer/Peter Hinderer/Martin Stretton AC Cobra 12th overall
   Eric De Doncker              AC Cobra       39th overall
   Miguel Amaral / Pedro Mello Breyner  AC Cobra       43rd overall
   Tom Benjamin              AC Cobra       44th overall
   Laurent Queffelec / Jean-Guy Roger   AC Cobra       49th overall
   Pics can be seen at