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AC Mk11 Classic - available March 2014

Started by Chafford, September 21, 2013, 21:23:52

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Robin I failed to make myself clear - of course you are right: The generality of modern crash worthy cars have proved to be a fine antidote to crash prone drivers. My point being that the tiny numbers of specialist 'fun' cars produced have no discernible impact one way or the other on the statistics you quote. Yet we apply to A.C.s the full rigour of Health and Safety. The only effect of this is to destroy initiative, innovation and enjoyment.
   No doubt there is an interesting discussion to be had on the merits of personal responsibility, coupled with recurrent training, versus the blanket 'one size fits all' Health and Safety approach we have now. However this is not the place and I must apologise for my little rant....


Dear Paul, indeed the CoC is accepted in Switzerland (you obtain an "X" on the car license), but as anywhere in Europe (and no offense, I count Switzerland as being part of Europe;-) the local regulations ad some salt and pepper to keep us busy. The AC MkVI in France are still circulating with German license plates.
   Thanks Barrie for the flowers, but Rob deserves the whole bouquet, he is hard on it, I just fight with my patience.


Emmanuel - 'They also serve who only stand and wait.'


Hi Emmanuel and Rob, sounds as if you both are going down the IVA route. I admire your determination, I made a decision not to go down that route as I didn't think I could afford the time or the patience, the IVA process here is thorough as it includes inspections during the building of the vehicle in addition to a an extended road worthiness inspection.
   Emmanual I am suprised you have to do additional checks as you have an EC CoC. I thought it was incumbant on all members of the European free trade area to accept EC conformity certificates. In Sweden if its a new vehicle and it has a EC conformance certificate there are no tests done on a new vehicle. Only checks on the authenticity of the vehicle and document is done. surely thats the whole purpose of a conformance document.
   Rob if its any consolation by the end of the process you´ll end up a vehicle that is better technically than any with just type approval.  I wish you both good luck!/Paho
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Hi Rob, seem that your progress is far better than mine, and you did all that by yourself and for me a manufacturer is working at. But for DOY would not work as the car shall have an original EURO5 homologation first. Hope that the TÜV will finally deliver the necessary approval, time is now running, as EURO6 is already knocking at the door.


   Sounds as if you're almost there. You'll have a unique car too as I've not seen any evidence of any other Mk11 Classics being sold.


Thanks Mark
   Supposedly somewhere out there are 20+ cars, 4 (COB27XX) of which are said to be in the UK.....though as you say, the evidence has yet to be sighted... time will but tell :)


Rob - Maybe you can start a club for all the other happy owners? The AGM might be interesting :)


Trevor - ever the joker :)
   why not a virtual club, with cars and members that exist in the ether (present situation) - dues to be paid in hard currency only
   Somehow think that this will not support my retirement fund :)


I have a name for the currency and it starts with "L"


   More modern latches from many sources must meet the approval standards. Of course they may be impossible to adapt to 2700. Life is too short for this nonsense - bolt the doors shut.
   I did think of one other alternative, but it is really just another gamble: The Mks. IV, V and VI all have certified and approved door catches. If you could obtain/borrow two complete doors and striker plates maybe they would fit on 2700 ? Sadly I doubt anything would be so lucky.....


   Just a few tips on the brakes re-assembly (seeing you have had to go to all this trouble!)
   1. The brake bias bar is offset ie a shorter and longer side. Make sure you reassemble it with the short bit on top pushing the .75 M.C to front brakes.
   2. Then check that the bias bar is parallel UNDER PRESSURE  ie when brake pedal is pushed in, to the faces of the two master cylinders. It must not favour front or back . To achieve this lengthen or shorten rods.
   Don`t give up, you will get there.


You seem to have purchased a self-build project Rob! Had you known....