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Ace/Bristol for sale in USA

Started by J Jones, July 05, 2012, 21:41:04

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Wow. Really stunning!
   What`s the story with the balance tube on the header? Increased torque, extractor-style?
   I don`t recall seeing this done elsewhere.


BEX 1090 sold for $217k at RM Auctions in Jan 2011. It definitely looks much better than old photos on the AC Ace and Aceca site (the balance tubes were on the headers at that time).

Jim A

If you look at the Fantasy Junction photos closely, or even not so closely, it seems that this Ace has a seriously flawed front end.
   The grill is too upright or even tilted back (a la Siata).  The body work over the grill is too wide and flat.
   It looks like it just ran into a wall and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole car is shorter than normal overall.
   Any one else?


Yep. It`s like the bottom lip comes out too far & the top is set back.
   Good eye, Jim!

Gus Meyjes

funny how that makes it look so different. It's a small difference, but makes it look like a bulldog with it's bottom jaw sticking out!


And it has a closed brother:
   The full advertisement is here: The Houtkamp collection

Gus Meyjes

They sent me an email about this car. I'll be in Holland in December. I'm going to take a look at it.
   BTW, Peter, I'll be visiting Berit one of those days, any chance I can come and have a look at your projects? I arrive into Amsterdam on December 13th.

Jim A

It looks like neither bodyshop had an example to work with.
   It is difficult to figure out how such a huge mistake could occur.
   I remember early Bristol advertising making the point that it featured "balanced extraction.," i.e. firing into each separate exhaust pipe sequencially.
   That (ugly) crossover pipe would negate that advantage.

Gus Meyjes

Jim, What is it that you find wrong with the black Aceca?
   I appreciate some detail issues, but it looks like the body work is generally correct? Not?


[quoteWhat is it that you find wrong with the black Aceca?[/quote]
   Compared with BE 722 when new (above), the car in Holland appears not to enjoy the flowing lines from the front wing across the door to the tail.


Also the nose is 'abrupt', appearing almost vertical & inline with the headlights, possibly accentuated by the absence of bumpers, but compare to This Aceca.


If you compare this with the nose of BE646 I think the flat nose is not normal:


Originally posted by dkp_cobra
If you compare this with the nose of BE646 I think the flat nose is not normal:

   .... and the black car is facing downhill, which means the effect would be greater on level ground.
   The uneven line of the reflections along the side tell a story, and on the alternative photos the roof and rain gutter line also looks unusual.

Jim A

I don't think the Aceca's nose is nearly as bad as the FJ Ace's.
   The last pages of the Houtcamp pics show how horribly the car had been treated.
   Houtcamp also has a blue Aceca in their catalog.  There is a nearly identical angle of the two cars that shows the subtle difference.