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New MkV Cobras for sale

Started by Alan Faulkner-Stevens, January 06, 2007, 07:35:11

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Originally posted by Trevor Legate
I have not been sent any information about the MkV other than doing my own on-line research and seeing the SVA car, plus the C.Sutton demo car at Earls Court. I doubt that these cars stand any chance being 'passed off' as any other Cobra model, since they have their own quite distinctive...err...quality...?
   I note that one of the two ebay cars has (allegedly) been sold and maybe the new owner will chip in with more information - yes?
   AK1131 - Autokraft is no longer trading as a company. MkV's are produced by AC Motor Holdings Ltd, based in Malta.

   What impressions did you get about the Earls Court MkV? Have AC sorted out the quality issues in the latest cars?


..Pulls up a chair and makes oneself comfy!


as I said I looked at the Silver Car .. the carbon fiber body is not perfect, the hood and deck is thick fiber but no support backing, the fiber in a few spots you can see the tecture and Autosport makes no representation that they are perfect.   Tom is a true gentlemen and looking to sell them like anyone of us.  The price he offered it to me is reasonable.  One thing is the brakes are superior to the MKIV the suspension is the same, the interior blue..not real my color.  But overall nice car. My only reserve is I dont want to register it as some home built car.. as you can see we already debate the originality of the MKIV .. imagine the debate with a MKV that has no MSO ... I'm sorting it out for my own use, I have not purchased it yet.  I need the docs that are going to state that this car is a Autocraft Cobra MKV .. not a home built cobra.  So as far as I see it both cars are for sale .. on or off ebay.  Tom will be happy to sell ethier one I;m sure.


I'm not an engineer of any kind, so will not make comment about the way in which the cars are put together, drive, handle, stop, start especially since I've not driven one yet. I used to photograph prototypes and pre-production cars (which was interesting!) so I think I have a vague understanding concerning 'build quality' (and I used to drive a 911 so I tend to use that as my reference point) If you study the car in the gallery on the Clive Sutton website, you will naturally observe the shape and curve of the wheelarches, esp. the rear arch, in  the profile shot - does that look correct to you? and the manner in which the bonnet (hood) 'fits'? Also check the panel gaps, hood in particular - instead of an even 3-4mm all round, its more like 10+/- The fit and finish of the interior is not good - the way the gear-knob was plonked in place, showing and inch or so of thread, door panel trim kept in place by two metal lugs, so it flops about...?? If I had built that at home, I would be depressed. 59,000 of my hard earned pounds - don't think so. As a dedicated fan of the AC marque (as was) I am naturally far from happy re the situation. I would love the MkV to be the car that carried on from the MkIV, but it's not even close - in my opinion!! Possibly these issues will be addressed in time and the car will be improved, as is the way with hand-made autos and no doubt John Owen will see to it. I would urge all concerned to pay no attention to me and make their own judgement. I mean, I meant a chap the other day who drives an Austin Maxi and he adores it - seriously!! A fine automobile and a paragon of reliability... :-)  It's a funny old world.
   (I wish you'd finish your lunch keeps coming back)


Originally posted by ak1234
....I need the docs that are going to state that this car is a Autocraft Cobra MKV .. not a home built cobra....Ron

   Sorry, mate, but there ain`t NO WAY you could get that, as AutoKraft no longer exists, and I don`t believe the name was ever associated with the MkV.
   It could only be described as an "AC MkV" manufactured by either AC Cars Ltd(but I don`t think that entity still exists either)or AC Cars Manufacturing(Malta), a subsidiary of Acedes Holdings or similar(whatever it may be this week).
   Trevor, having seen the car in the...erm...flesh, does it really look like a 92" wb body on a 90" wheelbase chassis?
   It certainly looks like the bonnet radius doesn`t match the curve of the car, and I thought it was unlatched at the back, to aid cooling maybe?![:p]
   Hard to tell really, when half of the pictures don`t show up on the gallery page. I wonder if that`s intentional?

MkIV Lux

Hi guys.... interesting topic. I may have some to add.
   On June 6, 2006, I was on my way to the ACOC's International in Wales and stopped at Brooklands Motor Company in Weybridge, paying a visit to Steve Gray in Weybridge, to look at his panel beating work. While there I spotted a RHD MkV in some kind of light grey colour. I have recently been digging out pictures I had taken, not about that car in particular, but the MkV can be seen. Questioned by me about the MkV, Steve mentioned he is passing the car through the homologation/registration process in the UK, on behalf of AC. End of conversation on that topic as I had no further interest, focussing my attention on MkIV bodies and chassis work.
   Looking at the pictures again (I have not yet taken time to study how to post them here), the MkV I saw is not identical to the car advertised on Clive Suttons website. It looks rather identical to the one that AC have on their website same wiper set-up, wooden boot rack, head rests incorporated into the roll hoops.....
   Maybe Trevor Legate or someone else in the UK could have a word with Steve Gray to find out more.
   I can mail pics to Trevor if of interest.


Thank you Trevor for answering my question.


Hi Constant
   Yes I saw that car. I had a very similar conversation with Steve and I believe it now has a UK owner but lives in France. I had a very quick look round it but did not take any photos. It probably was the car from the website as it was fitted with a number of 'extras' - I loved the way the luggage rack was mounted on the wings and not the boot lid (wonder why?) and therefore you had to unbolt and remove the rack to open the boot more than two inches. Just the thing for a trip to the supermarket!! Different. I thought the front 3/4 shape looked quite good and as you say, may have been slightly different to the other MkV in question. Feel free to email me pics if you wish! Thanks.
   Brooklands had the car since, as you probably know, it is the official service and repair agent for AC(Malta) in the UK. (More of than anon, no doubt)


Look at the square tubing connecting the front shock towers! Cheap, It's unfortunate they are called ACs'! I would not swear to it, but it looks like fiberglass body to me! Dash is horrible, cheap plastic! What are these rear lights, maybe it's to drive in reverse![:)] ? I would not pay 20K for this!

cobham cobra

Emmanuel, at last something we can agree on ![:0]


So how many Mk Vs has AC built - 10? 15?


Its a pity that everyone seems to be negative about the Mk V.
   Would it be better if the car never existed?
   Yes, the design is different but so is the legislation that dictates a cars design, performance and market appeal.
   I say give Malta encouragement to develop the car. I for one, as an AC owner, give the company support and hope that they can and will succeed.


I think the issue here is quality. The MkIV set high standards in this respect, so AC are expected to provide similar quality in the MkV especially as they are charging almost £60k for a full-spec version.


I would suspect that there are some initail start up issues. Owens work at AC does not include poor quality anything, that includes SB's, Ace's, Aceca's, CRS's or the now MKV. This sounds like a supplier issue from whomever is doing the bodies. The mechanicals and the rest are completely sorted out. Wish them well!

cobham cobra

A fair point well said, let's hope they get better - John.