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CF62 for sale on Ebay

Started by ANF289, August 04, 2011, 20:50:50

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It seems that the car sold at the Auburn auction for $110,000 which was above it's estimated value of $90 to $100K. This is why it's now listed for $140K. It's funny because previously  it had been listed as not sold. There are things, that are done in the trade to increase market value, where dealers buy each other's cars, that way the car is listed as having been sold at increased price. Not legit but done often with some cars with issues. In addition, There is a shortage of good classic cars at present in the US. I am told by my dealer friends that the good stuff either went to Europe or Asia or is not for sale. Very difficult to find inventory. Again, anyone in the market should do his homework before spending his hard earned money.

Gus Meyjes

I believe this car is written up in the current edition of Sportscar market. I just got it in the mail, but did not read it yet. I have a feeling the article will miss a lot of the info mentioned above. Maybe some of you Frua connoisseurs would feel the urge to write a letter to the editor on this one. If not, would any of you mind me using the information you posted?


Go for it Gus! I am planning to do the same. I have not read the article as of yet since I don't subscribe to this magazine, (not one of the most interesting to me). I understand from Jeffrey that it is quite humoristic and since it is based on probably the worst 428 out there, it is likely quite inaccurate. I am sharpening my pencils. I will go and buy the issue tonight, write a response and post a copy on this website over the weekend!

Gus Meyjes

You'd be surprised. I think it is one of the best rags out there. Knowledgeable and intelligently written.


You are right, the first part of the article is OK but the second part, especially what was written by the Cumberford fellow is way out of line, he speaks out of his backside describing the various design flows of the car according to him, and all this based on a very flawed example. Very subjective and not very serious in my mind. The fact the car is sagging in the middle, well look right at Jeffrey's car's photo and do you see it sagging in the middle? Ridiculous.
   And I am ready to bet he has never seen another Frua. Most people who have think the car are quite handsome.
   Anyway, I am working on my response.

J Jones

Let's not make the buyer of this car feel awful. Whoever bought it has a rare car that probably could use some attention, but might be better than supposition on the forum has presumed.
   I am surprised that B. Mitchell Carlson (who saw the car at the Auburn Auction) only commented on Paint, glass and leather. But, I suppose, anyone who's not familiar with these cars--  m i g h t  --fail to notice panel fit, etc. Or maybe he needed to clean his glasses.
   It's actually quite a testimony to how interested SCM is in 428's that they devoted 3 1/2 pages to the car(s). I'm quite sure Keith Martin (the Publisher) likes them. In the mentions they've made over the years, it's always been said that AC 428's are mysteriously undervalued.
   Perhaps  (when Mr. Carlson writes "I'm sure to be pelted with rocks by AC and Mustang fans the world over") there is a veiled intention to attract controversy. That would be good for them (the magazine), good for 428's, good for AC owners.
   The analysis of these cars is pretty much devoted to their appearance. What's missing is the experience of driving a well-sorted car - and that's a moving target, so to speak. At least it has been for me, though I'm getting much nearer to the "finish" line.
   SCM is devoted to "the market" for interesting cars. They don't do road tests. They report on market trends and auction results. Their auction coverage is world-wide.
   In view of this, Everyone who feels moved to do so should write the magazine. Lets "make their day"! (but be kind - they like AC's). Whenever a good AC shows up in their auction results or profiles, the reporting shows their respect for AC's in general.
   Keith Martin's email:
   General correspondence:


Sounds very interesting any chance of a scan eventually ?[;)]


Quite an interesting article after all, I wish another example, a better one would hit auction, they then could write an update. It is a shame that AC never got to build more cars. Nevertheless, it's good for PR. The more people discover these fine automobiles, the better it will be for the cars and all of us. Unlike other Euro/US hybrids, the 428 has direct racing heritage and not the least! Fully independent suspensions and an all metal body, no fiberglass here.
   Also, it's engine is closely related to the famous 427 Le Mans winner. Not to mention the fine heritage of the AC brand which of course adds to the pedigree of the 428. A sure win win!

J Jones

Paul - I have the article, and I will scan it and send it to you. I didn't want to post it, as I expect the good fellows at SCM do occasionally drop into the forum and they probably wouldn't like seeing a current article posted. Their bread and butter, so to speak.


Thanks a lot Jeff looking forward to it.