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Ghia Quicksilver for sale - today!

Started by Harrier, May 11, 2013, 12:25:12

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Sold; hammer price $8,700. Well what a surprise!!



Quote:"based on the British AC 3000 ME chassis that was lengthened by eleven inches..."
   Judging by the legroom, maybe they should have gone for 16 inches!
   The design is more Citroen-esque than Italian... but an interesting piece of AC history finds a new home!


I think the front seats are pushed right back in these photos.


I`m sure, but if I was designing a car, I`d still want a human to fit at the full travel, it`s not as if it`s a 2+2 with back seats in name only!!! Maybe part of the reason it never entered production?!


Perhaps there's a third row of seat we cant see and its a 7 seater!  Looks very Citroen Cx to me.