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New MkV Cobras for sale

Started by Alan Faulkner-Stevens, January 06, 2007, 07:35:11

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Originally posted by jbottini
I would suspect that there are some initial start up issues. Owens work at AC does not include poor quality anything, that includes SB's, Ace's, Aceca's, CRS's or the now MKV. This sounds like a supplier issue from whomever is doing the bodies. The mechanicals and the rest are completely sorted out. Wish them well!

   Except that they've been building cars for a couple of years now.I don't doubt that the mechanicals are well sorted, but quality of finish is everything at this price level. I wonder if John Owen is regretting the move to Malta.
   I wish AC well, but wonder whether they will be able to overcome the initial bad press coverage on the Mk V on both sides of the Pond.


Ditto Terry`s point(well said that man). When the  MkIV first saw the light of day there were 'shouldn`t be allowed', 'not in the name of AC' type criticisms, but the build quality & company ethic silenced all but the most hostile of critics. The same with the ME and more recently the Brooklands Ace, which I think would have developed into a popular model if not for the untimely demise of Autokraft.
   So yes. I want an AC MkV, new Ace, Greyhound, Sociable, whatever... as long as the quality is there in the vehicle, and the company that calls itself 'AC' too, neither of which to this distant observer appear to be the case.

MkIV Lux

Originally posted by Trevor Legate
Hi Constant
   ........... Feel free to email me pics if you wish! ........

   Hi Trevor,
   Thanks for your feedback. I will mail the pics where some of that MkV can be seen.


To all members of the AC Owners Club,
   I love this Brand and on occasions I look at some of the forums set up supposedly to support it. Up until now I have refrained from lowering myself to the level of some of the contibutors to respond to some of the rediculus comments. But now having seen my name being quoted in some of the comments I believe I need to put the record straight. I sincerely hope this is the only time I will ever feel compelled to respond as to be honest I have a lot of better things to do.
   This statement is prepared by John Owen in response to the many comments being posted on the AC Owners Club chat Forum.
   AC Cars is currently based in Malta. We brought 10 - 40' containers of parts, machines, Jigs and equipment over from the UK. We took over an empty factory without any services, we have installed all the equipment, employed 15 local staff with various skills, trained them, made new moulds, jigs and tooling, established a new network of suppliers both through imports and local sources.
   Believe me it has not been easy for many reasons. A number of cars have been produced, the early cars being prototypes which were used in the training the staff and prove out of the new moulds and processes.
   We are now in a position to and have proved we are capable of producing cars of the quality expected by AC owners.
   The AC MKV is a new model, it is not referred to as a 'Cobra' although obviously has many common features. The car has to comply with current regulations which has necessitated a number of design changes to the build spec. Many of the MKIV and CRS donor components are now obsolete and have therefore had to be replaced with modern equivalents. We have upgraded the car mechanically with the selection of new high performance brakes and the addition of power steering, initially on the RHD variant. All of this takes time and a lot of effort.
   I read some of the comments on the Club forum and it depresses me. Not one person who make the comments has visited the factory, no one has contacted me at the factory to ask questions about the cars, the factory or even about the beautiful island of Malta. I object to my name being used (sometines spelt incorrectly!) in speculation as to my personal feelings working with AC.
   All I read in the Forum is speculation about what is supposedly happening in Malta, which is mostly totally unfounded.
   2007 will see more cars being produced to a quality level I am personally proud of. This the beginning of a new era for AC,it has taken time to get going and if anyone doubts our commitment they should have a go at producing a complete car from raw materials.
   I have been in Malta for just over 2 years, I love the place and I have enjoyed the challenge, albeit being very hard work. I appreciate that the only way we will shut up many of the critics is to produce cars, This is what we will be doing this year, we have orders and will supply.
   I welcome anyone who comes to Malta to contact me to arrange a visit the factory to see for yourself what we are doing.
   If someone has a question about AC past or present, technical or otherwise ask me and I will do my best to give them an answer as I have all the historic records here, they haven't been scrapped!!
   We are setting up a parts supply facility for many of the cars past and present and will help where possible to supply the parts from stock or advise where best to obtain them.
   I hope this may put a few of you straight on what is happening at AC and may be stop some of the ridiculous comments being made and maybe I might read some support for the company that without it there wouldn't be a club!
   Maybe next time I visit the Forum I will be pleasantly pleased at the comments and not be depressed!!
   Statement by:
   John Owen  [8D](Maltese sun)
   Chief Engineer
   AC Cars
   +356 79289427



   1)'All I read in the Forum is speculation about what is supposedly happening in Malta, which is mostly totally unfounded.'
   2)'....we have orders and will supply.'
   3)'If someone has a question about AC past or present, technical or otherwise ask me and I will do my best to give them an answer as I have all the historic records here, they haven't been scrapped!!'

   1)The speculation has arisen because over the past couple of years there have been no detailed articles (correct me if I'm wrong)in the Press about the company, factory or car. People might also have speculated why there have been three US importers of the MkV in the past 2 years- Boulder, Autosport and Unique Performance.
   2) Good news about the orders and parts supply and as I previously stated, I wish AC well with the business.
   3)I have a number of questions:
   - How many Mk Vs have you produced to date?
   - How many are you planning to produce this year and which countries  will you be exporting to?
   - Are you planning to expand your dealership network in the UK?
   - What Chassis Numbering sequence are you using for the MkV?
   - Is the body Carbon Fibre or Glass Fibre?


   As I stated in my statement, if you have a question contact me direct.


   What is your problem with addressing questions on an open forum?
   Frightened of getting tripped up?
   I do hope your product does come up to scratch with quality levels that you are hoping for. But i don't think it was a very clever business move promoting a "Premium brand" using such poorly finished examples.
   You have obviously paid substantial sums to own and use the name in order to maximise prices and also by producing the cars in Malta away form the natural skill base. Again to maximise profit.
   And you wonder why you are getting flack.
   This site has many members who (I'm sure) quite often have their cars mistaken for "Replicas" (Much to their dismay, I'm sure)and there is no more sure fire way of making someone think that a car is a "Cheap kit car" than having body panels that don't fit and wheels that are not set correctly in the wheel arches. There are many , many self built DIY kit cars around that would not realise 25% of the prices being asked here in the UK for your product.
   How dare you insult "Your " loyal customer base by asking so much for an ill prepared product.
   P.S. Hello everyone else....Before this gets deleted.


Originally posted by dave
   What is your problem with addressing questions on an open forum?
   Frightened of getting tripped up?
   I do hope your product does come up to scratch with quality levels that you are hoping for. But i don't think it was a very clever business move promoting a "Premium brand" using such poorly finished examples.
   You have obviously paid substantial sums to own and use the name in order to maximise prices and also by producing the cars in Malta away form the natural skill base. Again to maximise profit.
   And you wonder why you are getting flack.
   This site has many members who (I'm sure) quite often have their cars mistaken for "Replicas" (Much to their dismay, I'm sure)and there is no more sure fire way of making someone think that a car is a "Cheap kit car" than having body panels that don't fit and wheels that are not set correctly in the wheel arches. There are many , many self built DIY kit cars around that would not realise 25% of the prices being asked here in the UK for your product.
   How dare you insult "Your " loyal customer base by asking so much for an ill prepared product.
   P.S. Hello everyone else....Before this gets deleted.

   Including your own?
   Constructive criticism is fine but I think you're flaming [}:)]


Amazing, point proved!!!!!!!


Originally posted by Chafford
Originally posted by dave
   What is your problem with addressing questions on an open forum?
   Frightened of getting tripped up?
   I do hope your product does come up to scratch with quality levels that you are hoping for. But i don't think it was a very clever business move promoting a "Premium brand" using such poorly finished examples.
   You have obviously paid substantial sums to own and use the name in order to maximise prices and also by producing the cars in Malta away form the natural skill base. Again to maximise profit.
   And you wonder why you are getting flack.
   This site has many members who (I'm sure) quite often have their cars mistaken for "Replicas" (Much to their dismay, I'm sure)and there is no more sure fire way of making someone think that a car is a "Cheap kit car" than having body panels that don't fit and wheels that are not set correctly in the wheel arches. There are many , many self built DIY kit cars around that would not realise 25% of the prices being asked here in the UK for your product.
   How dare you insult "Your " loyal customer base by asking so much for an ill prepared product.
   P.S. Hello everyone else....Before this gets deleted.

   Including your own?
   Constructive criticism is fine but I think you're flaming [}:)]

   With respect I think Daves post is relavent in that any critism/reply should be addressed openly. It shows a more professional outlook that prospective customers can judge. Anything that sweeps it under the table/off-forum shows a lack of commitment/something that needs hiding in the product. Several people have shown concerns as to the quality/finish of the product shown. So why should Malta address these issues in such an offhand  manner? In my opinion in dosn't belay customer confidence!


Originally posted by Chafford
Originally posted by dave
   What is your problem with addressing questions on an open forum?
   Frightened of getting tripped up?
   I do hope your product does come up to scratch with quality levels that you are hoping for. But i don't think it was a very clever business move promoting a "Premium brand" using such poorly finished examples.
   You have obviously paid substantial sums to own and use the name in order to maximise prices and also by producing the cars in Malta away form the natural skill base. Again to maximise profit.
   And you wonder why you are getting flack.
   This site has many members who (I'm sure) quite often have their cars mistaken for "Replicas" (Much to their dismay, I'm sure)and there is no more sure fire way of making someone think that a car is a "Cheap kit car" than having body panels that don't fit and wheels that are not set correctly in the wheel arches. There are many , many self built DIY kit cars around that would not realise 25% of the prices being asked here in the UK for your product.
   How dare you insult "Your " loyal customer base by asking so much for an ill prepared product.
   P.S. Hello everyone else....Before this gets deleted.

   Including your own?
   Constructive criticism is fine but I think you're flaming [}:)]

   Mine are more expensive than 25%.[;)]
   Anyone that knows me would know that I've not arrived here to "Blow my own trumpet".
   I am not impressed that people can buy a brand (Which has significant heritage) and churn out something not befitting under that name and charge accordingly.
   Cobras stopped being made in the 1960's. Anything after is a replica, the MkIV was a very nice tribute, the CRS looks like a company scratching around for orders. The MkV....Well so far you know my feelings.
   £60K to spend? Buy a Kirkham and get real respect from owners of 1960's originals.


Those who want a bit more perspective on Dave and Purple's views may want to visit:
   Is Jade's approach to life is catching on?


   DAVE & PURPLE are definately not the example on this forum, if you read the other forum, they are making a mockery of there posts here, and I for one resent them for there conduct.  There is a lot of great people here, I myself come here for information, most of the times get tons of invaluable information related to my MKIV.
   I dont understand it all ... I'm interested in the MKV. MINOR flaws I seen with my eyes are expected on a Prototype.  For me it simple to fix and own a piece of history.
   I myself have contacted you on many occations and you have been nothing but a Gentlemen and I must say the parts you supplied for my rear end ...left me speechless..  I never purchased a kit with everything labelled, taged and directions that actually worked.
   You have my support and respect.


Originally posted by ak1234
   DAVE & PURPLE are definately not the example on this forum, if you read the other forum, they are making a mockery of there posts here, and I for one resent them for there conduct.  There is a lot of great people here, I myself come here for information, most of the times get tons of invaluable information related to my MKIV.
   I dont understand it all ... I'm interested in the MKV. MINOR flaws I seen with my eyes are expected on a Prototype.  For me it simple to fix and own a piece of history.

   Hi Ron.
   Mockery? Not really, I have seen this sort of situation before. You try and offer advice and they get shot down by people who are less informed or who have something to gain from shooting you down.
   I think you should reserve juggment on people until you have the whole picture.
   When you have seen the MKV (Or at least the one shown in the UK) then maybe you will see where myself and Purple are coming from.
   If you'd like me to leave then you only have to ask and I'll go quietly.


 I'm interested in the MKV. MINOR flaws I seen with my eyes are expected on a Prototype.  For me it simple to fix and own a piece of history.

   Flaws are indeed expected on a prototype and can be fixed. My concern is that someone like Trevor Legate is concerned about the quality of the first Clive Sutton production car.
   And on a more general note, AC could use this website to their advantage by publishing news and pictures of the factory and cars which would remove much of the speculation. They should also update their website(the drop-down menus aren't currently working).
   And if you're trying to sell a product why wait until the customers come to you?