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Door Trim

Started by gerardwsykes, February 23, 2024, 10:46:21

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My Brooklands driver's window has come off its runners and I need to remove the door trim to access it. Any advice as to how to proceed without damaging the trim ?  Thanks


Its a long time since I removed the door trim, but here goes.
There are four screws at the bottom of the door trim underneath the trim part of the door, remove these.
There is a screw retaining the inner door handle, remove that carefully. This will separate the handle from the
door trim, see pic.
There maybe screws in the armrest, check, and remove if there are.
Pull the lower part of the trim away from the door a couple of inches, make sure the door handle is free and doesn't follow
with the trim.
Then push upward until the trim lifts off the top of the door.
The window control switches can be disconnected after or before but I think it is easier to disconnect them after as they are not that
easy to remove first without damaging the wood surround (I think I pushed them out from behind).
Secure the door handle without kinking the wire.

Good luck /Paho
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Spot on PAHO

No screws in the armrests on my car and be careful not to pull or kink the cable from the door release, if this cable is left connected to the interior handle do support the door card/trim rather than leave it hanging by the cable.

Window runners and scissor mechanism are Sierra Mk1 (Front) and new plastic type guide wheels are available if required, if not greased they can break up.
All will be apparent when door card/trim is removed, simple job and slots back in far more easily than anticipated.



I managed to kink the wire on both my doors when replacing the window motors. Ford part number is 92GBA22600-AA.

Do not fear the wire is easy to straighten if it gets bent. Wrap cloth around wire, apply pressure and draw the length of the wire in a gentle curve so the bend "disappears". Wire gets very hot when you do this from the friction.  Alternatively find a retired GPO telephone engineer who's worked on Strowger type exchanges and ask him to straighten the wire for you. The principle is the same as straightening GPO 3000 type relay contacts. If you are unsure practice on a thin wire clothes hanger first (I would post a video but my better half has re-cycled all our dry-cleaner hangers, can't persuade her that re-cycle is old-hat and "RE-USE" is now all the rage!)

I think window roller guides for SAAB 9-3 and 9-5 models are similar and are readily available, but compare with the original on your door first.
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Belated thanks to "paho" and David Goose for their helpful replies. Window now sorted and working !