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Shelby Cobra 50 Years - new book

Started by Chafford, September 24, 2011, 09:35:48

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Originally posted by TLegate: No, they/it did not (but got an honourable mention)
DOH! I shouldn`t believe what I read without checking first!:
    This fantastic car was owned by AC Cobra guru Trevor Legate and is featured in his well known book "Cobra the First Forty Years".
   (Well, if you call 3 lines in the dust cover bio 'featured')
   (Does that make me as thorough a Cobra expert as Mr. Comer?) [:I]
   Oh well, it did prompt me to get out my copy & have a good read. [:D]

Gus Meyjes

It's a crying shame Mr. Legate parted with this fine example...


Originally posted by nikbj68
Originally posted by TLegate: No, they/it did not (but got an honourable mention)
DOH! I shouldn`t believe what I read without checking first!:
    This fantastic car was owned by AC Cobra guru Trevor Legate and is featured in his well known book "Cobra the First Forty Years".
   (Well, if you call 3 lines in the dust cover bio 'featured')
   (Does that make me as thorough a Cobra expert as Mr. Comer?) [:I]
   Oh well, it did prompt me to get out my copy & have a good read. [:D]

   Ah yes, COX 5012! It's no secret that the body and chassis was built by AC Cars at Frimley around 2002/03, Steve Gray of Brooklands Motor Company put the body on the frame and the car was completed by Gerry Hawkridge around the end of 2004. But still being advertised using that text, despite the dealers being given the full accurate picture as to the car's history! Oh dear!


   I prefered your post above with the certificate of authenticity you posted & then removed?


Even if it were a secret, it's bloody well not any more.....I think we've all got the message....


Originally posted by Flyinghorse
   I prefered your post above with the certificate of authenticity you posted & then removed?

   Link below:

Gus Meyjes

You guys lost me..

J Jones

I'm an American, and I really dislike the American-centric viewpoint regarding "Cobras". In fact, the American-centric cast of mind extends to many other subjects as well.
   It's ridiculous and embarrassing to discount the origin of "Cobras", and to claim more credit than deserved.
   Unfortunately, the contest between FACT and BELIEF is a constant here. Maybe it's a cyclical phase, but it seems that doctrinaire, unshakeble partisanship has got a firm grip in American politics as well.
   Credit where credit is due, please.

Gus Meyjes

I suppose I'm an American too.. having lived here and raising my kids here and holding my business here for the last almost 20 years. Citizen now. Great country it is. Agree with the polarization in politics you seem to allude to, appreciate the "myopic" American view on many matters, because this IS "the greatest country on earth", as if no one else thinks that of their own...
   But what did you mean with Credit  where credit is due? AC deserves credit or Comer deserves credit?

J Jones

I mean AC. Carroll Shelby took an existing car and led the effort make it different and "better". But he didn't do it on his own.
   AC deserves credit. It was their car!
   Shelby deserves credit appropriate to his contribution
   All the guys who worked with CS deserve recognition. Ford too. I hope the new book identifies these guys.
   I've heard many people (here in the USA) speak with a great deal of passion that the Cobra was an AMERICAN car! 100%!
   As if He (Shelby) and only He was responsible, and that AC was a failing little company with nothing to offer, and he saved it.
   It's this Provincial, narrow view of things in general I think is disgraceful.
   And this kind of narrow, doctrinaire thinking that has paralyzed politics and progress in the USA.
   Giving credit where credit is due does not diminish the accomplishment. The Cobra was a success. Good! It was cross-pollination and the talents of many people that made it so.
   Sorry - The subject was the new book by Mr. Comer, which I've not seen.
   I just get ticked off when "History" is bent in favor of a particular bias.
   I'd like to believe there is an Objective Reality. I'd like to believe that facts are facts. Apparently I'm wrong.
   I regret having blown up about this. It's a bigger issue I'm mad about today. And this is not the Forum for my disatisfaction. Cars izz fun! Supposed to be.


J.Jones for President!!!!!!
   Nicely put, sir.


I'll second that.
   Mr. Shelby always was his finest publicist and never held back from self-promotion. Not necessarily a bad thing of course, but sometimes he went just a bit too far, especially in later years with his various diatribe about "There never was an AC Cobra" and similar dross. I feel sorry for those patriotic countrymen who swallowed such stuff. He's also a master of coming out with the right comment for the right occasion, even if if means taking the opposite approach from his previous 'opinion'. The matter of replicas comes readily to mind..... :-)


The 1961 English AC Ace 2.6 designed and built by English craftsmen at AC Cars in Thames Ditton:
   The 1962 All-American Shelby Cobra designed by Shelby American that just happened to have been built by winos under a bridge somewhere in England, I believe:


J Jones, you have hit the nail on the head sir !!


A very early CSX Cobra in the Thames Ditton England factory in 1962. Note the AC Two-Litre saloons and other ACs behind the screen.