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knock-offs - where to buy?

Started by alnmary, January 20, 2014, 22:26:27

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Hello guys - Im looking to purchased 4 knock offs for my '57 AC Ace Bristol. Where can I buy 4 new ones exactly like the original factory period style knock offs? Chrome and engraving must be perfect! Any idea on price?

AC Ace Bristol

   Eara,  Ebbie Merritt was  contemplating having a batch manufactured for the cobra club in USA, this had also been discussed and circulated to / with Robin Stainer the Official ACOC Thames Ditton Cobra Registrar. in UK.Please find below copy of Eara's email. Not 100% sure but believe the two eared Cobra Spinners are identical to those on the Ace/Aceca & Greyhound.
   Can someone please confirm if this is a correct..[?]
   4th October 2013
        Attached are two pictures, one a side by side comparison with between the BRITISH WIRE replica and an original 289 COBRA knock off.  The other picture is a set of 4 original 289 COBRA knock offs.
       The only obvious difference is the words surrounding the AC logo, and the directional arrow (the original has no feathers).  Plus the BW replica has an additional "chain" detail around the outer edge.
       I just received two excellent specimens which I will mold and send to DAVE WOODS at ORSON MFG. just to verify positioning of the wording and font details.  DAVE made the BRITISH WIRE replicas.
       From all the pictures we have and pencil rubbings done on the original and BW replica, the font style and size are identical, making this a relatively easy project.  The body and ear configurations of the knock offs are the same.
       As far as we know, this is the first time that an exact duplicate of the 289 COBRA knock off has ever been produced.
       What we would like is a show of hands to estimate how many people would be interested in a set (or singles also).  The cost will be around 50 pounds sterling per unit, or 200 pounds per set, plus applicable VAT and shipping.  No money required up front, just a show of interest.

   Alnmary for more details please Contact EARA on:-
   Please confirm your email address and I will forward the pictures EARA attached to above email.[;)]
   In the meantime I will ask Nik to post the said  pictures, to complement  Eara's email..[;)]
   Cheers for Now
   Keith ..[:)]


Ah, this brings up something I've been wondering about for awhile.  Let me start by requesting that someone with a set (left side, right side) of original Ace knockoffs post top side pictures of them.  For reference, the Cobra knockoffs and pictures supplied to Eara Merritt as patterns for remanufacturing are originals from CSX2282, which I've owned since 1966.
   In the 1990s I purchased a set of replacements from British Wire Wheel here in the US.  While they are of good quality, some of the inscribed text on them doesn't match that on the originals.  I'm not sure whether the reproducer just took some liberties with the text or if it matched some other AC model, like an Ace or Aceca.  While I've found plenty of Ace and Aceca pictures on this forum and on the internet, I haven't found one with enough resolution to get a good close up of one of their knockoffs.

Klassik Metall

   Below are some photos of original Ace and Aceca spinners.
   The one on the left is from a 1955 Aceca and the one on the right is from a 1957 Ace,
   as you can see they differ! Both arrows have no flights but different head styles. Also
   somewhat harder to make out is that the spacing of the lettering is approx 1mm larger
   on the 1957 version.
   More wheels within wheels.[:)]
   Regards Luke.


Here are the photos Keith refers to, the British Wire/289 comparison:
   The set of original Cobra 289 spinners:
   And from me, a pair of Greyhound spinners. Can`t say for absolutely certain that they are the originals, but they certainly appear to be of the same vintage as the rest of the Greyhound.


   Thanks for posting the pictures of the original Ace and Aceca knockoffs.  They appear to be quite similar to the ones for Cobras, and not like the British Wire Wheel repros.  By the way, the pictures Keith refers to are the ones from CXS2282 I supplied to Eara.
   Another reason I was wondering about the BWW arrow and text styling was because of a picture I have of a supposedly original Dunlop Aston Martin 3 winged knockoff.  The arrow and text on it appears to be very similar to the one on the BWW repros.  Maybe someone out there can verify this?

AC Ace Bristol

   Alnmary, Roland and Luke.
   Quick  excursion into the garage, Check on the original spinners fitted my 1957 Ace Bristol BEX333 before she left Thames Ditton, The spinners have larger lettering and the directional arrow has large open arrow head and no feather/flights..  Where as the arrow head on Niks Greyhound has smaller solid arrow head...[;)]
   Not sure if this helps or creates more confusion, I know for sure the spinners on BEX333 are original August 1957. .[;)]


...And the Greyhound is 1963, so plenty of time for AC to have changed supplier, or the supplier to have re-tooled...


Confusion upon confusion - AE22 has absolutely plain hub caps, no A.C. motif, no 'undo' nor 'nearside'/'offside'. No arrows, no nothing. So when did the familiar scripted hub caps arrive for the Ace ? So far as suppliers are concerned I have always had first class service from Dave Woods at Orson Equipment.
   AE22 1955