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COB 6054

Started by 100 IAN, April 27, 2012, 09:32:48

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Apologies - the FIA takes up too much of my brain.


For the record, the 'authority' was the poor devil who had the unenviable task of getting the car through scrutineering!
   (I believe fines are imposed for not being French....only joking.... a bit)


Were those wheels fitted to a Kirkham Nik ? Mmm , so maybe next time they need to let the tyres down ,then pump them up again with French air [:)]

100 IAN

Anyone know who bought it? £701,250 !

French Frie


This Cobra is now in the UK with a dealer and will be restored to RHD.


Originally posted by rstainer: This Cobra will be restored to RHD.

   And a weight of 965kg!!! [B)]


The buyer gets 1,025kg for his money: it's an original road car (ex Amschel Rothschild ex John Harper).

MG Mike

COB 6054 was collected on Valentines Day 1966 by myself driving the new owner to Thames Ditton to collect the car. While Vivien was in paying the bill, I drove it out of the workshop ready to follow him back to Reading, where we both lived, so makes me one of the first drivers!
At Maidenhead thicket the car was pulled over because it was running so badly, found the choke had been out all the time.  Went much better for the rest of the journey.
My first brush with what has become the worlds most iconic 2 seater.

Cobra Ned

I show the owner of the genuine COB 6054 as Adrian Johnson of the UK.