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Disappointed by this forum?

Started by Emmanueld, January 26, 2007, 21:00:12

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I agree with ak1234. I have found the forum to be an excellent source of info. Before discovering it, I had virtually no access to knowledgeable Ace people. After joining the forum, I have received excellent information from many different people and thank them all. Additionally, I have learned much from other people's posts and am ready for some problems when and if they arise. Thanks to all that have put the forum together and keep it running.


I was being facetious, just trying to bring a little dialogue, actually its fun to discuss various subject matters. It's also funny that those who reacted most defensively are the MKIV people. I enjoyed the dialogue with Dave, actually we have similar test in cars I think.


Well, don't I just feel like a right dipstick now. I'll just go and sit in my chair and blush a little.


If most find your idea of"dialog" offensive...are you?


Originally posted by jbottini
If most find your idea of"dialog" offensive...are you?

   Offensive why? please explain.


Because you can't spell dialogue...
   Only joking!
   My only disappointment is how few of the UK ACOC members seem to be using this site. I guess they will start to log in over time, but we should do what we can to promote the site in the ACOC


Please tell that to Jbotini, I quoted him! (you know these MKIV owners), Just kidding! Anyway it's too bad they don't use it, It could be a wealth of resources, hopefully it will happen. I am curious, why ACE4.6? Did you install a small block in your car?
   A dialogue is a reciprocal conversation between two or more persons. The etymological origins of the word [(in Greek #948;#953;#940;(diá,through) + #955;#972;#947;#959;#962;(logos,word,speech) concepts like flowing-through meaning)] do not necessarily convey the way in which people have come to use the word, with some confusion between the prefix #948;#953;#940;-(diá-,through) and the prefix #948;#953;-(di-, two) leading to the assumption that a dialogue is necessarily beween only two parties. Quote from Wikepedia!

Robin A Woolmer

It is agreat pity we have no contributions from real AC's namely Pre War AC cars, why is this?
   Why is it Cobra Cobra Cobra?


You mean MKIV, MKIV, MKIV! I don't know much about prewar ACs', I have seen photos and they look good! I would like to find out more about them!
   You know just a thought, in what age group is the typical AC owner? this could have something to do about them not using a computer? My daily driver is a Morgan Plus Eight and everybody in the club over here is ancient! Emmanuel

Robin A Woolmer

Auto Carriers designed most if not all the pre war cars, post war AC Designed the 2-Litre,ME3000 & probably the Greyhound.
   The Ace was designed by John Tojero & fitted with the Weller AC 2-litre engine, the Ace & Aceca are fine cars but then had Bristol & Ford engines fitted,what a pity AC could not either develop the Weller engine or come up with a new design with over square bore & stroke.
   We will see later this year how much the Weller AC engine could have been developed, bore & stroke are not much differant from the Bristol & the AC  engine is lighter & more simple in concept, much improvement is possable!
   Any AC Cobra cannot really be considered as a pure AC design but they did well in competition & are now worth a great deal of money.
   My Post War AC choice is the Aceca with a proper engine!


I'm a member of Ac Replica Club, Ac Owners club and the 289 register. Why well both give me excellent source of information. Also I'm lucky enough to own Aceca, Ace and a Hawk 289 FIA. The car I like the most is the Aceca, due to the lines, etc.
   Anyway, lets make the forum more interesting by sharing information about are cars. Ever forum has problems, just the let the quality come through and the trash will be missed.
   The only question I have is this forum seems to get hit with more adverts, etc. than most?
   Anyway, lets enjoy the cars and keep share knowledge.

Robin A Woolmer

As a point of interest Hawk Cars make an important contribution supplying spares for Cobra owners etc, not much good for my requirements though!So AC Club members do benifit from the Kit Car world.


I will check out their website if they have one!


Hi, I know Gerry very well, his parts are very good. I believe most of the parts he has for the Ac Cobra's are nearly 99% original style. I have built three Hawk Car's and the quality of the kit is brilliant. The FIA is my very best to date, I managed to get a 289 HiPo + TopLoader from the states.


   If you want to know more about Hawke cars you should also go to:-