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2013 International in the USA

Started by rstainer, August 04, 2012, 12:29:36

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AC Ace Bristol

   Thursday 31st January 2013
   Response from Rick.
   Hello Keith:
   The $1,600 figure was for a higher value vehicle (If I remember correctly, Gus gave me a rough value range of possible participating vehicles).
   As for the liability limits- $100,000 is the maximum we would pay for damages to any one person if you were at fault in an accident, up to a maximum of $300,000 per accident. So, if you caused an accident in which the other car had 3 occupants, each suffering $90,000 in damages, they would each be paid the full amounts. If the other car had say 2 occupants suffering a total of $400,000 in damages, we would pay the maximum of $300,000 for this one accident. Now if you have really bad luck and have another at-fault accident a mile down the road, you start over having the $100,000 per person/$300,000 per accident available. Of course we don't recommend having another accident a mile down the road, but just to give you an example.
   The limits are quite low compared to what you are used to in the UK. However, believe it or not, they are quite a bit more than the required state minimum limits of $25,000 per person/$50,000 per accident. It's very uncommon for most in the USA to carry more than $1,000,000, with the majority carrying $500,000 or less (you'd be surprised how many people carry only the state required minimums). Many people carry "umbrella" policies here to go over and above their auto policy limits, however (this is not something we offer).
   Hope that helps, and let me know if you need anything else.
   Best regards,

   Hopefully the last few posts have helped answer questions and help those still calculating finances for this event..[;)]

AC Ace Bristol

Hi  Gus.
   Took phone call this evening from  Dave Coleman and Ian (MK1V Lightweight), they are seriously interested in joining Julie and I (Ace Bristol, BEX333) in travelling across the pond for this somewhat expensive once in a life time ACOC  USA International.
   Really need another couple of ACs prepared to share a 40 ft 4 car container from UK to LA and return three weeks later to UK.
   If there is no or little response, Is the event On or Off?
   Sorry to be so direct, appreciate it is a very expensive trip/holiday for those from UK and Mainland Europe and a lot of time and effort has been spent by you in preparation, but with the lack of committment from other ACOC members, I have to ask..  ..  .. is it On or Off.[?]
   Or is it to be put back to 2014/2015..[?]
   Gus have you had any positive feed back/committment from any one else on my side of the Pond.
   Hoping for GOOD NEWS..[;)]
   Keith ..[:)]

Gus Meyjes

   It is one more week until the end of February. I believe the UK and Europe gets their copy of ACtion about a week or ten days ahead of us. I have had Bill Patterson send me an email cancelling his interest. I have not heard one iota from anyone else. I'm afraid that the high cost of the trip is turning people off.
   I think and hope I've been clear on the suggested plans, dates and costs and asked that I receive confirmation of interest by the end of this month and I would start taking "money down" to secure that interest. At this time no one has done sofar.
   Interest from the USA is marginal at best.
   In all honesty, I think we'll have to can this trip for now and postpone to another year, with more time to plan and save up funds. At least I have learned a lot about the shipping and insurance part of this and it should therefore be a lot less work to pick up the thread next time around.

MkIV Lux

Hi Gus,
   I just sent you a message by e-mail on this.

AC Ace Bristol

   If The ACOC US International is put back a year or two..[:(] please count me in.  Maybe it could be run in months of September/October when it is a little cooler..[8D] kids are back at school and tourist rates are back to norm.[;)]
   On behalf of many AC Owners on this side of the Pond.... A BIG THANK YOU for spending many hours preparing routes, negotiating Insurance and shipping,  really appreciated, Rest assured your time and effort has not been wasted as hopefully you reschedule for 2015 ..[?]
   Keep us all Posted...[;)]
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)]


Hi Gus, I am sorry if I have been one of the silent majority! I have been watching the progress of your project, and hoping someone would come up with the right numbers to make the trip possible. I have always dreamed of driving up the West Coast from LA to San Francisco in an open AC. I still want to do it, but must admit that the logistics and costs have proved to be a barrier. Please don't give up on the idea, as there is a lot of interest from over here, but somehow we need to be clever at shipping the cars more economically. The alternative is to have someone else pay, as happens with Goodwood Revival cars. For the moment I will have to be content with my dreams, but one day I still want them to come true. Thanks for all your hard work, Andy.


Hi Gus - I've emailed you twice, on 2 Feb and yesterday.  Is it possible that some emails are being caught by a spam filter?

Gus Meyjes

Hi all,
   I will keep all the info filed and if in the future there is a desire to do this again, it will be a lot easier process to go through. I doubt that shipping will be much better, as I pretty much got the price down to one fourth of what most pay. However, east coast driving is fabulous as well and may offer lower rates. Personally I was put off by the insurance cost and felt that this was outrageously high. I can't imagine containers getting lost at sea and drivers cracking up their classics at such an incredible rate that insurers have to mitigate their risk by asking stratospheric prices for a 3 week vacation. But, if they all do it, it is hard to get a better deal.
   I would very much like to hear from you all in the future and in case there is sufficient interest, I'll be more than happy to put out the effort to organize.
   Bryan, I did get your second email. For some reason the first one did not come through.
   Best regards everyone. Hope to meet you all one of these days.

MkIV Lux

Many thanks for your efforts Gus. We all do appreciate what you have put together. Hope it will work out one day.

J Jones

Thank you, Gus. You made a valiant effort.
   Maybe it would be possible to gather a smaller, a less daunting conclave of AC's living in  North America. No insurance worries, and very reduced transport cost.
   Pebble Beach in 2013 or 2014?
   Fantasy Junction has - on rare occasions - had cars they were willing to "lend/lease".Only cars they actually own. Nothing like the one below - I'm afraid all AC's are now too valuable to


   Thank you for all your hard work and especially your enthusiasm for a Westcoast ACOC tour.
   I agree with J. Jones comment suggesting a gathering of North American AC owners and hopefully some UK and EU members mixing in with hired Hertz Mustangs etc as the cost of transport and insurance seemed to be the stumbling block.
   Don't close the file!
   Jonathan Parker,


   Have been following the thread with keen interest over the months and would like to add my thanks to you for all the work you have done on this.
   Like Shep, I have been one of the silent majority.  Would be very interested in joining a trip in 2014 or 2015 as this would allow sufficient notice to manage it around work commitments.
   Would most likely bring my car over - along with some camera equipment that hopefully could allow me to get a few half decent snaps of the proceedings.
   Lets hope we get to meet at some stage.

Gus Meyjes

   I am not the least bit turned off by this. I hope we can all meet some time and the work done will go towards future efforts. Maybe I should revert the process by enticing the American contingent to ship their cars and visit the UK and we all could meet at the Goodwood revival?

Gus Meyjes

   Your enthusiasm has been infectious! I'm convinced one of these years we'll get the whole thing going. What do you think about us going east and drive our cars in their birth country and have a few lukewarm beers to go with that?


I think you mean "Beer that has flavor" Gus......(and I even spelt 'flavour' incorrectly for you)