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Wanted to buy - Soft Top and Frame

Started by, September 02, 2024, 16:43:53

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Car came with original tonneau cover and side screens with bag but no soft top, or frame.  Happy to purchase in any state as I would prefer an original.

Thank you in advance,


AC Ace Bristol

Re: soft Top and Frame

BEX389 has a flat windscreen...  ..     Make sure if buying Second hand, the soft top is for a Flat Screen Ace not a Curved screen Ace.
Last but not least Good Luck with your quest for pre 1968 History on BEX389, e.g. first owner /s.
Cheers for Now.


Found a name onthe first page of the Instruction Manual, R. Stirlem.

AC Ace Bristol

R Stirlem First Owner of BEX389 ??

A potential lead to confirm the first owner ?  That is assuming the manual came with BEX389 when it left the Factory ( 20th December 1957) and wasn't bought years later by R Stirlem  whom passed on his Manual from a different Ace Bristol. or was bought at a garage sale or recently purchased  on ebay.
It is a potential  lead. But requires more research to authenticate , prove and definitely confirm  R Stirlem  is / was The First official Owner.


Just further to Keith's point I don't think that even all the flat screens were exactly the same size and the shape of the back of the soft top hood depends on whether the car has a "long" or "short" boot/ trunk.

For what it's worth I am 6 foot tall and couldn't sit in my Ace with the hood up. I ended up having taller hood hoops made up and a new hood to fit.

Ben Morgan
PS Even with a new hood you still get wet

Well, I am not sure I would ever put the top up, it just that I need it to have a complete car.  I have found most of the pieces, including a trimmer to make the hood but cannot source the bows, where did you have them made?  Or, do you still have the regular ones, I would be happy to purchase them from you?


We reused the hinged part of the hoop so my old ones are no good.

Have a look at They do parts for Cobra replicas but will know whether the hood hoops for an Ace are the same.
