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2013 International in the USA

Started by rstainer, August 04, 2012, 12:29:36

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This is a super idea which deserves its own string. Future posts below?


   This topic was posted throughout the ACOC Forum, I posted simply to indicate to those interested that as there are two distinct threads its worth consulting both.
   You are right. An International in USA west Coast is a great idea and many of us have already shown our interest, Gus Meyjes will definitely be pleased to hear of your interest, which one of your Cobras do you intend to ship across the pond.
   Good Luck Gus with your research and plans.. please keep us all informed preferably via one thread on Forum and via ACtion on a monthly basis.
   Unfortunately majority of the ACOC membership do not venture onto the forum, so are not always conversant with current issues and potential events, but could well be interested in this once in a lifetime ACOC International.
   Keith ..
   Either 2193 or 2042, depending on the itinerary.

Gus Meyjes

I just received my ACtion magazine for August and was disappointed to see that the Council appeared to have a somewhat lukewarm sentiment regarding the proposed USA International.
   It also announced hiring a professional Event organizer in order to set up a European "international" as an alternative.
   I am, frankly, miffed by this approach. I am gauging interest in a USA International and until a final decision has been made with regards to carrying through, I had hoped ACOC would not suggest competing events and I had also hoped for ACOC's full and enthusiastic endorsement. But I could be wrong in my interpretation, so please correct me if you attended the meeting in question.
   There will be an announcement in September's ACtion magazine with a call to action on behalf of members. The feedback I receive will help in deciding whether to move forward with this or not. With international shipping and possibly a very large gathering of AC's from Europe and the USA this will take quite a bit of organization and I hope I can count on ACOC's full endorsement. If not, this will not truly be an ACOC International, which would than defeat the purpose.
   From the many excited emails I have received to date, I'm confident this can grow into a fantastic and unique event.
   I'm in the process of setting up a organizing committee and already have several ACOC members on the West coast enthusiastically involved.
   If any of you readers is on the Council or attend Council meetings or personally know Council members, can I solicit your help in making this a fully endorsed event and stir up enthusiasm for this truly "Once in a lifetime event"?
   Keep checking this thread for updates. I will start with outlining a rough idea of the tour in the near future.

AC Ace Bristol

   I was not present at the last council meeting, therefore was not privy to what was ACtualy said by various members of the ACOC Council.
   Rest assured there is a positive appreciation  and enthusiasm for a ACOC International event in USA and as you rightfully point out a chance in a Lifetime.
   At present there is enthusiasm and encouragement for this event, However due to  worldwide economic recession and the fact that many members are paying mortgages and/ or  school fees and have  committments to both  Family and Business , we cannot expect a vast number of members to have or allocate  the odd spare £4000.00 or more for a three week vacation and be without their AC for a few months for the Summer / Autumn.
   The ACOC often find that more than one event in the same year clash or take precedence over another, so Priorities continually change, that doesn't mean there is little or no support for a USA International.
   We need to have  some rough outline and accurate budget pricing in order to evaluate response ,  The ACOC Internationals of past ten or twenty years have been well supported by English and European members with many driving thousands of miles to meet up and enjoy the hospitally of our  AC Host/s .
   Please do not  take this the wrong way,  we do not see ACs comming across the pond in any number,  We did have 4 Aces flown in from Chicago by the Mulacek Family for the 2010 International and Le Mans Classic. The cost is somewhat restrictive to majority of our members on both sides of the pond.
   This ACOC International is a big committment and will take a while to materialise, so please organise a small committee  of ACOC members and enthusiasts ,  We on this side of the Pond will support with advise and enthusiasm,  You do not need to bring in Professional services to organise  the event,  A Small group can cope comfortably.
   One or two to  organise a route and produce Route Book/s.
   One or Two to book and monitor Hotel/ stop over reservations..
   One or two to contact and book  restaraunts or Tie in all facilities and ammenities.
   Not every one will want to join the majority all the time so the odd alternative venue /place of interest is required, with alternative route to jump ahead or rejoin party.
   Jean Marc Dubost and I are the only 2 who organise the very successful  Le Mans Classic every other year, granted it only involves Booking  Circuit Tickets, Chateaux. Ferry crossings and a Gala Dinner for 125 or so. But despite  we are in different countries. It works well.
   Most ACOC Internationals are organised by one, two or three people,  Who work as a team and produce a good varied itinerary of interesting venues , with good route book , eating establishments and accomodation.
   I will ask a few organisers from previous ACOC Internationals to email data on their events,  Places of interest in the past have included Vinyards,  Glass making Factories/ Foundaries.  Driving instruction/ skid pan,  Villeroy and Boch Factory,  Coal Mine,  Race track and Hill climb to name just a few different venues / places of interest to entertain a wide range of Members of different Nationalities and Age.
   The number of Cars taking part in the ACOC international and Le Mans Classic vary between 25  and 65 cars, however back in 2003 we Actually had 102 ACs in the rallye field and 34 ACs on the grid for the AC Ace Challange Race at Donington  Park.  A great International organised by John Arnold , his secretary and a couple of members...
   Don't give Up, you have already made inroads to organising a Very Special ACOC International,  granted the Majority will be American members but you should see a dozen or so from UK and Europe if the Transportation of our cars and Airflights are negotaited  fiercly at your end with some costs possibly met by a sponsor,  USA / European Company.  ( transport Co, Insurance Co,  Oil Co or  IT Co ??)
   Gus,  I have spoken to Andy Shepherd whilst at the Bentley Drivers / Silverstone meeting this afternoon, he agrees with me that it is feasable, but due to financial committments of many ACOC Family members  the overall cost  of this International will curtail many from participating, so a alternative  event during the year would be on / in  the  ACOC calendar. Eg.  A Special National Event..........  In fact The ACOC always have a National Event as well as a International meeting  every year, with Le Mans Classic alternate years,  Not every member can or wants to participate, It is nice to have a choice.
   Go for It,  keep everyone informed via the Forum and Action Magazine,  If it proves a wee bit daunting prepare it for 2014, but as Andy has stated before , most Internationals are planned within twelve / fourteen months and prove to be very successful.
   If I  Can assist in any way and ACt as a go between  with you and ACOC Council I will do my best.[;)]
   Please note I have copied your email and my reply to Andy Shepherd  Our Chairman, and a few International members so this matter can be discussed at the next Council meeting  (  Last Thursday of each Month.)
   Last but not least.  Imperative that all parties participating MUST Pay DEPOSIT , non refundable or on sliding Scale,  Individuals Must have their own Travel and Medical Insurance.  Disclaimers etc can be sorted and agreed at later date. ....    Priority is to Confirm Costing, proposed date and put together Itinery.
   Hopefully I have not offended or discouraged.   One or two Members can come up Trumps .....  Many of us have in the past,  Many of us will in the Future..[;)]
   Cheers for Now
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

Copy of email from Jean Marc Dubost,  Interest shown for ACOC International  USA by a few members of   AC CLUB FRANCE..[;)]..[;)]
   Hi Gus
   Will yu be coming to Pebble Beach / Carmel next week? I am flying to SF next monday to assist at the concours delegance & various other events therefore could be a good opportunity to meet each other at best convenience and discuss further about possible venue of AC French/European members. For info
   I will attend the AC dinner on friday evening.
   I know already that several AC French members are interested .
   Kind rgds
   Jean-Marc Dubost

   You have captured the attention of Many,  A once in a lifetime ACOC international in USA (West Coast), Keep posting updates and the party will continue to grow. [;)]

Gus Meyjes

I will be in Monterrey next week to enjoy to classic car frenzy, but it is also turning out to be a great time to meet with ACOC members from all over the world. I will be meeting with members from the west coast, Canada, UK, France etc. Everyone has expressed interest in the International and everyone has committed to be of assistance in making this happen. This is VERY exciting!
   With 50 ACOC members and Cobra owners at the dinner in Pacific Grove, I will certainly make an announcement about the event!
   Can we get 100 AC cars together for this next year?


100 A.C.s ? Easy just go for it Gus

MkIV Lux

Hi Gus,
   I can only support what Keith and others have said hereabove. Just go for it.
   Personally, I prefer it to happen in 2013 rather than in 2014, as the Le Mans Classic event takes place in even years, and many of us go there, some for racing.
   With a team of 3 or 4 at your end, and 1 or 2 for coordinating from this end, it should be feasible to make it all happen with a leadtime of under 12 months.
   You have our support.


   If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest that you talk to Jim Feldman regarding recommendations for routes, lodgings, and attractions. He participates in the California Mille every year, and could probably share some ideas for routes and vintage car friendly accommodations / attractions in California (maybe even a copy of some old itineraries and route maps to build from...).  No sense in reinventing the wheel if someone else has been their already! Jim will likely be in Monterey this week showing one of his many AC's that he has in his fleet.
   PS – There are also a number of other AC's that participate in California Mille.
   Good Luck with your efforts to put together an International gathering in the US.

Gus Meyjes

Those were exactly my thoughts and I have formulated a letter to Jim yesterday. As Jim apparently has not yet moved into the age of instant messaging, I will fax it to him tomorrow!
   I just spoke with Jeffrey Jones along the same lines. He has participated in the Mille and I have friends who have done so, so my mind has already ventured in that very direction....


The Council meeting was nearly two months ago and what was reported in ACtion was a bit of caution about likely costs and how many members could afford it.  Talking to a number of people in the last month, there's a lot of interest in what would be a real "one off" (at least it would be a one-off the first time!) and a growing groundswell of enthusiasm.  As Keith notes above, it will depend on final costs and programme.  Good luck drawing up the proposals!

Gus Meyjes

I now have a small group of people committed to assistance in organizing the International. We will have a framework formulated in the next 10 days and I will post this on the Forum. I will be meeting with a number of people in Monterey this weekend in regards to this event.
   I also have a much better idea of how previous internationals have been organized and what members expect from these events.
   I'm very confident we can present a fantastic USA International with fabulous driving, site visits, Wine country tours, Pebble Beach extravaganza etc, etc.
   With regards to Expense, the only "hard" quote I have to date is $4000 round trip for shipping of the cars, all paperwork and customs work included. I suggest interested members go online and check flight options most suitable to them. Depending on shipping we may start in Santa Monica and therefore flights to LA are in order, or we may start north, so flights to San Fransisco or nearby airports may be in order.
   At any event I'd say: Start putting some money in your USA international savings account and start dreaming of California driving, twisting roads along the pacific coast, Redwood giant trees, mountains, wine country, Pebble Beach, etc, etc... This is going to be good!!


   have just checked with a shipping firm in the UK (£2100 one way from Manchester UK to LA) who tell me that temporary importation of cars into the USA requires a "Carnet de Passage" and a bond posting to the value of up to 50% of the vehicle.This is done through the RAC in this country who will then complete the customs ducumentation.
   I think this could be a stopper and should clearly be investegated further before we all get too excited.

Gus Meyjes

I have been in touch with Rinkens International, who do this all the time and ship 1500 cars every month. They did not mention this and they claim to have experience with shipping cars and motorcycles for temporary use in the US for clubs and tours. I will not ignore your suggestion and shoot an email immediately.


Originally posted by Gus Meyjes
I have been in touch with Rinkens International, who do this all the time and ship 1500 cars every month. They did not mention this and they claim to have experience with shipping cars and motorcycles for temporary use in the US for clubs and tours. I will not ignore your suggestion and shoot an email immediately.

   Gus - for several years in the '90s and early '00s, Morgan owners did a 30+ day tour called Morgans Over America. It was sponsored by the UK Morgan Owners Club and the NCal Morgan Owners. I believe that they ran this at least 4 or 5 times with the last one in 2005.
   Here is a link that might be useful -
   There are some names from the NCal Morgan Owners club that might be helpful.
   Good luck - tom i in AZ
   AEX456, BE772