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ACOC Facebook page

Started by dsjw1, March 14, 2024, 05:32:50

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Who is running this? It is extremely dormant. We need more presence promoting events and celebrating AC ownership.


There are actually two FB pages for the ACOC both dormant. I did offer to update them a while back but nothing came of it.
to be honest FB is very old news now and Instagram needs to be incorporated to get best follwing. plus members would need tp engage on both FB and insta to get things moving.


As the Facebook page is dormant does that say that members and those interested use this Forum in preference?
There are several websites for the various AC models as we are all aware of and frequent.
Surely the more websites and other social media platforms available only goes to dilute those interested in posting informative information - asking themselves where best to post to get the best response. If messages are posted on this forum then they can disseminated to other sites etc as need be.
To me this Forum should be and continue to be the focal point for the AC enthusiast.



Terry wish we could have found time to discuss this last weekend. It flew by didn't it? Facebook in my opinion has significantly more traffic than this forum at least as it relates to our Buckland page. I know some folks don't subscribe to social media but that's where it's at imo. Perhaps there's a way to cross post to have it in both places? The ACOC Instagram page has been more active in last year. The ACOC Facebook page may as well not is way out of date.  I'm active in several associations using social media and they're not all evil I promise. It may be a way to further reach our next generation of potential members if administrated correctly and frequently. Thanks!