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Picturesque Pyrenees

Started by administrator, June 08, 2013, 11:47:36

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A spectacular week touring the Pyrenees, staying in the superb Paradors, with good company, food, roads and scenery - many thanks to John Norris for instigating and Jasper Gilder for leading.

MkIV Lux

Indeed, a superb week of happy motoring in our beloved ACs and in good company. More to come, after recovering from 4067 kms on French and Spanish roads in the Cobra.

French Frie

Hi Constant, it seems you encountered the same weather I did in Massif Central [;)] ... Could please let us watch the full album, as I assume the only picture we can see at the moment is this one :

MkIV Lux

hi Olivier,
   I am struggeling to get the pics from Photobucket to here! I am certainly missing something in the process. Been reading over and over again the instructions as related in another thread on this forum, but.... it ain't workin'. I do have another 20 pics to load....
   Indeed the above pic was taken on 30 May on the summit of the Pourtalet pass that I had used out of Lourdes into Spain. On the way down I had to mount the roof onto the Cobra as we passed the Puy de Dôme and since then we had it all: heavy rain, halestorm and snow.

French Frie

I use photobucket app on my Ipad, and it works perfectly ! Try again [;)] ... Want to see your pics !

MkIV Lux

finally ..... strange process!!
   after 1580 kms we arrived at Sos del Rey Catolico, the high place of the catholic king (of Aragon)

MkIV Lux

a medieval town with narrow streets ....
   and some eternal locals ...

MkIV Lux

where we encountered the group or British friends(old and new) who  had taken the ferry from Portsmouth to Bilbao, whereas two British cars had taken independent journeys through France.....
   Next day half the happy bunch was proceeding to the Riocha plain, over some 120 kms of good roads encountering hundreds of windmills (modern, not of Don Quichote time) on mountain peaks.... and we all kind of struggled to find our way to the vinery indicated quite confidentially on a miniature map by our tour guide and organizer Jasper.
   Maybe he had hoped by there to eliminate a few from the wine tasting and have it all for himself [;)][;)][;)]
   and here is the happy bunch after the wine tasting... (in the middle just behind John Norris, is the owner of the place.. and at the far right of the picture we spot Celina, the Argentinian born export manager of Finca Egomei, and our guide on the visit of the vinery

MkIV Lux

after the visit.. the sun came out again.... and we all headed back to Sos, boots of some ACs filled with Egomei bottles ....
   Next day we head eastward towards Vielha, over a few passes in the 1400-1600 m altitude range.... with an occasional pitstop...

MkIV Lux

and through impressive scenery ....
   and always alert for some strange traffic encounters...

MkIV Lux

Vielha is a boring place, just some 50 kms south of the French border, but surrounded by a few 3000 m or so snow covered peaks....
   (will have to find some picture in my album.... hence patience required)
   time to relax and have a walk down into town (thanks John for picking us up at the foot of hill  when returning to the Parador).....

MkIV Lux

... and off we are again in our mounts, this time either via a northern loop over two French passes, or via a southern loop through the Spanish side... I did chose the latter, as already having massively used French tarmac on my way down to Spain....
   the drive was over excellent and dwindling roads through narrow mountain gates...
   ... passing through Ainsa, yet another medieval town ...
   situated on the head of a lake....
   ... and into the valley of the Pineta ...
   .. to arrive at Parador de Bielsa, where we are greated by John and John (Goose and Spencer that is), happily occupying the front row of the hotel's bar terrace [;)]

MkIV Lux

more to come.......
   the bar's terrace was a sundeck ... not only for us
   with scenic views all around...
   but also for some locals ....

MkIV Lux

.... this Parador is located at some 1400 m of altitude at the end of the road on the foot of the Lost Mountain.... impressive views as we look out the rooms' windows.....
   ... good occasion to take a walk attempting to ascend that peak or at least proceed past three waterfalls onto the highest plateau accessible by 4 wheel drive vehicle at some 1700 m of elevation....
   with Christine to my right and my co-pilot Dany to my left...
   occasionally watching natures impressive force as snow avalanches are spurred by the ice melting by the sun's heat...
   we did make it to the top valley where horses and cattle grazed on the spare vegetation at some 1750 m of altitude....

MkIV Lux

on our way down we encounter some British tourists [;)]
   who then decide that the way down with us is easier than trying to be brave and reach the top plateau where anyway there is only some cattle and horses and a few marmots to be encountered.... and no bar to relax.....