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Road pricing in the UK

Started by cobham cobra, December 21, 2006, 10:59:58

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cobham cobra

As no one appears to be interested in this topic I have deleted it.


John, Thanks for posting the pricing thread, I went and signed the petition, just forgot to reply to the post!

cobham cobra

   Thanks for your comment and your signature, I thought it strange to get zero feedback.
   Cheers - John.



Just to let you know I also signed up.We used to have civil liberties - then we got ourselves a Labour Govt.


Max Allan

Me too!! Not that Blair and his cronies will take note - too good an opportunity to further control the populace and screw it for yet more tax to p*** up against the wall!!

cobham cobra

Thank you all for letting me know I'm not the only one against this highway robbery. For a while I thought I was the only "grumpy old man" on our forum :)
   Cheers - John.

AC Ace Bristol

   Alias Grumpy Old Cobham Cobra, or Grumps 4 short.
   You might be GRUMPY, you might be OLD.
   But the rest of US   (ACE & Cobra Owners) are the New Kids on the Block,  Eat yer heart out....
   Enjoy your Cobra.... Drive it Like You Stole It !!!!
   Seriously   ..... JOHN.... We agree with you, regards origonal subject of Highway Robbery.  Give Blair and Brown a Blast in the Black Beast,  Clear their heads and we could all enoy !!


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
...Give Blair and Brown a Blast in the Black Beast,  Clear their heads and we could all enoy !!

   ARE YOU MAD??? That would be like stuffing a lb of medium rare Prime Rump down a veggies` throat![:0] (OK, tempting[}:)], but you know it wouldn`t work[:(!])

cobham cobra

One million signatures and counting. That's how many it took to persuade the Government to admit that it should listen to those opposed to road charging, as it reacts to the petition on the 10 Downing Street Web site.
   On the BBC's Today programme this morning (12 Feb), transport secretary Douglas Alexander pledged to listen to those who oppose road charging, which is its preferred solution to road congestion. He said it was important to deliberate and discuss, and then take a decision. However, that's all he did say -- there was no promise to take account of people's views.[:(!][:(!]
   The Government's been saying for years that doing nothing is not an option, but its solution involves finding out when and where people are driving, and charging them accordingly.
   The petition opposing road charging was started last November. It hit 400,000 signatures on 15 January and 600,000 just two weeks later. The next 400,000 needed to take it to one million -- the event happened on Saturday -- arrived within two weeks. At the time of writing, it had reached 1,128,345; the second biggest petition calls for the scrapping of inheritance tax, and stands at only 47,602 signatures.


I live in West London and I drive to and from Reading where I work, 40 miles each way, every day.
   I have to buy a parking permit (over £100 pa = TAX)
   I pay the Congestion Charge (over £100 pa = another TAX).
   I pay Road Tax (another TAX)
   I pay tax on my fuel (another TAX)
   and I pay tax on my insurance premium (another TAX)
   I pay Value Added Tax (now there's an oxymoron!) on all my car maintenance (TAX again)
   Rail travel is slower, unreliable, not door to door, and actually more costly!
   If the government were to charge me YET ANOTHER TAX to use the roads I have paid so much for already, then, by current estimates on the costs, I would actually have to quit my job as the road charges would make it economically unviable for me to continue to work!
   Well they say every democracy gets the government it deserves.
   Next time you hear some pillock spouting off about how crap the government is ask him this:  Did you vote? If the answer is "No" tell him to shut up as he has no right to comment.
   The rest of you - use that vote - and lets make damn sure Holy Blair and his minions don't get in again.
   Amen - End of Sermon

cobham cobra

Well put and I totally agree, but I haven't even got started on the Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) or Road Fund Licence. Tony and his mates have a new idea to target classic cars and especially vehicles such as MKIV's. At the moment most MKIV's fit into the pre-graduated charging scale but there is talk in a couple of the classic car magazines of government plans to change the annual fee to £1,000. This will effectively change the tax from a contribution to road costs into a tax on ownership.
   I understand from reading another website that re-registering your car in Ireland could become very attractive.
   Happy motoring - John.


Originally posted by cobham cobra your car in Ireland could become very attractive.
   Happy motoring - John.

   Should we do it 3 times, to be sure, to be sure, to be sure? [:o)]
   I would prescribe a visit to  SNIFFPETROL from whence I quote:
   "...Meanwhile, the hunt for the perpetrators of recent transport related letter bomb attacks in London and Berkshire continues. "We believe these attacks were committed by a motorist who has grown sick and tired of this government's ludicrous, knee jerk, super tax based road transport policy," said a police spokesman. "And we hope to start interviewing all 25 million suspects shortly"..."[:D]
   Yesterday it was reported (on Radio 1... yes, I am a trendy young whippersnapper, aren`t I) that "...despite the petition reaching a million, trials of the tax will go ahead..." but today, the same newsteam reports that the tax will "...probably be scrapped due to huge public opposition..." .
So next we need to petition to get a rolling '25 year old' Classic Car tax exemption? [?]

cobham cobra

Hi Nik,
   So Trevor L wasn't joking when he reffered to you as "Young Nik".
   OK the next govenment petition is about scameras
   Unfortunatly I don't think Tony and Gordon will let go of such a successful money maker