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AC Owners’ Club National Day 2024

Started by terry3000me, February 06, 2024, 22:55:06

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The ACOC National Day and Concours will be on Sunday 26th May 2024 at the newly opened Great Northern Classics, ( facility in Derby.

This year the Club is not only celebrating its 75th anniversary, making it one of the oldest single make car clubs in the UK, it will be celebrating many other AC landmarks.

There will be a static display of AC cars including the Jack Sears 'Black Flag' race winning AC Cobra '39 PH', the AC Cobra Coupe produced by AC Cars for Le Mans, tested by Peter Bolton and Jack Sears, on the M1, at 185 mph, and the AC Aceca once owned by Sir Donald Campbell, plus several more AC cars from years gone by.

The event begins at 10.30hrs, with the gates open at 09.30hrs; the day will include several talks on the marque with a tour of the Great Northern Classics facility open to all. The Club Concours will be held at lunchtime with awards at 14.30hrs and the event concludes at 15.00hrs. Lunch and refreshments will be available.

The event is open to everyone, not just AC members, with an admission charge of £12 per person payable on the day.

For those considering making a weekend visit to Derbyshire there is a Club Meal arranged on the Saturday evening, 25th May, at the Priest House Hotel, Castle Donington. The Club has reserved rooms at the hotel too. Details of which can be found in ACtion.

For further information please contact the event coordinator; Leo Archibald, E: Tel: 07419 128885.


I am flying over from the US for this event. Really looking forward to connecting with so many of you AC owners in particular the Buckland owners. What can we do to spread the word? Leo has done an amazing job and we need to make him proud and reward his efforts with a solid showing!


All the best to Leo for going for it. Best of luck to all. I wont be there as Ol Girl off the road at mo for a refit ;D

Stay safe

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


You should come regardless. Your presence and knowledge would be appreciated!


Well done to all those involved in what was a very successful and well attended Dinner and National Day at the weekend.


Thanks to member Ian Strange who has prepared a YouTube video of the event. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy. Ian has created a very professional overview of the day, use this link:



This is an excellent video by Mr. Strange. Thank you very much for that, especially for those who could not attend.

Congratulations to Mr. Archibald for setting up what seemed a brilliant event with an incredible turn out.