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Ace Bristol brakes gearbox removal, wheels tyres

Started by Glen Smytheman, May 20, 2011, 21:16:33

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Posted for and on behalf of BEX308, whom I think trumps all of you![;)]:
   "Hello...I was at the shop yesterday inspecting progress on BEX 308 and took these pictures of a surviving original tire. As you can see they were 5.50X16 Michelins and were made in England not France. A picture is worth a thousand opinions!
   Best Regards,



Posted for & on behalf of jp7025,
From email: Michelin X tyres supplied to me 2 or 3 years ago by Longstone Tyre...They have been very satisfactory and I highly recommend.
   Definitely not out of the original "Made in England" 1950's mould but possibly Michelin was also supplying 5.50 X 16 's from France at the same time.




Jonathan, nice set up! The French made Michelin X above are made from original molds with modern gum. I grew up in France and just about every French car was equipped with Michelin X which was the first radial tire. The radial tire was invented by Michelin in 1949. in 1951, the Michelin X was factory installed for the first time, by Lancia on the Aurelia. Starting in 1955 the X was installed on most cars sold in France. I can tell you the thread pattern above is the only design I have ever seen, mounted on Tractions, 2cvs, Renault 4cvs, Dauphines, Facel Vegas etc. I have never seen the thread on the English made Michelin X before, not in France. So these days, if you want a Michelin X that is the thread you will get. Incidentally, for myself I would never buy a NOS tire as the gum deteriorates with age and would make the car rather unsafe. (for museum purpose only).
   In the 50s, the X was so superior to any other period tire that it was installed on many rally cars of the time and without factory support with victories in the Monte Carlo, Mille Miles, Acropolis, Tour de Corse, Etc.


Nik, Thanks for the posting, i tried manfully with your how to post instructions, even roped in a grandson but to no avail!
   Emmanuel.Thank you for your information which supports the possibility that Ace 5.5 X 16 Michelin X were originally supplied from France or at least some of them were.
   Best regards to all,
   Jonathan Parker
   AEX 1194


Nik, Thanks for the posting, i tried manfully with your how to post instructions, even roped in a grandson but to no avail!
   Emmanuel.Thank you for your information which supports the possibility that Ace 5.5 X 16 Michelin X were originally supplied from France or at least some of them were.
   Best regards to all,
   Jonathan Parker
   AEX 1194

Glen Smytheman

Hi all,
   Longstone are currently out of stock.  Is anyone aware of a supplier that has the Michelin X tyres in stock at present?


   If they don't have them or can order them, you could buy directly from France.
   In France, any Michelin distributor can order vintage tires. Maybe you should try in Calais.


Posted for & on behalf of BEX308:
    Attached are the pictures of the 6.00x16's I bought for my Ace in December of 1971. As you can see they are the same tread pattern as the 5.50's that were made in the UK that were original to the car; but the 6.00's were made in France .
   I was told at the time that Michelin made these for use on Jaguar XK-120's and 140's; but they worked fine on the rear of my Ace. The cost at the time was a staggering $47.50 each, I still have the receipt! If everyone thinks the selection of 16 inch tires suitable for an Ace is limited today these were the only game in town in the early 70's:




Are you sure these are actually X tires? I have never seen these!  Here is a link to the French Michelin website in English:;=EN
   And dealer site in French unfortunately:


Yes they are Michelin X's; if you look carefully at the picture with the size the X follows the size numerals. Sorry about the focus on that one.