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New Correct Ace,Aceca,Greyhound & Cobra Fuel Caps

Started by AC Ace Bristol, July 08, 2011, 09:39:08

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Karl CSX2498

Hello,   I am a new member of this forum.   If possible I would like to be added to the list for a new fuel cap, I need it for CSX2498.   Please let me know what I need to get on the list.  Thanks,  Karl


Any news Keith?

AC Ace Bristol

   LATEST UPDATE.......8th December 2012..[:(]...[:(]...[:(!]
   The Continuing Saga of "The elusive CEANDESS Fuel Filler Caps"
   Good afternoon Keith,
   I felt that I should forward you an update of the long and winding story regarding the AC fuel filler cap.
   Following the failings of the sand castings method we have moved onto to having the caps produced using pressure diecasting. We have a tool in existence which produce the same cap but with a square section trigger latch. It seemed a fairly straight forward operation to rework this tool so it had an interchangeable insert that would allow it to produce the square section trigger and keyhole shaped trigger that you require.
   This work was carried out at what we deemed to be a reasonable cost but during testing to produce new samples the tooling split into three piece. It was agreed that a hairline crack had been present in the tooling for some time but had gone unnoticed. When the alteration was carried out it had sufficiently weakened the crack to an extent where it failed completely during use.
   This was obviously a disaster for us as we no longer had tooling to produce your AC caps or our existing caps which have scheduled orders of several thousand..
   We have therefore been left with no choice but to have the tool remanufactured from scratch at a vastly increased cost to ourselves. This tool manufacturing time has obviously added to the already very late caps that you require. We expect the tooling to be completed sometime around mid-February and hopefully we can proceed without further mishap.
   I can only continue to apologise to you and your customers for the great inconveniences cause by these continued delays. Let's hope that the new year brings some better fortune to this order.
   Best Regards
   Chris Smallman
   Quality Engineer
   I simply cannot believe that this project has still to come to a satisfactory conclusion...........  Rest assured,  We will eventually receive and distribute the 180 plus Fuel Filler Caps.[;)]
   Hopefully everyone who has ordered one still owns their AC.
   Seriously, Ceandess have now invested some £8 /10K on having new dies made in order to not only satisfy our order but also manufacture and satisfy their own cusomers.

AC Ace Bristol

   Received a series of phone calls over the Christmas Break, Mainly from ACOC members who do not use the Forum.
   I have requested copy of Chris Smallman's (Ceandess) letter be published in next issue of ACtion.
   In the meantime I would like to thank everyone for their  support and understanding, it really is appreciated.
   I now know why very few members volunteer to undertake these projects,.[;)]  Seriously,  I will carefully weigh up long term repercussions before jumping in with both feet for another project.
   Rest assured, We will secure our order and goods will be distributed some time this year.... Not giving a date at present..[;)] In the meantime..
   I wish you all :-
   A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year !!

AC Ace Bristol

   Wednesday January  30th 2013.
   The Fuel Filler Cap SAGA is starting 2013 on a more positive note..[;)]
   I don't want to tempt fate,  But have  just received the following email from  Chris Smallman of CEANDESS
   Good Afternoon Keith,
   A quick update on progress..
   The diecast tooling for the trigger has been completed and is now in the possession of the casting company (photographs attached). They have informed me that sampling will take place tomorrow or Friday.
   The tool makers have informed the casters that they will receive the tooling for the cap mid-next-week and sampling should take place shortly after this.
   Following this there will be a short delay whilst we build-up a cap complete using the first off samples to ensure all is well. If no alterations are required then production at the casters can begin.
   Let's just say we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
   Best Regards
   Chris Smallman
   Quality Engineer

   To all concerned:-
   I will endeavour to visit CEANDESS and check on progress within the next 10 days..[;)]   Watch this Space.
   Cheers for Now.


   Thank you for the trouble you've taken with the fuel filler caps.
   I would like to order one,if it's not too late.
   I may be contacted at
   Thanks again,


Won't Gerry Hawkridge have stock once production starts, for anyone wanting to buy one?

AC Ace Bristol

   As Roger states,  Gerry will have small buffer stock of Fuel Filler Caps,  so once we receive the long awaited order..[|)] we can supply all those AC Owners who have waited patiently over the past 18 months or so. ( yes I Still have full head of hair but it is now more white than grey)..[8D] and then supply a few new ACOC members who need a replacement unit.
   Visit to CEANDESS planned for mid next week, where I hope to have more positive news from Chris Smallman.
   Will keep you all posted..[;)]

AC Ace Bristol

Thursday 14th February 2013.
   Called in to Ceandess for progress report,  Chris  Smallman not in office so had meeting with Matt Davies  (MD). requested he furnish us with written report.  Please  find response attached:
   Hi Keith,
   Thanks for popping by yesterday and your support in this project (the end is in sight, I promise).
   I have just spoken to BSC and all is progressing, We are expecting the triggers in to day / Monday for comparison against drawing and approval. They believe the trigger is right and fits into our sample  The top plate of the cap tool is in their tool room for final assembly and will produce some sample parts next week.
   These will have to be polished and we will look to assemble one at this point. Following the sign off we will produce the batch. I have included the current order details below. Which shows we are currently short the caps and one base.
   I would propose that following the sign off we would just review the order to ensure we produce enough in the first batch so that we don't end up at looking at having to make another immediately after the first. That said, we'll the get the cap signed off first..
   Kind Regards
   Matt Davies
   01902 872000
          Ceandess (Wolverhampton) Ltd
      Specialists in Filler Caps, High Quality Presswork,Washers,
   Light Assemblies and Welded Steel Fabrications and powder coating.
   **************************************************** ************************
   Once sample is ready for inspection Matt, Chris and I will inspect and subject to approval we will progress to
   manufacturing and supply of our long awaited Fuel Filler Caps.[:p]
   Will keep you all posted,  Once again thank you for staying loyal and holding in there..... [;)]..[;)]..  .. Appreciated..[;)]
   Keith ..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

   Tuesday 12th March 2013.  Latest Update from CEANDESS..[:)]..[:)]..[:)]
   Good afternoon Keith,
   Good lord, we are getting close now!
   Attached is a photograph of a sample trigger and cap fully assembled with all internal components and fitted to a filler neck.
   There was one small issue to rectify on the diecast tooling before they can produce the batch. The rear of the trigger fouls ever so slightly on the bottom
   back edge of the recess and won't allow the cap to undo easily. The tool maker has to add a little material to the die to solve this problem.
   The cap in the photograph has only been polished, not chromed, but it still looks rather good I think.
   Best Regards
   Chris Smallman
   Quality Engineer

   Progress,  I will arrange to visit CEANDESS in Wolverhampton to inspect the first trial unit.[:)]..[:)]
   In the meantime I will contact Nik and ask him to post copy of the above mentioned photograph attached..[;)]
   Keep you all  posted..[;)]


And here it is!!!
   So the light at the end of the tunnel isn`t a train coming after all!!!
   Looking good Keith, Hats off to you for keeping this all rolling through trying times!


So near and yet so far!  Any news, chaps?

AC Ace Bristol

   Latest:-  Saturday 13th April 2013.
   Inspected first polished die cast Fuel Filler Cap earlier this week,  Great finish, however requested CEANDESS make very  small adjustment to Die so key hole shaped trigger/release sits flush with body of cap when chrome plated. (preproduction unit a little to tight).
   Should view a pre production chromed unit later this month, Then we can  proceed with manufacture...[|)]..[|)]..[|)]..[|)].
   Seriously,  Once our units are made , all will be despatched without further delay..[;)] .

AC Ace Bristol

Latest UPDATE... Thursday 16th May 2013
    Received the following e-mail.  .. ..  16th May 2013
   Good afternoon Keith,
   We have received more samples from the die-casters today and have assembled them for your approval.
   Could you call in at you earliest convenience and we can hopefully get the ball rolling on this seemingly never ending story.
   Best Regards
   Chris Smallman
   Quality Engineer

   Been away on business all week, playing catch up Friday 17th May, will try to arrange meeting  with CEANDESS next week to inspect and hopefully
   give GO AHEAD to proceed with manufacture of our long awaited Fuel Filler Caps..[;)]
   Will confirm outcome of meeting  ASAP.
   Thank you for being patient.
   Best regards