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Membership fee payment

Started by ANF289, May 19, 2011, 19:21:11

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Robin A Woolmer

Credit Card Method of payment has been available for a long time as i understand it,as most modern people have one, i do not understand why dues are therefor not paid.

Gus Meyjes

   filling your number out on a paper and than mailing it in is not the same as going onto the website and entering your data like with any web based retail business. Having your number written down on some paper greatly increases risk of fraud. I don't like it.

Robin A Woolmer

   I understand & agree, lets hope things will be resolved very soon, we need to get out of this mode & back into supporting each other to improve their cars & solve any problems, i would like to see more members wherever they may be then perhaps improvements can be made for all to enjoy.


It sounds like Thursday's ACOC Council meeting will be a busy one. It's interesting that the posts from members and non members who I know or have corresponded with, are positive. I always look on the bright side, and see a whole world full of really great enthusiasts who want to share their knowledge and experience. Long may it continue. Anyone who is on the tipping point of not renewing their membership, please think positively and lets all make the ACOC OURS! We are the future, and maybe that means change. Let's be sensible and embrace the good changes, and drop the negative influences whether they be old or new. Hell, we're a car club not bickering politicians! Andy.

Gus Meyjes

Sounds wonderful, but I'm afraid that is not the sentiment of many as I understand it. I'll just await and see what happens.


Live in hope! Why is it that 740 members are happy to go with the flow, but the 10 who don't are the ones who stand out and get remembered? Like a lot of modern life, we seem to dwell too much on the disasters because that is what sells newspapers. Let it go and concentrate on what we can enjoy.


There are several Council Members who have contributed to this thread who will be attending the Council meeting this coming Thursday evening.
   To reiterate the main point to be resolved is payments to the Club by PayPal, or a similar method, regardless if they are for subs or regalia payments.
   Should any member/non member wish to have a question raised on their behalf relating to this thread please note it down  before, lets say, Wednesday midnight UK time.

Gus Meyjes

Correct Terry,
   However, considering the very strong feelings voiced here recently and in private among members, I hope that the counsil meeting will encourage open discussion about the fact that there are people who are unwilling to re-instate their membership based an recent and previous events.
   I would suggest that the club strongly considers inviting all member's opinions on it's organization and invite commentary and suggestions for change in more ways than one. I am not in the UK and therefore not privy to behind the scenes discussions at events etc, however it seems to me there are more than just a few people unhappy as Shep puts it. And some of those hold him in very high regard and in my opinion are very valuable contributors to the knowledge distributed on matters AC.
   So, I could be wrong, but I believe what started with a simple question on ease of payment has become a referendum on the club in the eyes of some. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. I do think that the club would stand the risk of getting competition from people interested in setting up another club. In my view ACOC would be much better off avoiding that by changing some of it's ways...

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by SBB

   Well said.  Much of the feed into the Forum is puerile and banal. It is no wonder a huge nunber of Members never look at it.
   Other clubs such as the VSCC do not have a free for all facility on their forums and posting of comment is only open to members.
   I am of the school of thought that the forum as it currently exists does the club no favours. The club cannot use the AC logo any more because Lubinski, who is not a member, did not like what he saw written aboput him and wanted censorship of free speech.
   I rest my case.

   Terry Webb, Bryan Moseley  &  Simon Bathurst Brown
   The initial cosmopolitan thread  ( 19th May 2011) was discussion on Payment of Membership, This produced some 33 constructive responses.
   There then followed from 17th June to the 23rd June a series of Sign Up and Pay Subs or theres a GOOD CHANCE this FORUM will become ACOC MEMBERS ONLY !.... Culminate in the equivalent of  Verbal Diarrhea from SIMON BATHURST BROWN..[:(!]..[V]
   The **** hit the fan and there followed the most vigorous and damaging series of responses, again very Cosmopolitan representing England, USA and Europe.  In a matter of 4 days 33 Responses. [:0].
   A record number of responses to a single topic. Since the start of our FORUM......... Surely this makes a SERIOUS STATEMENT !  85 Replies and read 2319 times
   So please do not brush these subjects under the  carpet at the forthcoming Council Meeting ( Thursday 30th June ). Address both subjects... The Initial prior
   to being Hi-Jacked reference:-
   PAYMENT of  ACOC MEMBERSHIP and  secondly the subject that has roused so such venom
   Both subjects need to be addressed and hopefully uncensored Minutes  are published in ACtion in order that those members who have yet to visit the FORUM and are blindly unaware of the internal politics of the ACOC are Privy to all the facts and can draw their own conclusions.
   Please be constructive, discuss openly and democratically and not take the ACOC down the slippery slope, We have lost our AC LOGO, lets not put another nail in the Coffin.. The ACOC deserves better, it has lasted 62 years so please treat it with the respect it deserves

Gus Meyjes

   Counsil meetings should be open to attendance of interested members.
   Meeting minutes should be verbatim and posted on the forum.
   ACOC needs to revise it's policies and attitude towards later cars and on it's registry or, lack thereof,
   of perfectly legitimate AC cars, similar to SAAC's registry recognizing and cataloging cars from the post AC/Shelby era.


raise the total fess and allow those of us that wish to pay by Paypal or some form of credit card and be done with it>


Originally posted by ANF289
QuoteOriginally posted by jbottini
raise the total fess and allow those of us that wish to pay by Paypal or some form of credit card and be done with it>
 The ACOC should be able to provide electronic bill pay and still lower the international fees by eliminating postage and providing PDF files of Action in the members-only section.


Are there any ways to negotiate or somehow sway Lubinski for the club to be able to use the AC logo again? Don't forget it's in his interest to be positively depicted here. He does own the AC brand and I imagine he is producing cars. I think the Club has such a long history that it can bring legitimacy to any new endeavor. AC need the ACOC and vice versa. Shelby had a fight with SAAC a little while ago but they made up, both realized they needed each other. I think the same is true here. He may own the brand but without the support of the club and it's members, it's meaningless.


Rest assured I will be there on Thursday, and will support a proposal to make electronic transfer of subscriptions possible. As you all know, I also support keeping the Forum open to all, as it provides a wonderful source of information to all AC enthusiasts, whether members or not. My concerns with the recent exchanges have been the tone and language. Please don't rise to the bait, let it calm down a bit, and the Club will take notice of the positive suggestions. Regarding the Council meetings, they are open to members who would like to attend. Anyone who wishes to give their time for free will be welcomed onto the Council, irrespective of age, wealth or possession of family silver! A couple of Council Posts will become vacant this year, and will be advertised. Minutes of the meeting are circulated to Council Members, but a decision was taken not to publish them on the Website as the detail can easily be misinterpreted by those who did not hear the full discussion. If anyone wishes to take Terry's invitation to add to the agenda this Thursday, this is your chance to contribute, but please be positive. Andy


As one of the younger council members I really just want to support what Andy has suggested above, we are all well aware of issues regarding payment options for both subscriptions and regalia. If nothing else this thread has reinforced the need to move this situation beyond debate and in to action.
   Incidentally those forum contributors that believe the Council all to be "Old Guard" a couple of facts below.
   Age range of Council members from 40's to 70's (number of Council members = 19)
   Whilst all Council members happen to own Ac's the cars owned represent pretty much the entire AC catalog.
   Vintage, PVT, 2ltr, Ace, Aceca, Greyhound, Cobra, 428, 3000ME, Mk4,  Ace Brooklands and CRS.
   David Goose