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Save Brighton Speed Trials!!!

Started by nikbj68, December 23, 2013, 20:10:07

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   Brighton and Hove Motor Club needs our support to Save the Brighton Speed Trials.
   They are under threat from Brighton and Hove Council (the only Green council in Britain ), who want to refuse permission and block the event taking place on the seafront.
   You may not be aware but the Speed Trials has been running in Brighton since 1905 and is an entertaining fun-packed day out for the whole family to watch some of the UK 's best race cars and motor bikes compete along Madeira Drive . Over 200 cars and motor bikes line up to take a timed run. including road cars, race cars and drag bikes who compete to win the fastest in their class. A top 6 run-off, to find the fastest car and bike, brings the day to a dramatic close.
    You can help by signing our petition and sharing THIS LINK with friends:
   Brighton have made doing so as difficult as possible by requiring you to register with an e-mail address (which only receives a council-speak e-mail) and a password that is a minimum of 6 characters, including a capital letter and a number, but don't be deterred. This is an important principle.
   Don't delay; the council will be making a decision on 23 January 2014!
   Don't let the council block the event, please sign the petition and spread the word.
   This e-mail is being sent by The GT40 Enthusiasts Club.
    Tony Hunt
    Editor, Fortyfication
    GT40 Enthusiasts Club


Well politics and hobbies are never a good mix. However one cannot forbear to take note of this 'Green' policy. What next - obviously the Royal Automobile Club Veteran Car Brighton Run. Perhaps another South Coast resort would like to host both events ?