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New Correct Ace,Aceca,Greyhound & Cobra Fuel Caps

Started by AC Ace Bristol, July 08, 2011, 09:39:08

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AC Ace Bristol

   Your Order ammended .....  now standing at 19 units  ..( number 158)

AC Ace Bristol

22nd August  21.13.
   Brian Horwood   .......... Nice to catch up over The national weekend,  Thank you for confirming your verbal order for One Fuel Filler Cap.
   Running Total as of 22nd August 21.16 ..  ..  ..  ..  159 Caps.

AC Ace Bristol

22nd August  21.20.
   Verbal Order left on my answermachine from  Mike ?? in Germany.
   trmikeauto  at  gmx dot de ?????
   Tried to send email but bounced back.
   Please send email or phone me on my mobile tomorrow.


   I am sure that is Mike Otto, son of Arwed Otto.
   trmikeauto part in the email add should read trmikeotto
   the rest is correct.

AC Ace Bristol

Thank you Jerry..[;)]
   I misinterpreted Voice mail of  Otto as Auto I should have twigged, especially as I've met Mike and Arwed  a few times at various AC Events and Goodwood Revival.
   Will re-send email acknowledgement to Mike Otto.  One Fuel Filler Cap reserved in Mike Ottos name.
   Cheers Jerry.
   Running Total  as  23rd August (00.33)..  ..  ..  ..  ..  160 Units.

AC Ace Bristol

25th August  20.16
   Chris Knight,  I have recorded your verbal order for One Fuel Filler Cap for your 2.6 Ace.
   Thank you for your verbal order left on my answer machine.25/08/11
   Running Total as of 25th August  (20.18)..  ..  ..  161 Fuel Filler Caps....


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
Thank you Jerry..[;)]
   I misinterpreted Voice mail of  Otto as Auto I should have twigged, especially as I've met Mike and Arwed  a few times at various AC Events and Goodwood Revival.

   Hello Keith,
   I tried to get contact for my Le Mans topic, it would be great meet at the Revival.
   Details in PM
   Best regards

AC Ace Bristol

Graham  Clark -  ( Sweden ).
   Received your order for two (2) Fuel Filler Caps for Aceca AE536
   and Ace AE107.
   I emailed acknowledgement of order and also emailed various pictures of AE107 ( 1984 - 2008 ) Can you please confirm your address in order that I can keep record of destinations when processing orders.
   Many thanks ....[;)]
   Running Total as of 26th August (17.04)..  ..  ..  ..  ..  163 Caps..
   Keith.. [:)]..[:)].

AC Ace Bristol

   Hello Keith,.
   Thank you for initiating the production of the original filler caps. I would like to participate  and purchase one, including the connection to the filler pipe. once the price has been confirmed we can. arange payment details, that's the official stuff out of the way.
   I am proceding with the tidying up of 1957 Aceca AE552/CL2242W the machanical side has been complieted and the body is reasonable. I am attempting to repair a few faults in the body supporting frame, including a welding course. I have taken the liberty of attaching two photos if the car wich may be of interest. Thank you for the interesting chat.
   Philip Smith
   Hi Phil..
   Thank you for your phone call and subsequent email. I confirm your Order has been recorded.
   Meeting with  Ceandes later this week, to inspect casting for accuracy and finalise price, Then we can proceed with order and notify everyone regards payment terms and expected despatch date...
   Will keep you all informed.[;)].
   Running Toatal as Today 30th August (09.27)... ....  ... 164 Fuel Filler Caps   .
   Keith. .[:)]..[:)].

AC Ace Bristol

   I gather you're organising a batch of these - if so, could you add my name to the list?
   Chris Pearce.

   Chris your wish is my command.  One Fuel Filler Cap reserved in your name.
   Running Total as of 31st August ..   (00.52)..  ..  ..  .. 165 Caps   .
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)].

AC Ace Bristol

Quick update to all who have ordered Fuel Filler Caps.
   Met with Chris at  Ceandes inspected pattern, we are nearly there still a little work on the getting the pattern 100% in and around the keyhole shape release area.
   Pattern should be finished next week, whereupon I will reinspect, then subject to approval  ...   off to casting for pricing.
   Will confirm price for A)  The Cap.   B) Complete assembly Cap with base / hose spiggot.
   Will also confirm price for spare anti splash/ seal and possibly for spare keyhole shape release lever.
   Nearly there,  another week or two.
   Thank you for being Patient..[;)] .
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)].

AC Ace Bristol

5th September 2011  (09.42).
   Received  and acknowledged following email order From: Richard Ford.
   Further to our recent telecon:-
   Please order a new petrol filler cap for our car BE 368.  Also any info you may have on the correct fittings, i.e. grommet pipe to tank, many thanks.
   Richard and Gary Ford.[;)]
   Running Total as of 5th September 09.43..  ..  ..  ..  166 Fuel Filler Caps..

AC Ace Bristol

   5th September 2011  (14.30).
   Dear Keith .
    - Following my phone call to you last saturday morning I confirm my order for three (3) fuel caps from the forthcoming Ceandess production run.
   Many thanks,
   Nick Green. ..
   Datchet, Berkshire.
   Order Acknowledged.  Keith..
   Running Total as of 5th September (14.32)..  .. ..  169 Fuel Filler Caps. .
   Keith ...[:)]..[:)].

AC Ace Bristol

   Received the following email from Rodney Kettel.. ..  ..  AE49 .
   Good to chat and thanks for info.  I have been onto the AC Owners' web site and Forum but was unable to locate required topic-must be my lack of computor skills!!.
   So could you please put me down as an interested party for
   2 caps.  As mentioned the diameter of my present fuel fillers are 2.75" and they simply screw onto the neck which connects inot the tube which goes into the petrol tank. I will await details to find out if the "new" fillers are suitable.
   Good to chat and enjoy  Goodwood Revival.
   Best Wishes
   Running total as of Saturday 10th August... (10.19 )..  ..  ..  .. 171 Fuel Filler Caps. .
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)].

AC Ace Bristol

   Hi to you all........... Thank you for being patient..[;)]
   Quick update,  Progress is slow, But we have progress.
   received the following email upon my return from Business trip to Bologna  &  Modena.
   Good afternoon Keith,
   I have now had word back from the casting company regarding these caps and latches.
   They are saying that for larger quantities they would need multiple patterns producing. I've phoned them to clarify what is classed as a larger quantity but it seems the man I need to speak to is on holiday until Monday.
   I suppose when I first discussed it with them we were talking about 20off but as time has progressed it's turned into 200off.
   They are going to get a rough quote from a pattern makers for the multiple patterns and let me know.
   I'm afraid I can't estimate the cost of a pattern but let's say it could add £20-£30 per part onto the price. I shall keep you updated with any information I gain.
   Best Regards
   Chris Smallman
   Quality Engineer
   Hopefully by end of next week we have positive movement and I can view a finished casting prior to chrome plating, then confirm pricing (inc p&p plus vat) and arrangements for payment in the most economic way irrespective of Country & currency. (Orders from 10 Countries).
   Cheers for Now..