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AC Owners Spint 2012

Started by hawk289, September 18, 2012, 23:07:36

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All AC Owners,
   Well this is my fifth sprint and the entries are starting to roll in fast. We have 20 people booked, would like more AC's. Also would like to see more AC engine cars on the grid. We had an Aceca last year with an AC engine, I'm the same as Clive who ran the sprint for so many years the AC engine is "special".
   Also if you are interested in running the sprint and meeting some really interesting people. Over the years I have really enjoyed talking to owners and making lots of new friends. The ACOC sprint is run with passion from all of the people who help me (or should I say cover up my mistakes), but we do need a Sec of the Meet to run the event. My work means I can not spend the time setting the event up, if someone will take over I will help / assist and make sure they have everything they need going forward.
   So if you are interested in shadowing me this year and just experience the day, please reach out. My details are in ACTION, the build up to the day is fun and the day it self is just brilliant. The event just gets better and better each year, last year I had to inform the police about the amount of people just watching. We should be very proud as a club as one of the last events of the year is still run in the same way it was done many years before I took over which is have more fun off the track and then go and get more fun on the track. I still have special memories chasing people to get out on the grid who just get caught up in talking.
   So if you have not done sprinting before just phone me and I will walk you through what is involved. A very good friend of mine said "Sprinting is great you go out and beat yourself, just have fun slower or faster it does not matter".
   So my first call, please enter sooner than later, we had over 120+ entries last year for 72 slots. I feel based on the first two weeks we will have another full grid.
   Speak Soon, John.
   Ps, if someone does take over I promise to enter an AC into the event.


Update, progress is going really well. We have already 28 entries in the first 2 weeks, so expecting full house again this year. Please make sure you enter early, last year I closed entry with 2 weeks to go. I'm away next week. So use email if you need ASR / Forms or just need to speak. My email address is in Action. Thanks for the continued support John.


Must go! Never been to a spint before :) Not when I was sober anyway....

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for emailing Entry Form.
   Cheque and duly completed Entry Form in Post,  Class 17,   1960 Ford Anglia, 1558cc  Lotus Twin Cam.
   See you at GoodWood.

cobham cobra

Hi Keith,
   So I guess the J40 won't be ready by November then ?

AC Ace Bristol

   Shhh ...  Don't tell everyone.......
   Kept peddaling the J40 from new start line, 73 mins later still fighting head wind down the lavant straight, PHewwwwww.[|)]  thankfully St Johns Ambulance came to the rescue, B4 Martin Brundell came round..[;)]
   Leaving BEX at home this year and dusting the cobwebs off the Anglebox ..........  Should be a experience and a education.[}:)]


If there are any AC racers out there who would like to compete at the ACOC Sprint at Goodwood on Saturday 3rd Novenber 2012, there is still time to enter. The atmosphere is always great, and the competition not too serious! It is a wonderful opportunity to drive a few laps round the historic Sussex circuit, and soak up the history of decades of racing. If you need any advice concerning the event, license requirements, or the spec of your car or race kit, either contact John Abel or me, via this forum, or via a personal message. This will be John's last Sprint as Organiser and Secretary of the Meeting, so anyone who fancies being our next Bernie Ecclestone should make themselves known and will be welcome to shadow John during the event. Andy.