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AC Mk V for Sale

Started by Chafford, June 06, 2011, 21:55:58

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AC Ace Bristol

   Dont take it personally.. But.
   AC COBRA MKV / MKV1,  MKV11 ...  ACs ..[?].. Since When .[?]
   The ACOC in conjunction with The AC Factory and the Hurlock Family were granted permission to use the AC  logo back in 1949 and have been proud to be associated with and wear the logo ever since.
   However Lubinski and his legal team in there infinite wisdom have taken legal ACtion and threatened the ACOC with court proceedings if they
   reproduced any item displaying the AC logo.
What bloody Planet are they on ..[?]..[?]
   No Cobra after the MK1V was ever made by AC in Surrey and should not be recognised by the ACOC.. .. as it is NOT a genuine AC.
   Please go to the back of the class and write 1000 lines.
   MK1V s were the last of the genuine Cobras, bearing the real badge with initials AC ... all others are genuine Facsimilies.

   Hopefully the ACOC can distance itself from Cobra Kits and Cobra MKVs / MKVIs / MKV11s  & MKv111s etc which masquarade as ACs..[:(]
   My personal view and shared by many members in Our Club, this Forum and our club magazine, ACtion should not be advertising or promoting non AC Manufactured Cars,  !!!  Or are we to accept all and sundry Cobra Kit Cars into our Club... [V]..[V]..[V]


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   Dont take it personally.. But.
   AC COBRA MKV / MKV1,  MKV11 ...  ACs ..[?].. Since When .[?]
   The ACOC in conjunction with The AC Factory and the Hurlock Family were granted permission to use the AC  logo back in 1949 and have been proud to be associated with and wear the logo ever since.
   However Lubinski and his legal team in there infinite wisdom have taken legal ACtion and threatened the ACOC with court proceedings if they
   reproduced any item displaying the AC logo.
What bloody Planet are they on ..[?]..[?]
   No Cobra after the MK1V was ever made by AC in Surrey and should not be recognised by the ACOC.. .. as it is NOT a genuine AC.
   Please go to the back of the class and write 1000 lines.
   MK1V s were the last of the genuine Cobras, bearing the real badge with initials AC ... all others are genuine Facsimilies.

   Hopefully the ACOC can distance itself from Cobra Kits and Cobra MKVs / MKVIs / MKV11s  & MKv111s etc which masquarade as ACs..[:(]
   My personal view and shared by many members in Our Club, this Forum and our club magazine, ACtion should not be advertising or promoting non AC product !!!  Or are we to accept all and sundry Cobra Kit Cars into our Club... [V]..[V]..[V]

   So in your opinion, cars produced by AC Heritage at Brooklands who are licenced by AC to produce continuation cars and will at some stage build the MKVI, are not genuine ACs, whereas those produced by Autokraft at Brooklands in the 1980s, again licensed by AC at the time, are!


Pulls up chair, buys a weeks suppply of popcorn......

AC Ace Bristol

   Interesting observation,  I was under the impression that the AC name was still owned by Lubinski..[?]  Sorry I didn't realise or appreciate that Lubinski was a Partner..[?] Director of AC Heritage.
   I obviously drew the wrong conclusion and thought "AC Heritage" was a Sister Company to/of Steve Greys " Brooklands Motor Company" and therefore made  (AC) Continuation Cobras under licence.
   However, MKVs and MKV1s to me are not the real Mc Coy but just another Cobra amongst the ranks of Continuations and Kit Cars.
   Enough Said !! The ACOC was formed in 1949 to use, abuse and enjoy AC Cars produced by AC Cars of  Thames Ditton,Surrey.
   That I shall continue to Enjoy.!!
   Oh  S**t... Trev I've dropped mee Pop Corn in my Coke.


Nowt worse than soggy popcorn (yuk) but for what it's worth I'm with you on this one Keith - 100%. As are, no doubt, 99.9% of all AC users and abusers! May the products of Thames Ditton live long and prosper.
   My opinons of that creation (above) are a matter of record :-)


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   Enough Said !! The ACOC was formed in 1949 to use, abuse and enjoy AC Cars produced by AC Cars of  Thames Ditton,Surrey.
   That I shall continue to Enjoy.!!

Originally posted by TLegate

   Nowt worse than soggy popcorn (yuk) but for what it's worth I'm with you on this one Keith - 100%. As are, no doubt, 99.9% of all AC users and abusers! May the products of Thames Ditton live long and prosper.

   Perhaps it's just my over-analytical interpretation of your recent postings regarding the ACOC being 'for Thames Ditton cars only', thus I think a clarification on location-based eligibility of ACOC membership is required.
   MKIV's were produced at both Brooklands and Frimley, and MKIV-CRS's at Frimley.  With the club already struggling with membership numbers & participation, it would be a pity to further alienate the owners of these cars, as without their membership there would be a very noticeable dip in member numbers and event attendance.  From personal experience, attendees at the majority of club events is massively reliant on their participation.
   Like it or not, Chafford does make a good point.  There is certainly no easy answer, but perhaps it's a date cut-off, not location cut-off, that is required?  Remember too that there are 'bonifide' AC continuation cars that were (pick your word: produced/assembled/completed...) in Frant post the Frimley shut-down. Further insight from members of this forum on these cars would also be welcome [:I]
   Hence I would propose that the ACOC is not only the preserve of Thames Ditton cars...
   PS: my popcorn is dry and ready to go [;)]


MKIV's were produced at both Brooklands and Frimley, and MKIV-CRS's at Frimley.  ...There is certainly no easy answer, but perhaps it's a date cut-off, not location cut-off, that is required?

   Date makes great sense, but only if you can determine if and when AC truly died.   Location is unimportant (or is it?).  Cars built by CP Autokraft and Ford were true AC's, and this situation is no different than the Ford Jaguars, VW Bentleys, and BMW Rolls Royces that were recently built or still being built today.  The real question is do you need a company factory location to have a marque?  An even more pressing question is: Is AC dead?
   Where is my popcorn?


Originally posted by C9OBY
Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   Enough Said !! The ACOC was formed in 1949 to use, abuse and enjoy AC Cars produced by AC Cars of  Thames Ditton,Surrey.
   That I shall continue to Enjoy.!!

Originally posted by TLegate

   Nowt worse than soggy popcorn (yuk) but for what it's worth I'm with you on this one Keith - 100%. As are, no doubt, 99.9% of all AC users and abusers! May the products of Thames Ditton live long and prosper.

   Perhaps it's just my over-analytical interpretation of your recent postings regarding the ACOC being 'for Thames Ditton cars only', thus I think a clarification on location-based eligibility of ACOC membership is required.
   MKIV's were produced at both Brooklands and Frimley, and MKIV-CRS's at Frimley.  With the club already struggling with membership numbers & participation, it would be a pity to further alienate the owners of these cars, as without their membership there would be a very noticeable dip in member numbers and event attendance.  From personal experience, attendees at the majority of club events is massively reliant on their participation.
   Like it or not, Chafford does make a good point.  There is certainly no easy answer, but perhaps it's a date cut-off, not location cut-off, that is required?  Remember too that there are 'bonifide' AC continuation cars that were (pick your word: produced/assembled/completed...) in Frant post the Frimley shut-down. Further insight from members of this forum on these cars would also be welcome [:I]
   Hence I would propose that the ACOC is not only the preserve of Thames Ditton cars...
   PS: my popcorn is dry and ready to go [;)]

   Using a date would exclude any traditionally built cars from Mr Gray's firm.

AC Ace Bristol

Bruce, Chafford and All
   The referal to Thames Ditton was regards to the frmation of the ACOC back in 1949.
   I accept all ACs from Thames Ditton plus MK1Vs, CRS, Lightwieghts etc were made by AC in SURREY . Be it during  Ownership of Hurlock Family, Brian Anglis or Alan lubinski..
   I simple cannot see how a Car produced in some other Country that has no components made / produced by AC can be a AC  other than being made under licence, thereby  buying credability/ cudos by riding on the back of ACs History.
   The AC name is so far removed from these latest creations parading around Europe & USA that they simply cannot be ACs....[:(]


As a newly joined "plastic pauper" thank God my wheel nuts say AC! Yet another reason not to change to spinners.
   Maybe membership should be based on current vehicle prices with fees proportionate to the value of ones vehicle.[;)]
   Does this debate on eligibility happen every month or only at the approach to the various summer get togethers?
   PS The other RHD MKV is also currently for sale decked out as some form of retro racer at £69,950 on autotrader, the third and last Maltese car is LHD. What about the status of the new German models?


And so where would those cobbled together in some form from an original AC chassis such as the grey 2.6 build from chassis EL 1558 or the 2nd BEX403 (or 404?) or the Cobras having duplicate chassis numbers or the new 2.6 RS5038?
   Sounds like those built in England are OK but not those built in Malta, Germany, Poland, South Africa or the US are not????
   And Keith got the popcorn all soggy so I didn't get any!


For me it will always be Derek [:)]


This always happens when the MkV (or project Kimber{Smart Ace}, or the Iconic and now MkVI! etc.)are mentioned. [B)]
   It`s a toughy, because throughout AC`s history, there have always  been 'specials', outsourcing, subcontracting, production shifts (Scottish ME, anyone?) but there has always been a link, DNA, whatever you call it, that pretty much broke after the CRS/Superblower/212SC period.
   The Texan gentleman was happy to take Polish-built Kirkhams & sell them as his continuations with 'his'* chassis numbers on,
   whilst taking pot-shots at anyone else who replicated 'his'# shape... oh yeah, and he makes his own fibreglass replicas too...
   SO, does that mean that the MkV/VI should be embraced?
   Are the AC Heritage cars, built by some guys who worked for Autokraft with some guys who built original Cobras at Thames Ditton on some of the original tooling to the correct spec & method any less of an AC than a MkIV which (most) of the ACOC are happy to have in the fold?
   We`ve not really touched on the Brooklands Ace/Aceca lines which could have been the real 'next generation' of AC`s had circumstances not dictated otherwise, and would probably have negated much of this discussion! The DNA is there too...
   Although a lot of us DO agree on much of this, there will always be small areas of grey, maybe BIG areas, but the one thing we should all unite for is the identity of the club being retained for the enjoyment of those that have done so much to promote the very brand that they can no longer depict in their logo!!!
Vive La

   *(but we never did get a definitive answer to the "what does CSX stand for"? question!)
   #(but who`s shape was it really? Alan Turner, John Tojeiro, Ferrari, list goes on..& on...!!)

cobham cobra

Sorry chaps, you've caught me on the hop with this one. The next (quarterly) discussion of this topic is not scheduled until later in June [;)]
   An additional definition of an AC car could be the following:
   • If the man with the hammer and the box of spanners received a payslip each week from AC Cars, it would suggest he was making ACs.
   • If the company paying the rent on the factory was AC Cars, or owned, or part owned by AC Cars it would suggest they made AC cars.
   Maybe the above would be too simple ?
   Regarding Keith's suggestion the club should not be advertising or promoting non AC Manufactured Cars, I see your point, but don't agree. Some of the people a blanket ban would affect are also the people making the bits that keep our cars on the road.
   Please let me know when we've all been round the usual houses with this topic and then I can step back in and talk about Iconic badge engineered historic desk racing.[:D]
   PS: Trevor, got any popcorn left ?