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AC 3000MEs at Brands Hatch

Started by jon, May 09, 2013, 22:41:41

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A great day out at Brands Hatch on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May 2013.
   Eleven AC 3000MEs taking part in the Britten's Parade at the Classic Sports Car Club's race meeting.
   Lovely weather, and a couple of laps of the circuit, still fun even though behind a pace car.
   Video here:


Great turnout - makes me quite nostalgic for 169. The ME Owners are an example to us all: It is all about driving....


Well done ME pilots. I wish I could have been there. I was there on Sunday racing my Ace, but was helping Ted in his first race at Castle Combe on the Monday. You can't do everything. Great to see so many cars out on track, and a great advert for the 3000ME Chapter of the ACOC.


Some great photos, a great track too !