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AC Sociable for Sale

Started by AE413, April 04, 2011, 10:38:09

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I see there is a 1911 AC Sociable included in Cheffins auction of 16 Aprill 2010. The car is Chassis No 603, Reg No CY491, Engine number is not given. I cannot spot this car either in the AC Owners' Club register, or the Veteran Car Club membership list.
   John D


1912 AC Sociable. Engine No.NZ2211(894).

Due to reaching an advanced age, the owner of this car decided to put it up for sale.

Car in New Zealand.
Regarding the price, the owner is waiting for offers from potential buyers.

The history of this car is described in the magazine "Beaded Wheels" 1989 (#179)

Glen Smytheman

Hi Andrey1976b - I own Ace Bristol BE1175 and live in NZ - do you have the contact details for the owner of this car - it was listed in Facebook marketplace along with the Bristol type 403 in the photos in the background but the listing has expired.  My best contact is glen at wbb dot co dot nz    Many thanks