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CRS Clutch cables

Started by Alan Faulkner-Stevens, July 14, 2006, 21:35:25

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Alan Faulkner-Stevens

I recently wrote a piece about my trip to the MOT station and how trying to get the emissions clean on the bay ramp had fried my clutch cable. Despite having lubricated the cables inner core the pedal feel was still poor in operation. When I purchased my car I also brought a new spare clutch cable so I thought it might be a good time to use the spare and properly check the original cables condition. I spent time removing said dopey cable and offer it up against my new one. Fantastic, all the fitting look the same but a slight problem, its 6inches too short, bugger!! I now have two cables neither of which are any good. It transpires the shorter one is for a left hand drive car. Right, time to sort this out. The cables appear to be from a Mustang but the CRS cable lengths are very long, much longer than a standard Mustang. A careful check with friends in the USA confirm this fact. I suspect originally AC's brought in standard cables and modified them to suit each vehicular application. I manage to speak to the ever helpful John Owen at AC's in Malta who confirmed this. Now its easy, send the two cables down to Speedy cables. They repair my original and extend my spare. One reason for the cables failure is its proximity to the exhaust manifold and mine did not carry any heat insulation around it to protect against the heat soak damage. Once the repaired cables are back I cover the lower eighteen inches of each cable with a heat foil to try and combat the temperatures.
   Its soon back on the car and I'm running again.
   Now I have mentioned what I have done to John Lewis, also a CRS owner, who suggested it might be good if the Club had some spare cables to offer to members. To that end I am currenly importing a new Ford cable to check it is correct against my spare, they vary over year periods. If all is okay I plan to import a further nine and get them modified to the correct length, insulate them and let the Club have them to sell to members. Perhaps any Club mebers who are interested could let me know. I would be very interested to hear from MkIV owners with cable problems as I might be able to help or point them in the right direction.
   Alan Faulkner-Stevens

AC Ace Bristol

Hi Alan
   Regards Clutch cables for CRS and MK1V, i'm assuming they are the same with regards fittings either end, lenghth may vary.. therefor get longest version.
   May I suggest once you have established cotings and Suitable unit the ACOC purchase the 10 or 12 units then supply them to members on a cash plus exchange basis.
   The club will then build up enough fittings to have special batch made up by speedy cables therefore keeping costs to a minimum.   Just an idea.
   Keith L Lessiter

cobham cobra

I had my clutch cable fail on my MkIV in central London last week, luckily I carried a spare and the AA man was very quick fitting the replacement. The problem is I now don't have a spare. I have asked Alan Smith (Thunder Road) to get me a replacement and apparently it is a Mustang cable but has to be modified as Alan F-S has found out. I was talking with Keith Lessiter yesterday at the Barley Mow ACOC meeting and he suggested Alan F-S could look into the idea of having a number of cables made and stocked by the club and we could then buy them from the club as needed. I know of at least two other owners that would buy a spare cable and I wondered how many others would want one ? If we have an idea of demand the next thing is how do we get them made ?
   One more question, anyone know if the Mk IV and CRS share the same cable ?
   John Norris.


And does anyone know if Ace Brooklands have the same cable?

Alan Faulkner-Stevens

In response to the clutch cable questions, I know the exact lengths of both the right hand and left hand drive CRS cables and what type of Mustang fittings the cars uses. If somebody can send me pictures of the MkIV and ACE cable end I should be able to identify them. I'm guessing the later the car gets the more likely the cable is to be Mustang based. My aim always has been to find out more info for other AC models and get a few cable manufactured for the Club to sell to members. Give me some information, ie type of inner and outer cable ends on lengths and I may be able to sort it out. Alan Faulkner-Stevens.

AC Ace Bristol

A little more ammunition, I believe "Big Al" at Thunder Road, has already investigated replacement Clutch cables for both CRS & Mk1V Cobras.
   Could be worth while discussing requirements,  Suppliers & costings, pointless re-inventing the Wheel so to speak. Are Mk1V & CRS  RHD Clutch cables same or different???? ( Fittings and Length ????
   John Lewis has confirmed he is going to discuss subject at next ACOC council meeting, of the ACOC investing/ financing the initial batch of cables.
   The ACOC Council will keep you posted, please note next Council meeting Thursday 27th July, all those interested please make yourselves known to / [:)]with Alan Faulkner Stevens, the more we get made or buy the cheaper they should be.
   The more our ACs are used and the older they get the more we need vital spares, So be counted and lets get this initial batch underway !!
   Keith L Lessiter