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3000 ME factory drawings

Started by kickon, September 08, 2013, 14:19:25

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I have a  set of factory drawings
   gear box,wiring,chassis
   great big roll of them !
   I was going to put them on Ebay :-( but thought that I should offer them on here first !


Well if the archivist doesn't want them, I'd be interested.  How much are you looking for?


I would suspect they would be better in the ac archive saved for the future of all members if possible.
   I suspect John hasn't read this yet. If he hasn't I'm sure he will reply as soon as he has .  He is a very enthusiastic ME owner.

AC Ace Bristol

   Sure the ACOC will be interested in securing these drawings for the club archives,  (unless they already have original copies).
   We have our next Council meeting in London,  Thursday evening the 26th September, If John Spencer has not been in contact with you by the 26th, I will bring the subject up for discussion.
   Hopefully you can hold on for a couple of weeks.
   Thanking you in advance.


I would be happier to sell them to an ME owner than put them up for auction ! I really don't know what blue prints drawings are worth [:(]
   Unfortunately I am not in a position to give them away :-/
   Still very sad at not having my cars anymore but that the way life goes sometimes !


Have written separately to 'Kickon' with a view to acquiring these drawings for the Club Archive, and thereby the use of all Club Members and AC3000ME Owners.