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New Correct Ace,Aceca,Greyhound & Cobra Fuel Caps

Started by AC Ace Bristol, July 08, 2011, 09:39:08

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AC Ace Bristol

A Snake.
   Ceandess have been asked to price the cap with couple of options reference the keyhole shaped release, ( Cast or solid billet) in order that we can maximize longevity, have also requested that they subject to approval manufacture some spare releases.
   Ceandess have original components to measure and use as pattern, rest assured the new units will be superior material to the old Mazak of the 1950s, which like  Dinky Toys of the 1930s /1950s expands with age and eventually turns to dust, plus a real bugger to rechrome.
   Watch this space.


Keith, not sure what their manufacturing process involves, or what they have already - I have a badly-pitted but entirely non-messed about with cap and keyhole release that I would be prepared to loan if this would help.
   Can't see aluminium being strong enough in such a small section for the pushbutton release, but I'm sure they know what they're doing.
   Roger King

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for your generous Offer,  However Tim Isles loaned me the original cap from BEX313 and I supplied that as a sample.
   Unfortunately Ceandess didn't keep the original tooling and are therefor making new tooling, I requested more fettling as the chromeplating would significantly soften the definition, proprtions and  shape.
   Have no fear, the finished article will be fit for purpose and be 100% correct in profile and shape.
   Plus will be in better quality material than those produced some
   fifty plus years ago.

AC Ace Bristol

9th August 18.16..
   Just received phone call from  Phil & Sue Jones.
   Please reserve Two fuel filler caps one for the Ace the other for the Aceca.
   Two Fuel filler caps reserved in your name.
   Running Total as 09.08.2011 (18. 19)..  ..  ..  143 Caps.


Good work Keith!
   When you finish this project you can work on finding the original manufacturer of the spare tire securing nut. [:o)][:D]


Ah!  The spare tyre (sorry) nut!  That was going to be my next question!

AC Ace Bristol

10th August 2011  (20.57)
   Ben  ......   Thank you for your order via email.
   One Fuel Filler Cap reserved in the name of Ben Yates,
   No deposit required at present.  look forward to seeing  you and Angela at the AC Centenary Dinner  at The Ferry Works on 20th August.
   Total order book now running at..  ..  ..  .. 144 Fuel Filler Caps..
   Cheers for Now
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

12th August 2011  (00.22)
   Brian Booth .
   Sorry missed your call late this evening and only just picked up your voice message, Rest assured Brian,  I will reserve one new fuel filler cap in both your name and Brother Michael's for your  289 Cobra,  Cheers for Now, See you aND Michael at  the ACOC National on w/e 20th/21st August.
   Order for Fuel Caps as of 00.35 on  Friday  12th August stands at ..  ..  ..  ..  145 units.
   Cheers for Now


   While delivery of the new authentic Ceandess fuel caps will be after this year's National Day  Concours, for future year's competitions it would be most interesting to know the number of points the Club's judges will deducted for non-original caps in the  Ace, Aceca, Greyhound and Cobra classes.   From the above outpouring of reservations you've received, it's obvious that many knowledgeable owners understand and appreciate the intrinsic value of maintaining the originality of their AC's.  Square button caps are for replicas and motorcycles.

AC Ace Bristol

17th August.
    "Brian Heath", Your written order for One Fuel Filler Cap received today, one reserved in yourb good name..  ..
   Total number required at present..  ..  ..  .. 146 units.

AC Ace Bristol

17th August ( 18.03 ).
   Please accept this message left on your home phone as official order for 10 Fuel Filler Caps on Behalf of the French ACOC..
   Please liaise with Jean Marc Dubost during National Day, to arrange payment.
   Best Regards.
   Peter Come (French Centre ACOC ).[8D]
   Running Total as of 17th August (18.06) .. .. .. 156 Caps. .


Wow!  There you are Ceandess, I don't like to say 'told you so'....*
   *two years ago when I approached them, I was told there was no demand....


Hi Keith
   1 filler cap for ae504 please.
   Well done for all the hard work
   Martin Phillips

AC Ace Bristol

Martin Phillips,
   Thank you for your order.
   Running Total as of  " 21st August 2011"  (23.49).. .. .. ..  ..   157 Caps.


       One more cap order . . . That increases our block order from 18 to 19 caps.