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Posting Photos

Started by BBK, November 03, 2012, 00:06:40

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It appears that Photobucket has changed their web site around and the prior way of copying pictures seems different now than the previous way, and I am unable to figure out how to do it.  Not as technically inclined as others here perhaps!  Does anyone have an idea how to copy a photo from the new and improved Photobucket to post on the forums?  Thanks!


Photobucket isn`t the only, or possibly even the best way of hosting images on the internet, so if you are using Flickr, Picassa, or any other photo sharing system, it shouldn`t be a problem to post images on the ACOC forum.
   Photobucket. You can now log in using your Facebook or Twitter identities if you are not already signed up. If you don`t TwitFace, sign-up is easy, quick & confidential!
   Once signed in, on the right-hand side of the screen there is an 'app box', where you can install desktop, mobile or Facebook connect.
   I installed the desktop version.
   This allows you to drag 'n' drop photos or folders of photos from your PC into Photobucket. I tried 1 image & a folder containing 2 images.
   Didn`t have much luck with the 'Auto uploader', but the manual one worked fine!
   More detailed instructions to follow.
   To put photos in your post that are already on the internet: (Helps to have 2 internet browsers open, one with the site that contains the photo you wish to share, the other one with this forum.)
   Right click on the image, select 'properties', copy the address(URL) '' bit, come back to your post on this forum and press the button, then paste it between the [IMG]*[/IMG] codes. (If you reply to a post using the 'reply with quote' button() the button isn`t there; just type [IMG]  [/IMG]either side of the address, upper or lower case, it matters not).
   Note: Always check usage restrictions, and as a matter of courtesy I would suggest providing a link & credit to the source of your photo.
   So. having the following in your message:
   Will give you this:
   Here endeth the updated lesson!
   Cheers, Nik.


Thanks Nik!  I played around with Photobucket a little and think I have it figured out.
   When viewing a picture in your Photobucket album, in the upper right hand corner of the photo when one moves the mouse pointer over that area, a small gear-like object appears and then a pop-up menu appears.  When the menu appears, move the mouse arrow over to and then click on "Get Media Links".  Click on "Get Media Links". That will bring up a box with a few choices.  One of the choices is "IMG Code".  Click on the "IMG Code" and your picture will be copied and can be pasted in your posting such as below.
   That should do it for Photobucket at least!  Thanks again for your reply Nik.


Originally posted by nikbj68
Photobucket isn`t the only, or possibly even the best way of hosting images on the internet, so if you are using Flickr, Picassa, or any other photo sharing system, it shouldn`t be a problem to post images on the ACOC forum.
   Photobucket. You can now log in using your Facebook or Twitter identities if you are not already signed up. If you don`t TwitFace, sign-up is easy, quick & confidential!
   Once signed in, on the right-hand side of the screen there is an 'app box', where you can install desktop, mobile or Facebook connect.
   I installed the desktop version.
   This allows you to drag 'n' drop photos or folders of photos from your PC into Photobucket. I tried 1 image & a folder containing 2 images.
   Didn`t have much luck with the 'Auto uploader', but the manual one worked fine!
   More detailed instructions to follow.
   To put photos in your post that are already on the internet: (Helps to have 2 internet browsers open, one with the site that contains the photo you wish to share, the other one with this forum.)
   Right click on the image, select 'properties', copy the address(URL) '' bit, come back to your post on this forum and press the button, then paste it between the [IMG]*[/IMG] codes. (If you reply to a post using the 'reply with quote' button() the button isn`t there; just type [IMG]  [/IMG]either side of the address, upper or lower case, it matters not).
   Note: Always check usage restrictions, and as a matter of courtesy I would suggest providing a link & credit to the source of your photo.
   So. having the following in your message:
   Will give you this:
   Here endeth the updated lesson!
   Cheers, Nik.

   Trying to work out the image code on Flickr is a real pain,alot longer than the Photobucket code.


Agreed! If you copy the 'BB code' from the 'share' button on flickr, it doesn`t quite work on here, giving this:
   239 by Nikbj68, on Flickr
   What you need to do is add inverted commas either side of the url texts so it looks like this: [url=""], then it works like this:
   239 by Nikbj68, on Flickr


Originally posted by nikbj68
Agreed! If you copy the 'BB code' from the 'share' button on flickr, it doesn`t quite work on here, giving this:
   239 by Nikbj68, on Flickr
   What you need to do is add inverted commas either side of the url texts so it looks like this: [url=""], then it works like this:
   239 by Nikbj68, on Flickr

   Just tried it Nik , are you clicking on the add image tab still ?
   When I try and cut and paste the url code, it looks like this
   But yours has your flickr username on flickr on the end of the code, what am I doing wrong ?
   "" title="Daytona Cobra Coupe by Aaron Gee, on Flickr"><img


I think it`s because you have disabled sharing & download, when you hit the 'share' tab on mine, it gives a link, but also the option to post on FB, Twitter etc. and also 'HTML/BBCode' (BB being Bulletin Board, or in other words, forum.)Which is what you need to paste into this forum, with the addition of " " as described above.
   You gotta share the love, Dude!


Originally posted by nikbj68
I think it`s because you have disabled sharing & download, when you hit the 'share' tab on mine, it gives a link, but also the option to post on FB, Twitter etc. and also 'HTML/BBCode' (BB being Bulletin Board, or in other words, forum.)Which is what you need to paste into this forum, with the addition of " " as described above.
   You gotta share the love, Dude!

   OK,I have disabled sharing and downloading as I am fed up of people stealing my photos and posting them on othe websites without my permission.


Understood. I had to ask someone to remove one of my photos of their Acebra at the NEC from an eBay advert for their book!
   I don`t mind personal use, but not commercial.


Not half as fed up as I am!!! Stealing the best part of my book and wondering why I get a little irritated. And you can guarantee they are the kind who'd kill to protect their copyright claim, but have no issue about stealing from other people


   This brings up a question I have had for some time. What the law is regarding vintage pictures that are published in many different books? There are many pics (such as the overhead one of CSX2063 with out a body)that have been in numerous books throughout the years. Are these considered Public Domain or are they copyrighted by each person who uses them and you need permission to use a copy. I understand copyrights on recent pics that are unique to books, but am unsure of the other ones.
   For my question,I am not talking about using them in a book, but instead am wondering about using them on a web site or a forum thread.


Originally posted by TLegate
Not half as fed up as I am!!! Stealing the best part of my book and wondering why I get a little irritated. And you can guarantee they are the kind who'd kill to protect their copyright claim, but have no issue about stealing from other people

   You are problably right Trevor,they would kill to protect there photos.
   I did email you quite some time ago if you remember about one of the sites using some of your photos and my photos. You got a credit for your photos, my photos were taken off the website, while they banned me for complaining about using my photos.Then they put the photos back on the website two weeks later. Luckily the website is no more.


Originally posted by aex125
   This brings up a question I have had for some time. What the law is regarding vintage pictures that are published in many different books? There are many pics (such as the overhead one of CSX2063 with out a body)that have been in numerous books throughout the years. Are these considered Public Domain or are they copyrighted by each person who uses them and you need permission to use a copy. I understand copyrights on recent pics that are unique to books, but am unsure of the other ones.
   For my question,I am not talking about using them in a book, but instead am wondering about using them on a web site or a forum thread.

   No they are not public domain, people who publish the photos in books should seek the photographers permission to use the photos. It does not matter if they are vintage or recent photos.
   If the original photographer is now deceased,then it might be a different matter.


Hi Jay
   All photographers retain the rights to their images during their lifetime and copyright applies to every form of 'reproduction' whether it's in printed form or electronically. Sadly, most denizens of the dreaded intranet seem to think it's everyone for themselves and they can lift, copy, steal and do whatever they like with other peoples (hard) work. This is not the case. All photographers, artists, authors are entitled to either a fee for their efforts or, at the very least, an acknowledgment. Basic good manners, if nothing else. Sadly the law does little or nothing to defend those people and to take the issue to court usually costs more than can be recouped.
   In the case of old photographs, it can be difficult or even impossible to track down the photographer, in which case it's advisable to note that you did at least try and anyone who has a claim to an image should get it touch to discuss the matter.


Aaron and Trevor,
   Thanks for the explanations.