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Cobra 50th Anniversary 2012 - Ideas for Event??

Started by Chafford, September 13, 2011, 13:26:34

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September's excellent 'ACtion' notes that an organising committee is being set up with the aim to assemble 'the greatest ever number of these cars in Europe and hopefully the world. No location had been considered other than Northern Europe'.
   Given that all versions of the 60s Cobra were built in England, my view is that the event should also be held in England. Brooklands comes to mind even though it was used for the 60th Anniversary International in 2009.
   I also think that more recent versions of the Cobra and derivitives produced by AC should be included in the event. This would recognise the role that Brian Angliss in particular (and his employees) played in raising the profile of the car after the 1960s, and allow many more AC owners to bring their cars to the event (and would help reach that world record target!!).
   What views do others have on this site?


  • England is in Northern Europe
  • The Committee is anxious to make the three-day event as accessible to as many period cobra owners as possible. These include owners in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland, who collectively own the majority of period cobras in Europe
  • The size of the event is restricted by the availability of appropriate hotels
  • All prior experience leads to a single conclusion: the aim, the greatest number of period cobras, will only be achieved by restricting the event to period cobras. This is true both of the UK (the 2007 Sparkford event) and Continental Europe (see ACtion pages 26 to 30.

       I will set up a separate thread on the Thames Ditton Cobra Forum shortly, when the date and location has been finalise by the Organising Committee.
       The Council always welcomes event suggestions from members prepared to organise them. Constant advice to others without volunteering any personal action is wearing.


    Originally posted by rstainer
    The Council always welcomes event suggestions from members prepared to organise them. Constant advice to others without volunteering any personal action is wearing.

       So is your negative outlook and repeated attempts to stifle communication, Robin.  I rather enjoy Chafford's comments, and look forward to reading more.  Pity he was counseled (no doubt by a council member) to remove many of his earlier posts.
       Sorry, it's my Yankee origin that just makes my engine boil when anyone tries to impose their superior rules on someone else. THAT is wearing.

    Gus Meyjes


    I think the issue that needs to be addressed is that the MkIV is a genuine Cobra and should therefore be included in any ACOC events for the Cobra. The 50th in Northern Europe should be used as an opportunity to celebrate 'AC' as well as the 'Cobra' and including the MkIV will help to do this.
       There could even be a separate space at the event for Cobra shaped cars produced by AC and AC Heritage after the 1960s. The current apartheid between some owners of the 'Thames Ditton' cars and those who own the later cars is divisive - there should be no place for it in the ACOC!


    Censorship and personal attack doesn't belong here.  Gentlemen, (and ladies), do we have a quorum?


    I too agree.
       Furthermore, a question regarding the following point of view:
    Originally posted by rstainer

  • All prior experience leads to a single conclusion: the aim, the greatest number of period cobras, will only be achieved by restricting the event to period cobras. This is true both of the UK (the 2007 Sparkford event) and Continental Europe (see ACtion pages 26 to 30.


       I still do not understand (or agree) with an approach that specifically excludes other AC cars from these events.
       If you were a 50 year-old having a birthday party, would you exclude your children from attending your celebrations?  I can appreciate that you might be selective about non-family members, but your direct descendants?  Unless, of course, you do not believe that your children are legitimate, which says something about the 50 year-old, not the children...
       The recent AC gathering at Thames Ditton was an all-round success, with a significant number of cars and supporters of the club in attendance.  However, there were hardly any period Cobra's.  If period Cobra's are only comfortable attending period-Cobra-only events, then recent experience tells us that they are less interested in supporting the interests of the club, and more interested in some sort of snobbery.
       This ongoing segregation within the club is damaging to the long term membership and reputation of the club.
       One last point - if attendance at an event is restricted by the number of hotel beds, then the organisers are not very good at organising.  What a poor excuse, when you consider the number of people attending all the other ACOC events in recent years, including Internationals and the annual dinner/dance, for whom accommodation was never a problem.


    Originally posted by rstainer
       All prior experience leads to a single conclusion: the aim, the greatest number of period cobras, will only be achieved by restricting the event to period cobras. This is true both of the UK (the 2007 Sparkford event) and Continental Europe (see ACtion pages 26 to 30.[/*]

       You'll find that the latter meeting - 'Snakebite! The Original Cobra Weekend'- included a green Ace 2.6 (page 28, second row in the ACtion picture) which rather weakens your argument about exclusivity.
       You can see the Ace at 1:24 in the attached video:
       Now imagine the following cars participating in the 50th Anniversary Cobra meeting in 2012:
       Can I therefore suggest that the Council asks a sample of owners of MkIVs, CRSs, 212s, Superblowers and other AC Continuations whether they would like to exhibit their cars at the 50th anniversary meeting - you could even start with the owners of the 3 cars shown above who post on the site and who will be well known to you.

    Gus Meyjes

    Would love to be part of an all inclusive event!! I'd bring RS 5038[;)]
       But, of course, I live state side, so that's not happening.
       I appreciate Bruce's and Mark's comments. (among others) in support of a club that is inclusive and does not segregate. Great analogy on the children...


    Based on the 2010 ACOC Membership list:
       1960s Cobras
       35 UK members own 37 cars.
       8 European members own 10 cars.
       Post 1960s Cobras (MkIV, Superblower, CRS, MkIII Continuation)
       75 UK members own 78 cars.
       9 European members own 9 cars.
       Of the above:
       1 member owns 3 '60s cars.
       3 members own 2 '60s cars.
       3 members own 2 post '60s cars.
       4 members own 1 '60s car and 1 post '60s car.
       Which emphasises the importance of owners of post 1960s Cobras to the ACOC and the need to accommodate them in next year's 50th Cobra Anniversary event.


    Originally posted by Gus Meyjes
    Would love to be part of an all inclusive event!! I'd bring RS 5038[;)]
       But, of course, I live state side...
    It is one thing for my wife to tell me I can't put the Mk IV on a boat so we can attend an ACOC all-cobra event, it's quite another for the ACOC to put up a "not wanted" sign.  Brings to mind W.C. Fields' famous quote: "I like to keep a bottle of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy".  No not that one, I really meant the one by Groucho Marx:  "Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept people like me (Mk IV owners) as a member".[:D]

    Gus Meyjes


    Originally posted by Gus Meyjes
    Does anybody know Dr. Kay Hafner?

       Try emailing Michael Cassel '1984MkIV' on this site.


    Never heard of him :-)
       I think 'Michael Cassel' is an anogram of Angelina Joile (but I was always c**p at anograms..)
