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16/80 Exhaust Expansion Chambers

Started by ian wayne, March 01, 2024, 01:20:58

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ian wayne

I am working on a last few details of L593, in the hope of getting it accepted at Pebble Beach this year.  As such, I wonder if someone out there might have a pair of expansion cans as originally fitted to either side of the of the exhaust manifold down-pipe?  I realize these devices are now held in low regard, as they supposedly do more harm (robbing power) than good (silencing).   My intention though, is to internally blank them off, so they become strictly decorative.  Therefore, whatever "magic" they had inside, does not need to be in working order.  Even good close-up photos of installed units would be appreciated, in the event I need to fabricate my own.

One other bit I am searching for, is a non-drilled (for mascot) radiator cap.  Though the car is fitted with a lovely "Greyhound of the Road", I feel that in a non-concours situation, the urge to adopt a puppy may be too great for some.  Having a plain cap would be perfect for everyday use.  If one were crazy enough to drive the old girl on a daily basis in an urban area of 18M people, that is!

Big col

Hello Ian, I hope someone can help more than me. Anyway The youtube link below shows the start up of my engine. It shows a temporary setup for testing purposes. I have no idea if this is a bodged arrangement or what was actually used. It may help for a general view or better still, get your post generating some interest.

By the way, I know what you mean about the risk of mascot bandits. I remove the mascot from the cap and put a dome head bolt in it. Its not an ideal answer but will put me on until I can get a plain cap.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.

ian wayne

Thanks Colin.  Your exhaust setup looks exactly as mine does now, with the two perpendicular pipes capped off.  Those would be where the expansion cans were originally fitted.  I will hold out hope that there are a couple floating around out there.

Good thought on the radiator cap workaround!  I may well go that route.


Please find attached photo of my exhaust system on L604.
If you would some dimensions to manufacture a pair. I can measure them for you.
Kind regards
Rod North
1938 AC 16/70 dhc

ian wayne

Hi Rod -Thanks for the photo, and yes, if it's not a problem for you to measure the diameter and length, that would be very helpful.  I'm starting to get the feeling I will be having to make a dummy pair.  Wondering though, are the any markings that indicate who, if not AC directly, made the canisters?  Perhaps similar units were used on other marques of the time.  Cheers, Ian


Hi Ian,
I have an original 16/80 exhaust manifold, with the silencer chambers attached.
It most unlikely I'll ever need it so, drop me a line.
hommedespere AT gmail DOT com