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Started by Chafford, March 10, 2012, 19:54:41

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Originally posted by Spantik
News from Brookland (I guess from October 14):

   These pictures are from 2009 when the original prototype was shown at Brooklands.
   Any news on your car?


Well, heard nothing so far. Rather surprising as the first delivery for Switzerland was planned last week...

Alan Faulkner-Stevens

First delivery planned into Switzerland eh?? well, that will be interesting after i've just helped one of my clients get the only CRS Cobra into the Country and pass all the conformity and legality tests. At least the CRS has a 49State Legal USA engine in it and it was still with the emissions testing station about three months.


We will ALL keep our fingers crossed for you, Manu! I hope you have a BIG set of snowchains ready!


Yep, ordered a pair for the front wheels ;-)


You really are a thrillseeker!!!


So you pin the front axle in ice and the donuts are simply circular, perfectly circular!


Just wonder if anyone else has ordered a Mk VI or a MK II from AC Automotive dealers.
   Actually, I read again through The Telegraph of May 28, 2012 as well as Autocar news from June 29, 2012, and got caught by Sir Jeremy Mackenzie's last statement: "The problem for AC in recent years has been an inability to meet the demands of dealers, and any company that can't meet the expectations of its clients is doomed to failure,..." "...Our new manufacturing ability will ensure that things can be different this time." Seems that things are moving ahead, but at what speed?

Wer alles hat denn nun eine MkVI bestellt ? Gibt es welche ?


Dear Peter,  I did order one back in April 2011. Did you?


European homologation for the first serie produced  Mk VI is completed, as planned, in April 2013. I will know more end of the month. Things are getting very serious.


Originally posted by Spantik
European homologation for the first serie produced  Mk VI is completed, as planned, in April 2013. I will know more end of the month. Things are getting very serious.

   Sounds like good news!


Well, as promised some (good) news.
   I saw my car in the manufacture in Heyda, and it is about to be finished. Upholstery and paintjob still ahead for the team. Delivery expected by mid of June.
   Actually, the visit of the manufacture was a great experience and I was very positively impressed by the setup and the atmosphere: I felt the passion and dedication towards the cars and work very well done. The German workmanship, indeed, reflected in the AC MkVI.
   The complete value chain runs in the facility, therefore improving the cars at each step is a continuous and on-site process.
   Series production started last year and a few cars left already Heyda for their happy owners and one is about to leave the factory, a few with work in progress at different stages and a couple of chassis at the welding shop. The production comes up to speed and I enjoyed seeing all manufacturing stages of the AC MkVI, from raw materials up to a fully finished AC MkVI.
   It has been a long journey from the first models in 2009 to the first series model, but this was worth the waiting. The cars are awesome, breathing the Cobra heritage of an aggressive race car of the 60's with today's technology.
   I found in Heyda the attitude and spirit of a small and exclusive car manufacturer as I imagined it.


Originally posted by Spantik
Well, as promised some (good) news.
   I saw my car in the manufacture in Heyda, and it is about to be finished. Upholstery and paintjob still ahead for the team. Delivery expected by mid of June.
   Actually, the visit of the manufacture was a great experience and I was very positively impressed by the setup and the atmosphere: I felt the passion and dedication towards the cars and work very well done. The German workmanship, indeed, reflected in the AC MkVI.
   The complete value chain runs in the facility, therefore improving the cars at each step is a continuous and on-site process.
   Series production started last year and a few cars left already Heyda for their happy owners and one is about to leave the factory, a few with work in progress at different stages and a couple of chassis at the welding shop. The production comes up to speed and I enjoyed seeing all manufacturing stages of the AC MkVI, from raw materials up to a fully finished AC MkVI.
   It has been a long journey from the first models in 2009 to the first series model, but this was worth the waiting. The cars are awesome, breathing the Cobra heritage of an aggressive race car of the 60's with today's technology.
   I found in Heyda the attitude and spirit of a small and exclusive car manufacturer as I imagined it.

   Certainly very good news. Please post some photos on the site as soon as you have them/


Actually, I promised not to disclose any picture yet. Anyway, I anticipate to write an article in ACtion as soon as the car is in my possession, so that I'll illustrate with some pics.