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New MkV Cobras for sale

Started by Alan Faulkner-Stevens, January 06, 2007, 07:35:11

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.. I have seen two of the prototypes and not 100% sure on what all the heip is about ??
   I assure you I own 1 of the pictures and seen 2 mores of the pictures.  Didnt see the producton version.
   My point is simple and I'm out of this post.  People pay the same money for Home Builts, Street Rods built in some ones garage, Replicas, that go for the same price in the USA .. cant say about the UK .. for POOR Quality Cars.  Then they pound on a manufacturer who released Prototypes to distributors and judge quality ??
   Basically if the production car is released its up to the manufactuer and distributor to do some old fashion American Marketing and get them sold ... maybe there not ready for that yet.
   Your right I'm no expert I only speak from my own experiences with the cars I own and have seen.
   My take I support AC'c venture and you should to .. because even if you dont want to believe it .. with AC in business and someone using the MARQUE ... it adds to the value of your present REPLICA and all of the present CARS which resemble the COBRA ... other wise the MARQUE will die over time.
   My 2 Cents.

Mark IV

Mr. Owen,
   I understand your conerns about this being a "non supportive" forum. However, what support or input has AC provided to it up to the point of your posting?
   I must admit upfront that I have "issues" with AC as it currently exists and I agree that you should not indulge in a discourse with someone who does not want to hear what you say. If requested by yourself or the administrator, I will refrain from any future posting on this subject, I think that is fair enough. Please don't deprive others here of your input due to my views.
   While I have met you, and had limited interaction with yourself, you were a gentleman and I understand that your hands were tied at the time so that many communications to yourself went unanswered.
   However, to come to this site and state that you will not publiclly post information is a dis-service to the many who frequent this site as well as giving the image that AC has "something to hide."
   Is there a certain level of doubt here (and on several other related boards)...for sure! The press releases of the previous years (ranging from the Swiss business school that was to make AC a graduate project to the Conn. "factory" announcement) have caused most to look at any information coming from AC with a grain of salt at best, with laughter and derision at worst. Perhaps this is an opportunity to reverse some of that image.
   Going through three US distributors in the last two years without ever really getting any product out in the field has not helped the image. Perhaps the best business model would be to, as JBottini taught me many years ago, "underpromise and overdeliver."
   I hope the firm will survive to keep parts available for years to come, I just question if AC will ever really be an auto manufacturer ever again.
   Again, please don't let me keep you off this site...just say the word and I shall cease posting.


   I'm not sure that making statements like "how dare you insult your customer base" and signing off "disgusted" would be construed by most people as a way in which "you try to offer people advice".
   You have a good reputation for offering advice to the UK  Cobra Club members.  John Owen also has a good and long standing reputation for providing advice to AC owners.  You are happy to do so through public internet forums while he clearly prefers to deal by e mail and phone.
   You imply that you "have the whole picture" and that AK 1234 is "less informed".  This is  despite the fact that he had already stated, and has just repeated, that he has seen 2 of the actual cars and has been an active member of this site since it's inception.
   What elements of the picture have you and Purple seen that we have not and have you yourself seen one of the Mk Vs in the flesh?

   Seeking to gain support for an attack on John Owen from the UK Cobra Club site using the exact same phrase as the infamous Jade and bragging about your previous battles may look like an attempt at bullying.  It may also be viewed as the efforts of someone trying to "gain something by shooting you (in this case AC Cars, who you could well see as a potential competitor) down".
   You are good at building high quality replicas.  John has shown in the past  that he can build AC's to a world renowned level of quality. Those of us who are lucky enough to own them are highly appreciative of this.  I, for one, hope that he can continue to do so in the future and thus keep alive a marque that we all love.


Originally posted by SB7019
   I'm not sure that making statements like "how dare you insult your customer base" and signing off "disgusted" would be construed by most people as a way in which "you try to offer people advice".
   You have a good reputation for offering advice to the UK  Cobra Club members.  John Owen also has a good and long standing reputation for providing advice to AC owners.  You are happy to do so through public internet forums while he clearly prefers to deal by e mail and phone.
   You imply that you "have the whole picture" and that AK 1234 is "less informed".  This is  despite the fact that he had already stated, and has just repeated, that he has seen 2 of the actual cars and has been an active member of this site since it's inception.
   What elements of the picture have you and Purple seen that we have not and have you yourself seen one of the Mk Vs in the flesh?

   Seeking to gain support for an attack on John Owen from the UK Cobra Club site using the exact same phrase as the infamous Jade and bragging about your previous battles may look like an attempt at bullying.  It may also be viewed as the efforts of someone trying to "gain something by shooting you (in this case AC Cars, who you could well see as a potential competitor) down".
   You are good at building high quality replicas.  John has shown in the past  that he can build AC's to a world renowned level of quality. Those of us who are lucky enough to own them are highly appreciative of this.  I, for one, hope that he can continue to do so in the future and thus keep alive a marque that we all love.

   I have refrained from replying sooner because I thought that maybe I had barged in unwelcomed. And if you guys feel that my comments are unwelcome and not needed I will happily leave you in peace. I realise that this is the Holy Grail Of AC Ownership, But Both mine and Daves comments were mearly an Echo of a lot of of members on here, Some of whom are held in the highest regard as to all things Cobra. No I have not seen a MkV in the flesh, But the many pictures I have seen, Clive Suttons included. Don't do the Marque any favours at all. Frankly the Body Fit/Shut lines don't even compare with a Low End Kit Car let alone a Production Car. If I were potential buyer I wouldn't stop for a second glance, given that presentation of product. Knowone is slating John Owen, But Maybe constructive critism can sometimes open peoples eyes to the fact that they are not always right, and improvements can and should be made. At the moment there are a lot of better Replicas out there. Now is the time to step up and smell the coffee, and make the AC badge the Top Runner. It may carry an AC badge, But is it actually worth £60k ???



   1)Frankly the Body Fit/Shut lines don't even compare with a Low End Kit Car let alone a Production Car.
   2)At the moment there are a lot of better Replicas out there.
   3)It may carry an AC badge, But is it actually worth £60k ???

   1)Looking again at the Clive Sutton pictures, the finish actually doesn't look bad to me. OK the shut lines on the bonnet aren't as good as a late-model Superblower, but I like the dash which uses the Superblower's instrument panel. Neat and low-key in my opinion.
   2) In terms of finish, Jerry Hawkridge's Kirkham replicas currently lead the field. However in terms of handling and braking, I wouldn't be surprised if the MkV were the best-handling of its type. However we won't know until AC release a Mk V for testing.
   3)For a small number of enthusiasts 'Yes' - the AC badge and heritage still mean something. And it has a two-year warranty and I'm sure the lighting meets all the EU standards (unlike many replicas!).
   So some way to go before it achieves the standards of a late aluminium car but not all bad news. Now over to AC to properly market the car and ensure customers are given good service.


Originally posted by Malta
To all members of the AC Owners Club,
   I love this Brand and on occasions I look at some of the forums set up supposedly to support it. Up until now I have refrained from lowering myself to the level of some of the contibutors to respond to some of the rediculus comments. But now having seen my name being quoted in some of the comments I believe I need to put the record straight. I sincerely hope this is the only time I will ever feel compelled to respond as to be honest I have a lot of better things to do.
   We are now in a position to and have proved we are capable of producing cars of the quality expected by AC owners.
   The AC MKV is a new model, it is not referred to as a 'Cobra' although obviously has many common features. The car has to comply with current regulations which has necessitated a number of design changes to the build spec. Many of the MKIV and CRS donor components are now obsolete and have therefore had to be replaced with modern equivalents. We have upgraded the car mechanically with the selection of new high performance brakes and the addition of power steering, initially on the RHD variant. All of this takes time and a lot of effort.
   I read some of the comments on the Club forum and it depresses me. Not one person who make the comments has visited the factory, no one has contacted me at the factory to ask questions about the cars, the factory or even about the beautiful island of Malta. I object to my name being used (sometines spelt incorrectly!) in speculation as to my personal feelings working with AC.
   If someone has a question about AC past or present, technical or otherwise ask me and I will do my best to give them an answer as I have all the historic records here, they haven't been scrapped!!
   We are setting up a parts supply facility for many of the cars past and present and will help where possible to supply the parts from stock or advise where best to obtain them.
   Statement by:
   John Owen  [8D](Maltese sun)
   Chief Engineer
   AC Cars
   +356 79289427

   I think everybody is hoping that AC will do well in the future, we also are aware that today's world is different. However, the cars that we have seen so far don't seem to meet the expectations of owners of past ACs' and MKIVs'. Most people who own these cars are pretty savvy mechanically and I am sure are able to see the difference between cost cutting and modern technological needs (I am being nice!). Such a thing as aluminum body or leather covered interior are a must in this price range. The Mark IV was a quality automobile, The later models had handsome leather interiors and quality body and paint. This is why there is such loyal following to this day.
Originally posted by Malta
   As I stated in my statement, if you have a question contact me direct.

   The negative comments seen above should be regarded by you and your staff as constructive criticisms and I think should be seriously addressed by your company. Dialogue will be very important to win over loyal customers; most small companies fail in this industry. The few companies who are successful build a loyal customer base and address their customer's wishes. [:(!]
   We all wish you well, and hope to be able to become loyal clients. By the way, I just saw a new English made aluminum Jaguar C type replica which was absolutely gorgeous to the last detail, so it is indeed possible to build quality products in today's world.


   I absolutely agree that constructive criticism is valid and valuable.  The tone of the postings from Dave, both here and on the UK Cobra Club, is far from constructive and it does, indeed, appear to be slating John Owen.  The statement that:- "I've done battle with the mighty Vince, so AC Cars shouldn't be too much trouble" does not imply a constructive intent.
   I, for one, would prefer that the current operation be allowed to focus it's attention on creating cars to a quality level that John can "be personally proud of" rather than being drawn in to engaging in battles in forums such as these.  If this can be done then the dealers and their customers can be the judges of what price the vehicle can command.


I couldnt see fit and quality from hundreds of pic's they sent me  .. I got my rearend off the couch and went and seen the cars.  I can tell you this from prototypes .. these cars will sell and people are going to pay the price when they do.  Like we repeat what the DONALD say in NYC " build and they WILL come".
   Comments about he wheel openings .. means they will fit larger wheels and tires .. a lot of you like 15" I like 17" each is own.  It may be the first to bring the Cobra into the 21st century .. can you even get large size 15" tires anymore ?
   One minor detail I have observed by comparing Cobra's .. there is a few different Cobra Replica's out there that have the worst proportion of rear fenders and rear deck .. these things rise above the rear seats like 18" ... so if one of these cobra replica's is compared to either the MKIV or MKV .. please theres no comparison.
   Dave & Purple .. by no means have I implied or have the ability to tell you to come or go .. I guess I like to promote the Marque.


On reading some of the replies since my posts I realise that i should perhaps have re-worded what i have said.
   I am not interested in shape or authenticity, rear deck height or dashboard layout. My only concers was the fit of the panels and the positioning of the wheels in the arches on the car I saw at the NEC show.
   The wheels issue is not a size thing, they are just not in the middle of the arch (Fore and aft), not amount of tyre and wheel size changing will alter this.
   The "Vince" thing:-
   A New(ish) manufacturer came onto the kit Cobra scene and asked people what they thought of his product. I told him and he was not impressed. To the point he started threatening me with legal action and ranting on my stand at shows. I saw a design feature on his car that i thought was dangerous and because he has a HNC (Whoopy doo) Thought that anything I said was unfounded because I don't have a HNC.
   It all turned ugly when he decided that I was part of some sort of conspiracy as some other people also did not like the component in question.


The wheels issue is not a size thing, they are just not in the middle of the arch (Fore and aft), not amount of tyre and wheel size changing will alter this.

   Can't see much problem myself, but no doubt you're much more of an expert than I am.
   Any different from a CRS?


Dave.     Peace!  My issue was not so much what you said but the manner in which you did so.
   Chafford.    Difficult to tell from the picture as the photographer has used a lens with far too wide an angle for side on shots.  This tends to distort the shot and "bend" the car - you can see the same effect in the hedge in the background.  However Dave says that the problem is apparent in the flesh so let's hope it can be fixed.  My fear is that it may be that the front and rear of the bodywork have had to be pushed up in order to meet light and bumper height regulations and, possibly, the new pedestrian impact regulations.  The latter is constraining many car designers at present and is the reason, for instance, why the front of the new Jaguar XK is not as good looking as it could have been.


Dave / Purple . .. peace here to .. I guess it was incouraging that the manufacturer actually spoke up in this forum .. to me that was a treat .. unfortunatley it was to defend some comments.  Even the big 3 have lemons ... the kinks will be worked out and we will all benefit... Did you see the Shelby that sold for 5 M at BJ ????


Please note that the AC web site has been updated with some new photos of the MKV


Engine looks fantastic and the wheels look as if they now sit well in their arches.   I have been contemplating for some time a change form the standard Ford EFI system to something like this (Edelbrock?) but can't work out how to make the connections to the supercharger in a manner that works and looks good.  Has anyone tried this?  The roll bars look a bit low for my taste but I presume that this could be a very easy change if the customer wanted them to be taller.


Originally posted by Malta
Please note that the AC web site has been updated with some new photos of the MKV

   Much improved fit and finish on this car and an attractive interior. All you need to do now is market the car.