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BE 646

Started by dkp_cobra, March 21, 2011, 16:17:16

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I do not think I have ever seen one with only 1 wire, or is it the photo?
What sort of equipment do you use to monitor AFR?
Sorry for the questions, just interested in what others do. I have used a Zeitronix wideband and now PLM devices with a fully programmable ECU, though that's with another car.


Quote from: TTM on June 15, 2023, 12:11:13
I do not think I have ever seen one with only 1 wire, or is it the photo?
What sort of equipment do you use to monitor AFR?
Sorry for the questions, just interested in what others do. I have used a Zeitronix wideband and now PLM devices with a fully programmable ECU, though that's with another car.
No, it't really one wire. The AFR meter is a simple little box connecting with three wires: plus, minus and the signal coming from the sensor.


Some saddler work on the dashboard and the internal door panels. First, a 2 mm foam rubber was glued on the parts.

The second step was gluing the leather on the foam rubber. Looks simpler than it is due to the quite large surface.

The glove box is covered with hair carpet. I used this carpet in my MK IV and it will be the carpet for the complete car.

Checking, whether everything fits into the car.


Wow, my last update was in summer. So, what happened during the last half year? Not so much. Nevertheless here are some pictures of the current status.
After covering the dashboard with leather I tried to do the same with the main instrument holder. This was really complicated. I had to do this work three times.

I tested the installation of additional front lamps

and cut carpet for the legroom

After that I had no excuse anymore not to start working on the doors. I postpone this for a quite long time because I had the feeling that this work will not very funny. And I wasn't disappointed  :(
The first problem was that I couldn't close the door when the inside leather cover was mounted.

Reason was that the rear lower edge of the door directed to far into the car.

After fixing that the doors closed again. The right door worked like a charme but the left door had problems with falling into the second stage of locking from time to time. The reason was the big shim under the gear wheel of the look had play and sometimes it slipped out of the central position and jammed the gear wheel. No way to fix this without opening the locking mechanism.

The reason why the shim could moved was that the guide bush was pushed to far inside and didn't guide the shim. After fixing this I assembled it but fixed the internal gear wheel with a screw just in case I have to reopen it again.

The connection of the lock with the drawbar is done by a special screw. It allows me to disconnect the mechanism and it has less play as the rivet solution.

After that I had to notice that my wife and I are to small for this car. We both had problems with the view straight on. The seats had to lift up. I produced distance bushes and covered them with carpet.

I spent most of my time trying to fit the side windows into the body. 1 mm here, 1° there and so one. A quite frustating job. After that the rear side windows had to fbe fitted. Again an awful job. And I could see that it was an awful job already in the past. A lot of holes in the B-pillar showed different attempts to mount the rear side windows. I closed them all and drilled new holes and used rivet nuts.

I am satisfied with the result on the left side

but the right side is not so good.

But I think this can only be fixed with a new rear side window frame (or a new body ...). I will keep it as it is. I checked a lot of Aceca pictures I collected during the last years and on many pictures I could see even more worse clearance.
To get the right alignment between the rear side window and the door window I lined the frame of the rear side window with 5 mm aluminium.

One little work during the last months was the installation of the outside mirror. I made a concave washer so the foot of the mirror hits the curve of the door.

That's it for this year. To be continued next year ...


No, wait. One further update these year. I made new leather covered panels for the A- and B-pillars. As usual the old panels were rotten.

The panel for the B-pillar has a folded outer edge for enforcement. After two tries I think I got it.

The A-pillar panel was easier to make but I changed the upper outline.

I think the fitting is ok, especially at the modified area.


New TOC and index. Thank you, David.


You're welcome!


which diameter is this piping?
And you made it? or bought it?


this is the original piping. 6 mm O.D. and hard as steel. I have to replace it.

Kind regards,


Dear Peter,
Thank you very much!
This is why my door is not closing then! I am using 1.4mm furflex around the window.
Good for the left door, but this thickness doesn't let the right door closing..
To make the door close, I was planning to use the furflex without the core, so it is softer and thinner, but may be there originally there was the 6mm piping?
I actually not sure anymore about the different trimming that goes around the doors. I have seen different set up.
how are you planning to go? what do you think the original trimming was?

A - I belive there was no trimming
B - I think there was Furflex
C - I have Furflex, but i think it was 6mm Piping
D - I dont know
E - I dont know



Hi Edmondo,
I can confirm that different cars had different pipes. In my car A, B and C the 14 mm Furflex was installed. The E and F section had the 6 mm pipe I showed but I plan also to use the 14 mm Furlex there. If the doors cannot be closed after that I hope I can fix it by mounting the Furflex with a little play at the wood surrounding so it can be pushed inside when the door closes. I will check this in the next weeks. First I have to paint the wood with clear coat.


Thank you!
and good idea to leave the furflex a bit loose so it can adapt better.
I will try this one before taking the core off.

AE 501

If anyone is in need of several meters of new, purple red Furflex - please don't hesitate to ask me. I couldn't use it. First is the colour, wich is not identical with maroon and second it was not possible to fit anywhere on my car because of it's thickness! I fitted self made ones all around, made from 6 and 8 mm rubber tubes and wrapped leather in the right colour. Now I'm satisfied  :)


i might need to go the same route...

Can you post a photo of the Furflex to check the colour? thanks!


AE 501

Hi Edmondo,

sorry for the delay - I will take some pics this afternoon! perhaps you can give me your email adress, so we mustn't disturb this thread any longer  ;)
