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What is a real AC?

Started by Emmanueld, January 28, 2007, 18:57:49

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   You clearly have a need for "the Truth" where  AC cars are concerned.  You clearly seek enlightenment from your peers via this forum.  Wholly admirable of you.
   However, and this is just a passing thought, you might want to define one or two of your terms first so that we are all talking about the same thing.  If I might be so bold as to suggest ?
   1)  "Real".  What do you mean by "Real" AC, it seems rather different to everyone else.
   2)  "AC".  Same observation as above, define first - argue later.
   When you've finished that useful exercise you might want to discuss: how many angels can fit on the head of a pin; and other equally useful exercises.
   Perhaps you might keep your philosophical jaunts on another web-site and your relevant AC observations to this one.
   Mark-Anthony Conti


   "sir" died in 1971, I'm Jim & you still are obnoxious  no matter what you own. This website has been a great service to many of are turning it into an arguement. Be gone!

cobham cobra

   Well put. I had enjoyed participating and contributing to the club site, but "some" of the chat is now just irritating, insensitive or irrelevant and I no longer look forward to reading the threads. I hope and look forward to the conversation returning to it's original style of friendly, informative and supportive.


Just a thought.  When little Emmanueld comes running into the playground in the hope that some poor sole will tolerate him, ignore him.  Maybe then he'll finally get the message and leave, allowing us to get back enjoying a forum used by enthusiasts keen to contribute to the pleasure and knowledge of the AC marque. I for one will never again open up a topic that has been started by Emmanueld.
   I get the feeling that he enjoys the safety of the internet to express his opinions, possibly because people in the physical world would have removed him from the premesis by now...


   I have just made another New Years Resolution.  It is to resist the temptation to be be drawn into irritating, insensitive or irrelevant threads.

Ian Rogers

Interesting reading chaps. Just my ha'penny worth. Anyone ever meet Eugene? He worked at AC Thames Ditton and Brooklands. He retired in 2001 ish and I think he was nearly 70.  He was the man who made the chassis for the Cobras not only in the 60's but also right up to the Mk IV including mine The Superblower 'Spirit of Brooklands No. 2'. I watched him make it from day one of July 1999 from lumps of 'pig iron' to the thing of beauty it landed up as. The name Cobra was then still officially licensed to AC. But more importantly the man who crafted mine was the same chap who made those fire breathing, earth shattering early models. To hell with who owned the Company as long as it was an AC they made surely its all about the loyal work force of those days (now gone) who were just like Eugene. They built the more modern AC's as they had built the early ones. With a passion and pride
   Just enjoy your cars for what they are.
   Regards to all like-minded owners
   Ian Rogers
   ps. Just bought a 1955 Aceca fitted with race engine, box, Webbers, disc brakes, Borrani's etc. Raced in Portugal and States. It's just as pure AC as my Superblower in my book.


Ian, well put! I'll attempt to follow the lead of SB7019 and C90BY...but I've never been able to tolerate fools such as "E" well.

Gus Meyjes



Originally posted by jbottini
Ian, well put! I'll attempt to follow the lead of SB7019 and C90BY...but I've never been able to tolerate fools such as "E" well.

   I might be a fool be at least I have a real AC!


so do I and "fool" may be a poor choice of words...pick your own or argue with yourself about the choice.


My apoligies for this statement in advance .. but I think Emmanueld need to get laid !!

Mark IV

Originally posted by ak1234
My apoligies for this statement in advance .. but I think Emmanueld need to get laid !!

   Do we need to take up a fund to get it done?

cobham cobra

Would it be a one off fee or a monthly payment ? Also, do we get a refund if we don't get satisfaction ?


Did anyone save the post from last week where the young woman was offering her company? I don't think she mentioned a fee. A word of caution however. If he likes it, we may be overwhelmed with posts about whether the experience was "real". If it doesn't work out, we will certainly be subjected to numerous posts expressing his disappointment. Proceed with caution!

Roy Davies

ak1234 - I couldn't have put it better myself!