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NEC November 15th -17th 2013 Classic show

Started by Flyinghorse, October 01, 2013, 13:59:58

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I was wondering if there's an AC presence this year (2013) (15th-17th)?
   Also is there any club booking discount codes?


Hi Graham,
   Yes there will be an ACOC stand at this years show, arrangements are currently in hand.
   Club discount code was shown in the Classic Motor Show advert in the August ACtion.


Thanks Terry. I must have missed that,which is unlike me.
   I will be flying in from Aberdeen for the Saturday so hope to catch up with folks I have not met at the stand.


I have a one way hire car that will be going from Birmingham to Aberdeen on Saturday 16th  evening once the show closes if anyone is looking for a lift/drop off  that's convenient en-route.


Looking forward to meeting All over the weekend... first leg of my journey starts.....


I enjoyed seeing the AC cars on display, as well as some other 'AC's'. However, it really does beggar belief that the genuine factory AC logo is now displayed by kit car clubs at classic car shows. Imagine Aston Martin or Mercedes putting up with that.
   And was that a Hawk I saw on the ACOC stand or were my eyes playing tricks on me? One has to look quite closley these days as there are some very good faximiles around.


Congratulations Team Ac, a really nice stand - and of course, coming from me, specially nice to see a such nice Greyhound !
   Of course I forgot both my phone and camera so I'd appreciate pictures of the Greyhound, under - bonnet and inside as well if possible.
   Lots of lovely cars at the show but also a bit sad, I can't imagine some of them actually going anywhere.
   But did solve the problem of the Greyhound steering rack, having spent time on my back under a few cars I'm now pretty sure it's Morris Oxford, certainly up to Mark 3 and I'm trying to find out what the Indian Ambassador has.
   Also you need two front bumper bars from the London taxi for your Greyhound, one for the front and one cut and shut for the rear. The rear bumper of the taxi has curly bits at the ends.


Yes it was a good show, and yes it was a Hawk Ace on the AC stand. Without wishing to upset anybody, it seems odd to have a replica on the club stand, or am I wrong? A very nice one nonetheless, and the owner has done everything to make it as genuine Ace like as possible.
   Its an interesting point about some replicas being so good that you cannot tell if they are original. I spoke to some of the 289 Register boys, who usually have a period correct registration to confuse matters further. How? well the donor car is an MGB, and if thats say a 1965 car then the Hawk 289 can have a 1965 reg....


Yes, it was a Hawk Ace on the stand.  There was a very simple reason it was there - it, along with the Greyhound and 16/80, were the only cars we were offered for the stand.
   My and my brother's contact details were in two copies of ACtion and Tony(Ace), Gerry (Greyhound) and Steve (16/80) were the only people who got in touch, many thanks to them for doing so and coming along to support the event.
   Tony was very honest and said he was fully prepared to be bumped off if we were offered another genuine AC but it didn't happen.  One chap came on the stand and asked why we had the Hawk and when we explained, he said he had just finished restoring his AC Ace but didn't get in touch as he thought we'd have more than enough offers......


I didn`t realise as we laid (and swept) the carpet tiles and moved the cars into position on Thursday what an excellent location the stand had, it was only as we approached the main Hall 12 entrance on Friday morning that it became clear that the first sight for arriving visitors was the ACOC display!
   Although ACOC visitor numbers were huge, I think Steve`s 16/80 probably drew most attention, especially with the bonnet open showing the concours-standard engine bay to great effect. [8D]
   Sorry to have missed you, John, but it was good to see many familiar faces from The Club, and maybe next year the event organiser will have to chose from a list of a dozen available AC`s!
   PHotos to follow soon.

Anthony Blythe

HI All, I'm the 'baddie' that had the none original AC on the club's 2013 stand. As mentioned previously I contacted the stand organizer and immediately stated that this wouldn't be his & maybe most/all members first choice, but was willing to be 'in reserve'. A point of clarification the only thing 'Hawk' about the car now is the chassis & body; everything else about it has changed in my ownership. For example,most real AC Ace owners will know that the instruments are similar/same as the 1950/60 Jaguar XK series, so are mine. Within the confines of the engineering limits I needed to work within the car is as replica as I can make it (being an ex Concour judge helps me understand the importance of detail) BUT I always tell people this is not a real Ace just as good a copy as I was able to create. Would LOVE a real one, but don't think my wife would be willing to sell all our savings.


In defence of 'The Baddie', Tony was a great ambassador for the Club, and must have engaged in cheerful conversation with many hundreds of interested visitors over the course of the weekend. In fact, I don`t think he moved more than a foot from the stand the whole weekend(except for when 'The Tool Fairy' paid a visit...but that`s another story!)[;)]


Some shots from the NEC. Great stand position and good access for the public to the cars. Some stands were very "fenced off"


I'd just like to thank everyone that helped on the stand, from the point we all met in N12 til we all shook hands and went home 4 days later it was pleasure working with everyone. As for the "baddie" with the Hawk - he was in an hour before the doors opened every day, was probably the busiest on the stand talking to the public and rarely took a break - if we could just stop him from showing everyone his tool (I'm still worried about that bend Tony) we'd be laughing!

Anthony Blythe

OK, For those of you that weren't not on the stand, the reference to my 'tool' and the 'tool fairy' is that I've constructed a replica tool tray for the car based on the design shown in the Rinsey Mills book. However via various contacts I believe a number of different tool tray designs might exist and a few months ago I set up a topic asking for info so I might build another one. A lot of info came from State side (thanks for your feedback) and I'm now in the process of a second version construction. As part of the tour around the car, including letting people sit in it, I 'showed off' my tool tray. On one of the few occasions (during Saturday) when I was not on the stand the 'tool fairy' arrived and deposited a Bristol cranked spanner in my boot which I discovered whilst packing up. I was in shock as this is a very rare item.If you are out there please let me know who you are so I can thank you.The following day I confirmed with the people on the Bristol stand that this was the correct tool and the  guys held onto it in a loving embrace, immediately wanting to know if it was for sale. No it's not; its destined now for a replica Bristol orientated tray; making this potentially my third build !