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New Correct Ace,Aceca,Greyhound & Cobra Fuel Caps

Started by AC Ace Bristol, July 08, 2011, 09:39:08

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AC Ace Bristol

3rd August 00.02.
   Received telephone call from Nigel for  3 Ceandess Fuel Caps.
   Nigel Winchester.  your order for  3 Caps is registered.
   Good to hear from you and catch up on AC things & projects.
   Running Total as 3rd August (00.03) .. .. 130 caps.

AC Ace Bristol

Des Chapman.
   Thank you for your verbal order.  No. You hadn't ordered one earlier,  It must be those Old Grey Cells letting you down..Gently.
    One fuel cap reserved for your Aceca.
   Running Total as 3rd August  (12.21) ... ... ...   131 units.

AC Ace Bristol

Subject: AC fuel cap
   Dear Keith.

   Further to our chat this evening, please accept my order for a new fuel filler cap for my ACECA.
   Best wishes and many thanks,
   Nigel Harper
   Nigel .
   Thank you for phone call and Order..  ..  ..   1 x Fuel Cap .. reserved.
   Running Total as 4th August (00.04)..  ..  ..  ..  132 Units.
   Keith ..[:)].. [:)].

AC Ace Bristol

Thursday 4th August  (18.11)
   Dear Keith,
   I would be very grateful if you could put me down for two filler caps from your group buy.
   With thanks and best regards,
   Klassik Metall Kraft

   Thank you for your Order.
   Running Total  04/08/2011 now at  ..............134 units.

AC Ace Bristol

Thursday 4th August (19.37)
   Phone call from Jonathan Bradburn.
   Nice to catch up and thanks for order for 3 fuel caps..[;)]
   Running Total still growing. .. Now stands at..  .. 137 units

Gus Meyjes

AC Ace Bristol

Received on my Blackberry 04/08/2011
   I hope this reaches you, Keith. If so, could you add me to the list of those standing in line to snap up one of the caps that you are having manufactured.
   Thank you,
   Jon Hussey
   BEX 1217

   Jon..  ..  Order for one cap  recorded.
   Running Total as of 23-09  Thursday 4th August..  ..  ..  138 caps

AC Ace Bristol

Friday 5th August (20.18)
   Nice to hear from you William and catch up.  Look after that 289 of yours.
   Dear Keith
   Following our brief chat this evening I am just e-mailing you as agreed to register my intention to purchase through the Club one fuel tank filler cap that you are having reproduced.
   I understand that no firm price has been agreed with the manufacturer but costs will be kept as low as possible for members.
   It was good to catch up and thank you very much for organising this on behalf of members.
   I was glad to hear that your son is now fully recovered.
   I look forward to hearing from you when things have moved closer to manufacture.
   Kind regards
   William..  ..[;)].
   William H Tuckett

   Running Total as of Friday 5th August..  ..  ..  ..  139 units
   Thank you for your email confirming intent to buy a fuel filler cap for the 289.


Hi Keith,
   I see I am late to the party but I would very much like to order (2) Gas Caps.....for my early 260 Cobra restoration....
   Richard Wesselink
   26400 La Alameda suite 207
   Mission Viejo, California 92675
   Thanks you very much for your hard work...

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for your order, Good luck with the restoration of your early 260 Cobra.
   Your order for two caps is recorded, will keep all interested parties informed of developments with Ceandess. There slow progress is giving me time to evaluate the logistics for distribution...... Phew..!!
   In the meantime :
   Running Total as of Sat 6th Aug (09.32)..  ..  ..  141 Caps.


Great effort Keith, couldn't Ceandess handle the deliveries as well ?


Originally posted by rwesselink
Hi Keith,
   I see I am late to the party but I would very much like to order (2) Gas Caps.....for my early 260 Cobra restoration....
   Richard Wesselink
   26400 La Alameda suite 207
   Mission Viejo, California 92675
   Thanks you very much for your hard work...

   Good to see you getting in on this as I think your initial inquiry was the catalyst for this to get going.
   Thanks for your continuing effort to keep this going.

AC Ace Bristol

   Richard  &  Jay...
   Stepping in to offer assistance to Richards initial thread on  29th May and Jays response of 30th May,  Who would have thought so many of our AC colleagues worldwide would have responded in such a  positive manner.
   I simply thought my assistance on this side of the pond would have resulted in orders for  a dozen or twenty fuel filler caps, instead we are now over One Hundred and Forty (140) units. for destinations in England, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland and Austria.
   Thank you Richard and Jay, it has proved both a education and experience, I do enjoy a challenge and will continue to see it through to the end.
   As stated earlier, The Impossible I can do,  Miracles take a bit Longer........[;)].
   Will keep you all informed of developments.  Keep them orders coming in...   ...
   Last but not least, It proves the ACOC Forum works to / for the benifit of AC Owners, ACOC Members and Enthusiasts alike.
   Long may it continue..[;)]

AC Ace Bristol

9th August 2011
   Latest Update reference Manufacturing of Our Period Fuel Caps.
   Received the following email from  Chris at  Ceandess :-
   Good afternoon Keith,
   I thought I'd better give you an update on the filler cap so far.
   I have so far spent approx. two day fettling an existing cap. The rib across the centre of the cap is dimensionally correct to the original now. It is far more defined than on our current production caps.
   Much of my time has been taken up attempting to reproduce the keyhole shape. I have filled the existing rectangular slot with body filler and then proceeded to file/scrape/mill/linish/sand/grind the filler until the keyhole shape is close the AC original. This is unfortunately very time consuming as it is easy to remove too much filler and end up having to start almost from scratch which of course means re-filling the hole , waiting for it to harden and then continuing.
   I apologise if I seem to be dragging my feet somewhat with it but it is a very high priority for myself and the company to get this master sample correct. As you know, any error in this master will be re-produced in aluminium by the casting company so I believe the extra time is well spent to get it right.
   Once I'm happy with the master I'll get a price from the casting company to add into our quoting program. I'll also need you to approve the master.
   I hope this is all satisfactory.
   Best Regards
   Chris Smallman
   Quality Engineer
   To all interested parties;
   Once I have sight and approve quality and accuracy we can proceed. Keep you posted as things develop.
   Cheers for Now


   Is aluminum the best option for the button that will chrome plated?
   Just asking...