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New Correct Ace,Aceca,Greyhound & Cobra Fuel Caps

Started by AC Ace Bristol, July 08, 2011, 09:39:08

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AC Ace Bristol

New Correct Fuel Filler Cap
   Had a meeting with Peter Killey (MD) and  Chris  a  colleague  at Ceandess Ltd. Wolverhampton, England.
   The manufacturers of the original Fuel Filler Cap fitted to The AC Ace, Aceca, Greyhound and 260/289 Cobra.
   They have agreed to manufacture a small run to the correct specification, if we can put together a block order for minumum   dozen / twenty units.
   I have arranged to take my Filler Cap off  BEX333 and take it with me to the pre-arranged  meeting next week on Thursday 14th July. Thereby we guarantee 100% authenticity prior to manufacture.
   Budget price  £45 / £50 each subject to Quantity ordered, ( P&P + vat Additional).
   Will negotiate hard to reduce price on behalf of those interested in ordering.
   Ceandess pronounced .. C & S... The internal seal anti-splash back unit that fits inside the filler cap is still available as a spare part, so those wishing to refurbish their old unit can do so.... £/$ ..[?]
   I will confirm Price of this spare part next week.
   In the meantime can anyone reading this thread please have words with other Ace, Aceca and  Cobra MK1 owners and let me know of interest shown.
   Will keep you all informed of progress..[;)]


Keith, just to keep all of the info in 1 place, I am in for for 2 caps at the target price shown.

AC Ace Bristol

Two emails received.. 8th July
   Mike Mansergh   ..  ..  ..  please reserve     1
   Tony  Michaels   ..  ..  ...   please reserve     1
   Email received from Tim Isles..  Old unit off BEX313  in post to save removing the one off BEX333.
   Cheers Tim much appreciated.  See you at Silverstone Classic Saturday 23rd July and return your fuel cap..[;)]
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)]

Gus Meyjes

I'll take one too, Keith, for my genuine, heritage, badged, real, not so real, replica, reproduction, and actually; pretty damn "smart car": RS 5038!!!
   I'm hoping that with a NOS gas cap Shep will call it the genuine article!!



Keith, There is some interest from some folks over on the Club Cobra forum and there are a few people waiting to be approved on this forum so they can contact you directly. From the responses, it looks like there will be another 6 wanted, and an aditional person has asked me to up my order to 3 to cover one he wants. Hopefully this will not confuse things, and I will try and track those requests to make sure we do not have double requests. There was also a comment from one person who said he had contacted Ceandess in the past and they said they could not find the pattern for the proper button. Hopefully that is old news and they have found the correct button pattern. Thanks again for pulling this all together.AEX125 and 1078 are looking forward to have new correct gas caps.

AC Ace Bristol

   You are correct C and S no longer have correct mould/pattern, that's why I'm taking a 1957 Ceandess/AC sample fuel filler cap with me next week, in order that we get 100% accuracy before committing to 1st batch order.
   Great to hear that various Cobra  and Ace guys in USA are showing a interest.
   John Goose ( ACOC Greyhound Registrar) has contacted greyhound owners as each greyhound has two fillers we could get a few orders.
   Nik has made contact with the 289 Guys ( Jerry Hawkridge Clan) so could well receive order from them.
   Discussed project with Tony Michaels (ACOC Chairman) who indicates that the ACOC council will consider financing project, The idea being The ACOC finance the initial order inclusive of some club stock whilst those ordering units will pay deposit.
   Have spoken to Terry Webb,  ACtion Editor, to get amention in the next ACtion Magazine, as many ACOC members do not visit the Forum.
   Ceandess Ltd have there annual shut down  the last week of June so we have a little time to put together  order and negotiate price.
   Jay,  Could I suggest you collate the order/s for  club members in USA or could you speak to Ron Leonard and sound him out for ordering a batch ..[?] from ACOC UK.  Could save money as minimum transactions hence less bank charges. Especially with exchange rate of $/£.. .. Just a idea.. ..  Your Views..[?]
   The response is positive, Hopefully we order sensible quantity which in turn will result in lower price.
   Cheers for Now
   Keith  ..[:)]..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

Email order received:
   Hi Keith,
   Put me down for a cap, I picked up an ACE kit from Jerry yesterday and mentioned these caps, Jerry said he would be interested in several if they are the real deal. Member of 289 register.
   * Please note new office telephone number below  *
   Kind Regards
   Tony Sheppard
   Managing Director
   Tony Sheppard   order for 1  acknowledged.. Subject to being 100% authentic/correct.
   Running total as midday 10th July.... 16 Caps.


    I can at a minimum coordinate the initial requests from this side and will send you a separate e-mail with names a and requests. I will have to think about handling of the monetary coordination, but we can deal with that when we get there. I have not had a chance to call Ron Leonard but will try and do that on Monday.

AC Ace Bristol

Thank you Jay for your positive response.
   Received the following from Jay, to complement earlier post.
   Keith,As requested here is a list of the folks at the Cobra Club Forum that are interested in the gas caps.
   Larry 1
   Bill E 1
   Karl 2
   Jeff 2
   Bill S 1
   Jay Peterson  2
   As I am sure you are aware the interest is in caps with correct buttons and so if Ceandess cannot make the keyhole button, then most (if not all) on the above list will not be interested.
   If Ceandess cannot produce 100% correct unit we will not proceed as it defeats the whole exercise.
   As interest continues and potential order grows we have more strength to secure our objective, That of getting the original manufacturer to reproduce exact copy.
   Please have word around with ACOC Members and enthusiasts alike and I will do my best on Thursday.
   Running Order as 15.45 Sunday 10th July.... 17 Caps  
   Cheers for Now.
   Keith ..[:)]..[:)]

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you for Agreeing to collate those interested parties in USA,
   Two More Orders from the other side of the Pond.
   There have been 2 more requests,
   Nick Acton  .  .... 2
   John O  ......      1
   Additionally, Nick is the guy who had been trying to get the caps made here in the US, and he has offered some drawings he has of the circular button if it would help in the fab at Ceandess.
   Running total as of  07.05  Monday 11th July ... 20 Caps
   Regards  Nicks offer to supply detailed drawing of keyhole shaped push button, Would appreciate copy via email, could help when negotiating pricing on Thursday.
   Thank you ( and Nick ) for your support .. .. Appreciated..[;)]

Gus Meyjes

   My friend Ron wants 2 and he is checking with Dave Wagner, who might need some as well.


Hey Keith, did you negotiate a commission for each unit sold?! LOL.
   Can`t believe with all this interest that Ceandess didn`t retool years ago!
   If there was any doubting the value of our (beloved [;)]) forum, this project alone should redress that. KL, Bloody Well Done!

AC Ace Bristol

   Thank you  for your email / order.
   Peter  Kelb  ...   ....    ....  1 Cap
   Running total as of 17.46  Monday 11th July .. .. 23 caps
   Numerous phone calls with more potential orders. So should be able
   to negotiate lower price at Thursday meeting.
   Hi Keith. Don`t suppose you could send a photo or 2 of your cap so I can post on the 289 site what an original should look like?
   I`m pretty sure Dad`s Greyhound has later-style caps fitted, but whether they are original or not I couldn`t say.
   Photo or two will be posted this evening.  (Copies sent to Nik )
   Nik...   No I didn't build in any commission, In fact I don't even need one myself ... One day I might need something for BEX333 and someone will help me .. Proves The Club Forum  can produce results.. Let's hope other items can be sourced . e.g Over riders ..[?]
   But thats for someone else..[;)]

Gus Meyjes

it still looks like nothing but puerile and banal to me...[:)]