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ACOC National Day 75th anniversary

Started by dsjw1, June 01, 2024, 05:42:26

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What an incredible weekend! It was so nice to meet so many of you who I know only through this forum or AC Action articles. Kudos to Leo Archibald and his tireless efforts for the events, the likes of which apparently haven't been seen previously. 85 people at the dinner that was first class. Priest House was a great location perhaps only rivaled by Great Northern Classics for the show itself. Unfortunately I only got to preview the show for a short time as I had a pre-determined date with a Leeds United disappointing loss at Wembley but got to see incredible cars in a fantastic setting. Just a few folks that I recall meeting of course Leo and his lovely wife Resa, Mike Smith, John Spencer, Bertie, Barrie Bird, Andy Shepherd, Russ Swift, Colin and Wendy Naish, Norman Burr, Mike Berrisford, Rob Tojeiro, Kevin Schilling and I know there were many others. It was a long trip from the US but it was inspiring and makes me want to be more active with the club. It has a very sound foundation with so many passionate members who care. Learning the clubs history was also eye opening to me.  Thanks again my friends for an unforgettable weekend!


Such a pleasure to meet you and hear you reminiscing about those far off Buckland days.
Safe journey home and I hope we meet again, meantime enjoy your A.C. motoring in your lovely Buckland