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Bonhams Auction ~ AC 428 Convertible on 30th Apri

Started by Classicus, March 11, 2007, 12:14:53

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A 1969 AC 428 convertible is up for sale through Bonhams on 30th April at the Royal Air Force Museum Hendon, North London.
   Just hope it doesn’t disappear into yet another museum ! [:(]


We will see how much it sells for! You are right, the thing should be on the road being driven by an enthusiast! I am repeating myself but I think the two main reasons these cars are still cheap are:
   1) Too few cars, people don't know what they really are!
   2) Most cars are heavily corroded.
   Bizzarinis and Iso Grifos are through the roof, I know of one recently sold for over $900,000.00


Bit out of my depth with this one and not forgetting (apologies !) I’ve never been mechanically minded or interested, it’s really hard to follow these Iso and Bizza prices in comparison with the 428. And whilst I’ve no idea if they’re any cheaper over here in the UK or Europe, could it perhaps have something to do with being labelled “purebreds” rather than the somewhat derogatory term “hybrids”, despite having probably suffered the same if not worse corrosion problems than the 428 ? [:)]
   (Edited follow-up..)
   On the other hand many purebreds and thoroughbreds whatever their origin (!), can often be very delicate, temperamental and highly expensive to maintain especially when they get older, so with the 428 you're getting the best of both worlds. What more does a guy need ? [8D] [8D]


If anyone plans on going could they possibly take a quick note of the CF number and the registration for the Frua register ?
   Thanks [:)]

tim isles

The car is CF 25. Andy Shepherd already has it recorded. Tim.



YPF 409G. Chassis no. CF25. Sold for £33,000 plus Premium and tax.
   Necessary for some reason (?) to cut and paste this URL to see main picture and full details.


   One of the worst days of my life.
   I had all the funds in place (rather bloody more than the final bid I might add) and our offices entire telephone system went tits up one minute after Bonhams had got me on the line for my telephone bid!
   I never managed to get back on line and so never managed to bid at all!
   Furious is too small a word for it.
   To Andy S.:-  I'm still looking.
   CRS #22
   PS.  There are those who'd say (and my wife's amoung them!) that given the sad, sad, state of that car, £30,000 was rather too much.


True it may be in a sad sad state but with only 29 or so ever made (and how many now known to exist)when will another opportunity arise and given the price of last years car at Goodwood plus the prices Hurstpark is able to command I bid for it and was lucky enough to buy CF25[:)]. There was a serious turn out at the sale with 5 phone lines- none of which got a look-in. Sorry Mark-Anthony I assure you that I don't work for a phone company - however my wife also has interesting opininons about my purchase of a rusty non-working car!!
   So that leaves me with a re-commissioning job for which I'll be turning to this forum for advice. Once the car is home I'll post some pictures, given the hammer price this will have to be a rolling restoration project but I'm in for the long haul and won't be chopping it up to make a cobra[xx(]


Good, Clifford you will love the car! This is not a complicated car to work on. Most lower panels are flat, most of the tubing underneath is square or rectangular and available at a good steel shop. The chassis is huge and "bullet proof". As far as the engine, if it's shot, have one built in the US by a reputable engine builder, you will save a considerable amount of money and will have a good motor. If you need any help, let me know!  [:)]


   I HATE you.  (My wife however thinks that you're absolutely wonderful!)
   I'm still sorry I never managed to get a bid in, and, yes, given the numbers of 428s, how often they come up, Hurst cars prices etc etc I know that while many people might think you paid a bit too much (myself included) I would also have paid too much!  Well done and congratulations again. (Yes I am jealous as hell - and, yes it is a bit of a dog, but keep in mind what she will look like.  The body-work will be a pain but the engine is easy.)
   I'm absolutely thrilled that it will stay as a 428 and not a Cobra chop - thank you very much for that.
   If I can help IN ANY WAY please do not hesitate to ask, phone, e-mail.  I have NO mechanical expertise at all but I am sympathetic, I can buy beer and my shoulder is both comfortable and water-proof!
   Can't wait to hear progress reports, can't wait to see her finished.
   If I might be so bold as to suggest:  Have a detailed chat with Andy Sheperd about how to improve the car (eg.: engine improvements, air flow, cooling improvements etc.).  If you're doing major work you might as well improve it BEFORE it gets back on the road.
   Best Regards
   Still only - CRS #22
   Would have been nice to add CF25!


Here`s Classicus` Link to Bonhams, plus a couple of thier piccies.
   Congrats Clifford, There`s a deep pool of knowledge here, Dive in!
   [edit]: Piccies don`t work, I`ll sort that later!


Well done Clifford,
   I don't know if you were one of the chaps I spoke to on Sunday whilst examining the car, but I just wanted to say I don't hate you....rather I spent the drive home afterwards kicking myself and wondering if I should have ignored all the advice my learned engineer friends gave me!!
   Still wondering....!


In the sole interests, and none other, of the long term preservation of all the remaining priceless AC 428's, might I possibly drop the thought that a current and future 428 owner's wives forum might just help things along a shade towards this admirable goal ? One can but wonder what Jeeves would have advised Bertie under such dire circumstances....?
   "Ladies formal and informal wear in a fastback must never ever be considered suitable for a convertible, Sir".
   "Ah I see. Yes I hadn't thought of that. Wind of course. Oh Lord I say I've just had the most amazing new idea Jeeves ! Dashed if I can remember the filly's name, but who was the utterly delightful creature, in the long green silk ensemble with matching hat, driving the silver convertible at the Club meet last year ? Can't we ask her to get the ball rolling or something ? Use your influence as usual will you ?"
   "The lady in question Sir is waiting somewhat impatiently in the Drawing Room to discuss her ideas with you now. Would you like me to show her in ?"
   "Jeeves....what would I do without you....?"


   Some months ago I purchased the CF9 at Bonhams, and I am also with a recommissioning job, although the body work of my car is OK.
   It is indeed mechanically very simple and if you like big blocks, it is a really great car.
   If I can help, it will be with pleasure, although I am some months behind Emmanuel, who has been very helpfull.